Contributions for Chess Composition Microweb
Every contribution for Microweb is very welcomed by maintainer
(me) and then by readers too, of course.
A list of people who contributed (in order of their first appearance)
- Renata Galgonová
- drew all pieces except knight, was kindly uploading my pages to my TRIPOD directory for a very long time.
- Henrieta Lörincová (my sister)
- drew knight.
- James Quah
- sent the problems for Patrol chess problems 1, discovered mistake in his own problem, judged the 25th TT CCM.
- Pavol Chalmoviansky
- kindly uploads prepared files to TRIPOD.
- Theodor Tauber
- sent the problem for Patrol chess problems 2,
all problems for Twins by moving black king in helpmate 1, of
course, works for his presentation, cooked 7, sent problems for Patrol chess problems 3.
- Christian Poisson
- cooked 51, this helpmate,
proved 10 has no solution,
reported a few typos,
expressed his opinion about helpmates with twin by moving black king,
reported unawarded distinction over this diagram,
reported anticipation of his own helpmate,
reported cook of example for 3rd TT CCM caused by wrong position of white kangaroo, by reporting false cooks in my problems pointed necessity to provide definition of beidmatt,
provided original source of Loshinskij #3, takes care of
WinChloe Echecs database that is an invaluable source of chess problems (but this is indirect contribution of many voluntary Echecs contributors too (including me in return at least a bit)),
pointed diagram error in the winner of 13th TT CCM.
- Mario Parrinello
- expressed his opinion about helpmates in 3 and 9, sent in 1 helpmate, participated in 10th TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, 12th TT CCM, participated in the first study of judging, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 28th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Janez Nastran
- expressed his opinion about helpmates in
participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section, reported mistakes
in his own compositions.
- Pál Benyovszki
- sent in judge's comments from Bakonyoszlop '98 for
7 and award,
provided announcement of T. Kardos MT.
- Henry Tanner
- submitted his h#6,5, corrected wrong remarks in his own h#8,5 and h#9, submitted 2 problems for comparison h#8 by Hans Vetter and h#9 by Alois Kenz, pointed wrong town name above diagram with #2 by Harri Hurme, gave correct name of study author Edvard af Hällström.
- Cyril Opalek
- kindly provided problems for his presentation page.
- Marek Kolcák
- reported a mistake in solution of this #2,
provided rating for solvers - 1.1.1999,
provided rating for solvers - 1.7.1999,
provided rating for solvers - 1.1.2000.
- Anders Uddgren
- judged 1st TT CCM - orthodox section.
- Camillo Costantini
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section.
- Michal Dragoun
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section and 1st TT CCM - fairy section, participated in 2nd TT CCM, sent the problems and comments serving as examples for 1st TT Becherovka and award of 1st TT Becherovka, directed 4th Chess Composition Microweb TT, participated in 4th TT CCM, reported mistakes in diagrams of these compositions: #2 Circe and h#2 with grasshoppers and nightriders, participated in 6th TT CCM - h#2, h#3 section, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, participated in 10th TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM and also judged its orthodox section, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in 20th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, judged the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, judged the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 28th TT CCM, judged the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM, judged the 33rd TT CCM.
- Krzysztof Drazkowski
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Raffi Ruppin
- participated in 1st TT CCM - fairy section, participated in 2nd TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 34th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM, participated in the 37th TT CCM.
- Frantisek Sabol
- participated in 1st TT CCM - fairy section, participated in 2nd TT CCM, participated in 8th TT CCM, provided 3 his fairy twomovers for a page Queen promotions 7, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, provided improvement of his s#2 in Mars Circe.
- Constantinos Paizis
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section.
- Leopold Szwedowski
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section.
- Menachem Witztum
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section, provided announcement of Witztum 50 JT, participated in 10th TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, provided award of Witztum 50 JT, participated in the first study of judging, participated in 20th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Shaul Shamir
- participated in 1st TT CCM - orthodox section.
- Ivan Jarolin
- organizes poll Chess Composer of Millennium, prepared special page Moment links, typed very long solution for page claiming new record for longest moremover without promoted pieces, sent the announcement of Ivan Jarolin 50 JT C 31.3.2004.
- Miroslav Brada
- submitted his works for MAFF & OWU page.
- Rainer Staudte
- reported self-anticipation of "original" selfmate.
- Noam D. Elkies
- examined examples for 2nd TT CCM and discovered my typos in the following problems: h#5 with grasshoppers, h#11 Double maximummer, h#4 in Tibetan chess, h#6 Maximummer, h#4 in Einstein chess and Circe, h#9,5 with (2,5)-leapers, h#5 with grasshopper, h#7 with nightriders and grasshopper, participated in 2nd TT CCM, contributed to discussion about claim of Lutz Neweklowsky.
- Bedrich Formánek
- kindly provided problems for his presentation page, participated in 2nd TT CCM, provided material for page claiming new record for longest moremover without obtrusive pieces, contributed to discussion about claim of Lutz Neweklowsky, participated in 9th TT CCM.
- Václav Kotesovec
- judged 2nd TT CCM, pointed error in solution of his own fairy #2, pointed error in solution of this illegal h#29, prepared 2001 year links for special page Moment links, judged 9th TT CCM, pointed error in solution of fairy #2 by Reto Aschwanden, pointed a wrong source in my fairy h#5,5 and my fairy h#6, tested longer selfmates sent for 13th TT CCM, has pointed out a few mistakes on more pages at the beginning of 2006, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, uncovered cook in s#12 by Paul Raican, reported cooks in s#25 by Ion Murarasu, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Stephen Emmerson
- participated in 2nd TT CCM, judged 13th TT CCM, provided original version of his own #2 with locusts, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Olivier Ronat
- pointed error in definition of SAT and cooked one problem at SAT presentation page, sent the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 9/1999 and their solutions, pointed error in diagram position of this #2 in Republican chess, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 10/1999, submitted originals from Problemas 25 (#2, #3, #4, #n, n>4, h#2, h#n, n>2, s#), submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 11/1999, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 12/1999, pointed some errors at presentation of Karol Mlynka, participated in Kriegspiel solving competition, pointed error in one original from Pat a Mat, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 1/2000, submitted originals from Problemas 26 (#2, #3, #4, other types), submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 2/2000, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 3/2000, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 4/2000, submitted originals from Problemas 27 (#2, #3, #n, h#, s#, fairies), submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 5/2000, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 6/2000, submitted originals from Problemas 28 (#2, #3, #n, h#2, h#n, n>2, s#, fairies), submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 7/2000, pointed minor error in solution of this s#2 by Waldemar Tura, pointed wrong twinning in W. Bruch's #2 and wrong stipulation in this h#2,5, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 8/2000, cooked two problems from PaM 28 - 701 and 707, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 9/2000, submitted originals from Problemas 29 (#2, #3, #n, h#2, h#n, n>2, s#, fairies), submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 10/2000, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 1/2001, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 2/2001, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 4/2001, submitted the originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 5/2001.
- Peter Gvozdják
- prepared Cyclone - a page about his book - and 3 sets of problems demonstrating horizontal cycles, vertical cycles and complete cycles, provided final text of his book in English and Slovak language though without tables, diagrams and figures, provided announcement of 12th Spisská borovicka, provided pictures of Cyclone, provided PDF files showing 42 Cyclone pages, provided award of 12th Spisská borovicka, provided announcement of 13th Spisská borovicka, participated in 6th TT CCM - #2, #3 section, provided award of 13th Spisská borovicka, provided material for new information pages about Cyclone, more precisely missing WCCT problems, 3 missing older problems, Cyclone news 2000 and Cyclone news 2001, provided announcement of 14th Spisská borovicka, pointed error in solution of fairy #2 by Reto Aschwanden, selected example Cyclone problems for 10th TT CCM, provided award of 14th Spisská borovicka, provided material for 3 new Cyclone authors, Cyclone: Anything new?, 12 top Cyclone problems?, 12 top Cyclone leaders, provided announcement of 15th Spisská borovicka, provided award of 15th Spisská borovicka, looked into history in 2003 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago, provided a photo from his visit of Paris, pointed error in his own r#2, provided announcement of 16th Spisská borovicka, pointed wrong refutation in official example for 16th Spisská borovicka, provided award of 16th Spisská borovicka, provided a photo from Chalkidiki 2004 congress, looked into history in 2004 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago, summarized the story of a few old and new 4-fold Shedey cycle problems, provided announcement of 17th TT Spisska Borovicka C 9.9.2005, provided award of 17th Spisská borovicka, looked into history in 2005 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10 years ago, made available list of Cyclone Additions 2005, provided announcement of 18th TT Spisska Borovicka C 4.8.2006 including original s#2, provided award of 18th Spisská borovicka, looked into history in 2006 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10 years ago, provided announcement of 19th TT Spisska Borovicka C 19.10.2007, provided award of 19th Spisská borovicka, looked into history in 2007 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago, provided award of 20th Spisská borovicka, looked into history in 2008 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago, provided announcement of 21st TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009, provided award of 21st TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009, provided picture of himself and 3x Ciclone, participated in the 26th TT CCM, forwarded a Cyclone photo from Arizona, provided announcement and award of the 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011, participated in the 30th TT CCM, provided award of the 24th TT Spisska Borovicka C 20.9.2012, provided info about FIDE Album 2004-2006, provided info about Marianka 2013, provided announcement of the 25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013, provided award of the 25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013, provided a picture of knight and duck, provided announcement of the 26th TT Spisska Borovicka C 28.8.2014.
- Alfred Pfeiffer
- pointed error in diagram position of this fairy helpmate, participated in Kriegspiel solving competition, pointed error in the solution of this h#4, pointed error in the solution of this fairy retro problem.
- Reto Aschwanden
- sent in a few problems for his presentation page, judged 3rd TT CCM, participated in and pointed a little error in judgement of 4th TT CCM, participated and pointed award mistakes in 5th TT CCM, participated in 6th TT CCM - #2, #3 section, participated in 7th TT CCM - direct section, participated in 8th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM.
- Michel Caillaud
- participated in 3rd TT CCM, participated in 4th TT CCM, pointed that last 3 problems in award of 1st TT Becherovka weren't awarded, only reported, participated in 7th TT CCM - direct section, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in 10th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, judged 12th TT CCM, participated in 16th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM.
- Brian Stephenson
- participated in 3rd TT CCM, participated in the 28th TT CCM.
- Hans Bodlaender
- jointly organized Kriegspiel solving competition, jointly organized Pocket pieces TT C 30.4.2002.
- D. Carey
- participated in Kriegspiel solving competition.
- Joseph DiMuro
- participated in Kriegspiel solving competition.
- Eugen Curtasu
- pointed error in diagram position of this h#3.
- Udo Degener
- sent announcements of three German tourneys 2000, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Mike Prcic
- turned my attention to Strategems homepage - see links.
- Gianni Donati
- reported wrong twinning in Pat a Mat h#2 original, reported cooks in his proof game, contributed to discussion about claim of Lutz Neweklowsky, pointed wrong year in closing date of 6th TT CCM.
- Gerard Bouma
- participated in 4th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in the 23rd TT CCM.
- Anatolij Chandurin
- participated in 4th TT CCM.
- Henryk Grudzinski
- participated in 4th TT CCM.
- Valerij Nebotov
- participated in 4th TT CCM.
- Hans Peter Rehm
- participated in 4th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Sergej Smotrov
- participated in 4th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM.
- Marco Pagano
- pointed error in this orthodox #2, pointed error in this orthodox #5, pointed wrong twinning in W. Bruch's #2.
- Joost de Heer
- contributed to discussion about claim of Lutz Neweklowsky, pointed mistakes in two diagrams on page Immobilization of hurdle 3, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, pointed mistakes in two diagrams on page Popular fairy problems 6, pointed error in solution of fairy #2 by Reto Aschwanden, pointed error in diagram of fairy #2 by Michael Barth, pointed errors in solution of fairy s#2 by Michel Caillaud and Juraj Lörinc, pointed general error in compilation of exchange twins, participated in the 22nd TT CCM.
- Ken Thompson
- contributed to discussion about claim of Lutz Neweklowsky.
- Chris J. Feather
- provided compositions for his presentation page, added author's comment to his h#4 from feenschach 132, provided announcement of HOTF-tourney, provided Broodings 3, made a selection of h#2s from the WCCI and a selection of longer h#s from the WCCI, judged helpmate section of 11th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, provided two helpmates by Wolfgang Pauly (1, 2), checked English of article The term ‘motif’ implies both form and content, co-judged 20th TT CCM.
- Richard Stanley
- provided 4 compositions for page about mixed Babson task.
- Torsten Linß
- found cook in my s#10 in Patrol chess, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, participated in 19th TT CCM.
- Frank Bemelman
- pointed mistake in placing of white knight in fairy h#2 by Ruud Beugelsdijk.
- Zoran Gavrilovski
- provided announcements of International amateur composing tourney C 1.3.2001 and League of Macedonian problemists C 30.12.2000, provided announcement of League of Macedonian problemists 2001, provided announcement of Macedonian Problemist 2001, provided announcement of League of Macedonian problemists 2002-2003.
- Andrej Selivanov
- provided announcements of a few Russian tourneys in 2001, provided announcements of a few Russian tourneys in 2002, provided announcement of 1st TT Ural Problemist, participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Ivan Skoba
- provided two record attempt problems by Vladimir Janal, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Uri Avner
- provided announcement of Yehuda Gringard MT, pointed little mistakein the announcement of Witztum 50 JT, pointed his own s#4, participated in 13th TT CCM, provided a few examples for 23rd TT CCM.
- Karol Mlynka
- judged 5th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 23rd TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM, provided new versions of his own 3rd Comm Lipskie Centrum Kultury C 1.9.1998 and 2nd HM Gazeta Czestochowska 1966, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, provided announcement of the Karol Mlynka 70 JT C 11.8.2014, reminded me of empty diagram of my #2 with paralysing units, participated in the 34th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Juraj Brabec
- participated in 5th TT CCM, participated in 6th TT CCM - #2, #3 section, judged 7th TT CCM - direct section, participated in 9th TT CCM, have provided Slovak version of article The term ‘motif’ implies both form and content, judged 19th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, judged the 30th TT CCM.
- Emil Klemanic
- participated in 5th TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Miodrag Mladenovic
- pointed wrong year in closing date of 6th TT CCM, submitted his works for Orthodox reflex mates 5 page, participated in 7th TT CCM - direct section, participated in 9th TT CCM, pointed error on page with orthodox PaM 30 originals.
- Pavel Kamenik
- pointed wrong year in closing date of 6th TT CCM, participated in 7th TT CCM - direct section, pointed some typos in solution of #3 by A. J. Taffs, pointed error in the link to the announcement of 14th TT CCM.
- Laurent Riguet
- pointed mistakes in the last diagram of 153rd TT Probleemblad announcement, provided picture of himself thinking over s#32 with two kings only, >pointed mistake in the award of 25th TT CCM.
- Ronald Turnbull
- provided explanation of Monochrome Circe rules used in his h#13,5.
- Johannes Quack
- reported anticipation of s#6 by Fomichev & Kirillov, pointed a s#2 with White Rex Solus.
- Daniel Novomesky
- sent in a few problems for his presentation page, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, sent his #3 for a page about new possibilities in Loyd's #3, provided problems for a page about his 50th birthday, participated in 9th TT CCM, judged 18th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Dan Meinking
- provided text and diagrams for Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT announcement, provided complete award of Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT.
- Thomas Maeder
- judged 6th TT CCM, pointed wrong date attached to some files, pointed typos in the solution of Reto Aschwanden's #2 on the board 10x10, pointed typos in the solution of another Reto Aschwanden's #2 on the board 10x10, pointed error in stipulation in the example for ISC 2008 Christmas Tourney C 20.1.2008.
- Georgij Jevsejev
- participated in both 6th TT CCM - #2, #3 section and 6th TT CCM - h#2, h#3 section, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, judged 8th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in 12th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM.
- Valerij Gurov
- participated in 6th TT CCM - h#2, h#3 section.
- Manfred Rittirsch
- participated in 6th TT CCM - h#2, h#3 section, participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, pointed mistake in the solution of ser-h#8, participated in 9th TT CCM, pointed error in definition of electron, pointed error in diagram of r#2 by JL, judged 10th TT CCM, participated in 11th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, pointed error in this diagram from 15th TT CCM, participated in 16th TT CCM, provided example for 17th TT CCM, reported typo in my fairy s#8 and link issue in the anouncement of the 28th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 10.10.2010, participated in the 27th TT CCM, reported typo in his own fairy h#2, participated in the 28th TT CCM, provided a few examples for the 29th TT CCM C 7.7.2011, signalled wrong distinction in his own fairy h#2, reported wrong twinning in fairy ser-h#8 by Alessandro Cuppini, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 34th TT CCM, pointed important typo in the announcement of TT Marianka 2014 - Fairies C 2.9.2014.
- Ladislav Salai jr.
- provided award Mat-64 2000 - #2, provided award Mat-64 2000 - #n, provided award Mat-64 2000 - s#, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM, judged the 35th TT CCM.
- Luis Flavio Soares Nunes
- provided announcement of Jornal de Solucionismo TT and mailed about its prolonging together with the name of judge.
- Hauke Reddmann
- wrote about the way of composing his h#6 with grasshoppers.
- Paul Raican
- provided announcement of 4th TT Quartz, participated in 11th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 12th TT CCM, has sent the cook of a fairy s#10 by Kjell Widlert, judged 17th TT CCM, provided new version of hs#3 by Mario Parrinello, participated in the 25th TT CCM.
- Alessandro Cuppini
- participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, participated in 8th TT CCM, participated in 9th TT CCM, participated in 11th TT CCM.
- Dieter Müller
- participated in 7th TT CCM - help section, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, provided announcement of 23rd TT Problem-Echo C 31.12.2004, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 23rd TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, pointed superfluous piece in h#2 by Juraj Brabec, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Harri Hurme
- pointed missing pawn in a fairy #2 by Milan Velimirovic.
- Michael Lipton
- reported anticipation of idea based on Loyd's #3.
- Jorge Marcelo Kapros & Jorge Joaquin Lois
- reported anticipation of their own h#3.
- Waldemar Tura
- provided announcement of Polish quick composition tourney Warszawa 2002,
provided announcement of Polish quick composition tourney Wroclaw 2003.
- Horia Teodor Visa
- participated in 8th TT CCM.
- Kevin Begley
- participated in 9th TT CCM, provided an improved version of his fairy #2.
- Johannes J. Burbach
- participated in 9th TT CCM.
- Mangalam R. Parameswaram
- participated in 9th TT CCM.
- Cosme Brull Mayol
- participated in 10th TT CCM, participated in 11th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 12th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in 16th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Jorge Brunn
- participated in 10th TT CCM.
- Jan Golha
- participated in 10th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, pointed small mistake in 18th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Miroslav Henrych
- participated in 10th TT CCM.
- Ion Murarasu
- participated in 10th TT CCM, 11th TT CCM, participated in both orthodox and fairy section of 13th TT CCM, judged 14th TT CCM.
- Alberto Armeni
- participated in 11th TT CCM, participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 12th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 34th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Emanuel Navon
- participated in 11th TT CCM, typed a part of an award of Witztum 50 JT, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Valerij Semenenko
- participated in 11th TT CCM.
- Oleksander Skrynnik
- participated in 11th TT CCM.
- Ruud Beugelsdijk
- provided explanation of his own #2 with imitator.
- Gunter Jordan
- made me aware of the mistake in his name.
- Alexandr Azhusin
- participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Michael Barth
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, pointed error in his own fairy #2, pointed error in fairy h#2 by Vladislav Bunka, judged the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 34th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Evgeny Bourd
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in the first study of judging, participated in 17th TT CCM.
- Zvonimir Hernitz
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, provided sad news about the death of Hrvoje Bartolovic.
- Alexander Hildebrand
- participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Christer Jonsson
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Enzo Minerva
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Frank Richter
- participated in 13th TT CCM, participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Viktor Syzonenko
- participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Andrejs Strebkovs
- participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Martin Walter
- participated in 13th TT CCM.
- Kalyanasundram Seetharaman
- pointed error in r#2 by Peter Gvozdják, reported cook in his own fairy #2.
- Vasyl Dyachuk
- participated in 12th TT CCM.
- Lev Grolman
- participated in 12th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM.
- Marko Ylijoki
- participated in 12th TT CCM.
- Harry Fougiaxis
- pointed wrong refutation in official example for 16th Spisská borovicka, participated in the 22nd TT CCM.
- Vlaicu Crisan
- participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 16th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, judged the 31st TT CCM.
- Eric Huber
- participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 17th TT CCM.
- Zoltan Laborczi
- participated in 14th TT CCM, provided example problem for 25th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM.
- Antonio Garofalo
- participated in 14th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM.
- Klaus Wenda
- participated in 14th TT CCM, informed us about the death of Friedrich Chlubna, has sent the announcement of Friedrich Chlubna Memorial Tourney, participated in the 26th TT CCM, provided announcement of Günther Weeth 75 JT C 31.7.2011.
- Klaus Funk
- sent two remarks on his problems 2000/2-2/1 and 2000/2-2/7 from Problem Echo 2000 tourney.
- Bojan Basic
- pointed diagram error in hs#3 in Andernach chess, pointed errors and cooks in the award of Klub Pongracz 10 JT - both sections 1 and 2, showed that one problem at SAT presentation page is completely incorrect, participated in the 27th TT CCM, reported cooks in s#10 by Raffi Ruppin, reported refutation of SAT #2 by Karol Mlynka, reported mistakes in ser-h#2 by Yoshikazu Ueda, reported mistakes in solution of =2 by Juraj Lörinc, reported defects in fairy reflex mates by Paul Raican and Theodor Steudel, reported cooks of SAT problems by Lubos Kekely and Ladislav Salai jr., participated in the 28th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Ladislav Salai sr.
- provided 3 his helpmates in SAT as originals for CCM, judged 16th TT CCM.
- Jan Kovalic
- participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Stefan Milewski
- participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Michael McDowell
- participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Wladyslaw Rosolak
- participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Andreas Schönholzer
- participated in 15th TT CCM.
- Sven Trommler
- participated in 15th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, judged the 34th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Ilja Ketris
- participated in the first study of judging.
- Peter Wong
- participated in the first study of judging.
- Bernard Delobel
- participated in 17th TT CCM.
- Michael Grushko
- participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Maryan Kerhuel
- participated in 17th TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- René J. Millour
- reported a mistake in the twinning of this ser-h#, participated in 18th TT CCM, pointed small mistakes in 18th TT CCM.
- Mirko Degenkolbe
- sent the announcement of Dieter Müller 60 JT C 14.10.2006, participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Semion Shifrin
- participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM.
- Jaroslav Stun
- participated in 18th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 23rd TT CCM, participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Bjorn Enemark
- participated in 19th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 22nd TT CCM, pointed error in solution of fairy r#2 by Nils Adrian Bakke, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, pointed mistake in the twinning of hs#3 in Madrasi by Mario Parrinello.
- Arnold Beine
- pointed cooks in the s# by Hans Moser, participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Imre Kirchner
- participated in 20th TT CCM, participated in 21st TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 28th TT CCM.
- Guy Sobrecases
- sent the cook of 2nd Prize of fairy section of 13th TT CCM, provided announcement of the ISC 2008 Christmas Tourney C 20.1.2008, participated in the 23rd TT CCM.
- Joszef Pasztor
- participated in 21st TT CCM.
- Michael Shapiro
- participated in 21st TT CCM.
- Arno Tungler
- participated in 21st TT CCM, reported correction of his own problem, provided one example for the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Hans Uitenbroek
- participated in the 22nd TT CCM.
- Franz Pachl
- participated in the 23rd TT CCM, participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Vladislav Bunka
- participated in the 24th TT CCM.
- Ken Cameron
- participated in the 24th TT CCM.
- Walter Alejandro Diaz
- participated in the 24th TT CCM.
- Jozef Holubec
- participated in the 24th TT CCM.
- Ingemar Lind
- participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Rolf Wiehagen
- participated in the 24th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Emmanuel Manolas
- participated in the 25th TT CCM.
- Pietro Pitton
- participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Pierre Tritten
- participated in the 25th TT CCM, participated in the 28th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Zdenek Oliva
- pointed error in his own problem.
- Lennart Werner
- pointed error in his own problem.
- Geoff Foster
- participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Ramaswamy Ganapathi
- participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 27th TT CCM, reported wrong position of duplex h#2 with G and N, participated in the 30th TT CCM, pointed wrong position of h#2 with lions, reported error in the position of antibattery oriented h#2, reported error in the position of #4 with berolinas, reported error in the solution of h#2 by C. J. Feather.
- Tadeusz Lehmann
- participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Cornel Pacurar
- participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Nikola Predrag
- participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Gilles Regniers
- participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Gabor Tar
- participated in the 26th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM.
- Günther Weeth
- participated in the 26th TT CCM.
- Lubos Kekely
- reported cooks of ser-h# in Pongracz Circe by Ivan Skoba, pointed missing fairy pieces in the #2 in SAT.
- Jan Ducak
- participated in the 27th TT CCM.
- Harald Grubert
- participated in the 27th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Luis Miguel Martin
- participated in the 27th TT CCM.
- Dmitri Turevski
- participated in the 28th TT CCM, participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Marko Klasinc
- provided announcement of Anton Preinfalk MT.
- Kostas Prentos
- provided a Cyclone photo from Arizona.
- György Bakcsi
- participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Anton Bidlen
- participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Geoffrey Caveney
- participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- Pedro Luis de Oliveira Costa Neto
- participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Carlos Alberto Grassano
- participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Vladimir Koci
- participated in the 29th TT CCM.
- Ralf Krätschmer
- participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- Mechislovas Rimkus
- participated in the 29th TT CCM, participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Ladislav Packa
- participated in the 30th TT CCM, participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Bas de Haas
- participated in the 31st TT CCM, participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Kenneth Solja
- participated in the 31st TT CCM.
- Diyan Kostadinov
- pointed small mistake in the solution of h#2* by Manfred Rittirsch.
- Michael Burghardt
- provided some material on empress and even his own article (pdf) about empress, participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- Jiří Jelínek
- judged the 32nd TT CCM.
- Newman Guttman
- participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- Jacques Rotenberg
- participated in the 32nd TT CCM.
- Steven B. Dowd
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Reinhardt Fiebig
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Jozef Havran
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Valerij A. Kirillov
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM.
- Viktoras Paliulionis
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Adrian Storisteanu
- participated in the 33rd TT CCM, participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Borislav Gadjanski
- participated in the 35th TT CCM.
- Kjell Widlert
- participated in the 35th TT CCM, judged the 37th TT CCM.
- Abdelaziz Onkoud
- provided helpmates for this page, judged the 36th TT CCM.
- Jean Carf
- participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Vitalij Medincev
- participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Charles Ouellet
- participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Ilija Serafimovic
- participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Ivo Tominic
- participated in the 36th TT CCM, participated in the 37th TT CCM.
- Vidadi Zamanov
- participated in the 36th TT CCM.
- Linden Lyons
- participated in the 37th TT CCM.
- Neal Turner
- participated in the 37th TT CCM.
- Marian Krizovensky
- pointed mistake in the fairy h#2 by Petko Petkov.
Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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