Award of 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Theme of the thematical tourney set by Czech participants of Netanya congress was the following: Helpmate with chameleon echo, A orthodox, B (C, D ...) any kind of fairy chess, fairy pieces are not allowed.

Examples you can find here.

Award by Michal Dragoun follows.

As far I know, only circe (or its various forms) as fairy chess was used for helpmate compositions with chameleon echo. And only helpmates in two moves. So, the possibilities for the next development have the great space.

And what was done in Netanya...

In 1. Becherovka TT I received 12 problems. Maybe is one week too short for composing outstanding works, maybe was the theme difficult. I was expecting some problems with three (or more!) positions, some combinations of fairy chess I thought as a very good for such problems (orthodox with Andernach/Antiandernach, or with patrol chess/Beamtenschach). The second possibility of enrichment of the content with strategic elements was a little bit present in the 2nd Prize. I was surprised too, that no problems were in more than two moves.
Michel Caillaud
1st Prize 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Clever using of white king to determinate by check (or by blocking of d1) both solutions with change of promotions and black tempo move in a).

a) 1.Re7 a8S 2.Rd7 f8Q#

b) 1.Kc8 f8S 2.Rc7+ a8Q#

h#2 (3+2)
a) Orthodox
b) Anticirce

Raffi Ruppin
2nd Prize 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Reciprocal change of white moves and similar strategic content of black moves (interference and blocking of c7).

a) 1.Ka2 Sc2 2.Rd4 Sc3#

b) 1.Rc6 Sc3 2.Rc7 Sc2#

h#2 (3+7)
a) Orthodox
b) Anticirce

Michel Caillaud
1st HM 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Again interesting use of fairy chess to unpin white bishop. The black pawns on the board work more against the mate.

a) 1.Kd8 Be6 2.Be8 Bg5#

b) 1.Bd8(+bpc7) Bd6(+wpf4) 2.c5 Bb5(+wpc4)#

h#2 (3+3)
a) Orthodox
b) Sentinelles

Theodor Tauber
2nd HM 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Very interesting idea in seldom type of circe. Unfortunately there is a lot of pieces blocking squares in one solution only. It disturbs me more than promoted bishop.

a) 1.Ra8 Kc1 2.Ra6 Sc4#

b) 1.Qa3 Kxa3(Qd8) 2.Ka4 Kxa4(Ke8)#

h#2 (2+12)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe Rex Inclusiv

K. Yamada
Comm 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Fairy chess is able to move with the pawn back... Pity, that the first move is the same.

a) 1.gxh5 Kf3 2.h4 Sf2#

b) 1.gxh5 Sxh2 2.Kh4(bph3) Sf3#

h#2 (3+3)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe Parrain

Michel Caillaud
Comm 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Black has no tempo move here and this fact gives the difference between both solution.

a) 1.Sf2 Sg6 2.h4 Sf4#

b) 1.Sg3 Sf5 2.Kh4 Rxg3#

h#2 (3+3)
a) Orthodox
b) Madrasi

Miroslav Henrych
Comm 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Usual avoiding of orthodox solution in circe with self-guarding of white queen in b) position.

a) 1.Ke5 Qxa7 2.f5 Qd4#

b) 1.f6 Qxe6(pe7)+ 2.Kxe6(Qd1) Qd5#

h#2 (2+5)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Michel Caillaud
Comm 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Similar mating positions as in commendation of the same author, but I consider here the play a little bit less interesting.

a) 1.Sf4 Sd4 2.Sh3 Sf3#

b) 1.Sh4 Rg2+ 2.Kh3 Sf4#

h#2 (3+3)
a) Orthodox
b) Beamtenschach

Alexandr Semenenko
Valerij Semenenko

Comm 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Only echo mates (not chameleon), but good construction (better using of bpe3 in compare with bQa7 in another circe commendation).

a) 1.Kf1 Rg2 2.Se1 Sxe3#

b) 1.Sc1 Re2+ 2.Kxd1(Sb1) Sc3#

h#2 (3+5)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Michel Caillaud
1st TT Becherovka 1999

Small example of the theme with return of black queen in a).

a) 1.Qa5+ Kc6 2.Qa4+ Rxa4#

b) 1.Ka5 Kc5 2.Qxa3(Ra1)+ Rxa3(Qd8)#

h#2 (2+2)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Hans Gruber
1st TT Becherovka 1999

Again very economic example.

a) 1...Kc5 2.Kxa5 Ra7#

b) 1...Ke6 2.Kxa5(Ke8) Rg8#

h#1,5 (3+1)
a) Orthodox
b) Anticirce

bernd ellinghoven
1st TT Becherovka 1999

I am not sure, if it could be considered as chameleon echo, but using of the white force is the greater flaw here.

a) 1...Qf3 2.Rd4 Qb3#

b) 1...Qc3 2.Kd4 b3#

h#1,5 (6+5)
a) Orthodox
b) Woozles

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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