Solver's impressions 4

Yesterday I had in a train with me recent Schwalbe issue, December 1999.
Daniel Papack
10552 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.Bxe5? th. 2.Sxf4#
1...Kxe6, Ke4, Sxe6 2.Qc4#, Qc6#, Sb4#

1.S7xe5? th. 2.Qc4#
1...Kxe6, Ke4, Sxe6 2.Sxf4#, Sb4#, Qc6#

Genial! Synthesis of le Grand theme and reciprocal change in two phases! Probably the prototype of this blend of themes.

#2 (11+9)

Gabriel Nedeianu
10574 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.Bxb4 Qe1 2.Bxa5 Qxa5#

1.Bxc6 Qe4 2.Bxb7 Qxb7#

Simple analogy in destruction of two white pieces and model mates.

h#2 (6+5)

Valerij Gurov
10577 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.cxd2 Re2 2.dxe2 Qe3#

1.cxd5 Re6 2.dxe6 Qe7#

Sacrifices of white pieces (passive, active), in first phase is evacuated mating line, in second is avoided its closing by black pawns. Interesting.

h#2 (7+13)

Zivko Janevski
10579 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.Kf4 d5 2.Rxe5 Bxf2 3.Ref5 Be3#

1.Kd3 exf6 2.Qxd4 Rxe2 3.Qc4 Re3#

Lively analogic play on a7-f2 and e8-e2 lines.

h#3 (5+7)

László Anyos
10580 Die Schwalbe December 1999

a) 1.Kf7 Rxh6 2.Kg8 Rf6 3.Kh8 Rf8#

b) 1.Bf6 Rg8 2.Kd6 Rb8 3.Be7 Rxb6#

c) 1.Kf5 Rxa6 2.Ke4 Rc6 3.Kd4 Rc4#

d) 1.Kd7 Rb6 2.Kd8 Rxb7 3.Re7 Rb8#

Not much analogy - also not all mates model - easy solving.

h#3 (2+12)
b) bBg7
c) = b) + b6 -» b7
d) = c) + a6 -» b5

Temur Tchketiani
10582 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.Sg3 Rb8 2.Kh2 Rxb4 3.Rc2+ Ka3 4.Rg2 Rh4#

1.Rf1 Rd8 2.Rf2 Rxd3 3.Kf1 Kxa1 4.Qg2 Rd1#

Colour echo model mates. With white rook it is not too difficult to find right mating positions. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) white king moves have different functions.

h#4 (2+11)

Jevgenij Orlov
Jurij Gordian

10583 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1.Bd4 Sh2 2.Bxe3 Rb1 3.Bc5 Sf1 4.Sd4 Se3#

1.Bc3 Rg2 2.Bxd2 Rf2 3.Bb4 Rf5 4.Sc3 Sd2#

Nice analogy in both black play and mates, but white strategy is not the same in both solutions. It is easy to imagine switchback also in second solution by white king, with e.g. white rook on h1 and some squares aroung white king covered by new black pieces: 1...Kg4 2...Rh4 3...Kh3. Authors were probably thinking about it, but maybe constructional difficulties were too big for them.

h#4 (7+6)

Robert Sharp
10585 Die Schwalbe December 1999

1...Qf1 2.Rc1 Qg1 3.Kd1 Qf1 4.Rc2 Qg1 5.Qf1 Qxf1#

Two ideas - tempo switchbacks by white queen and exchange of places by black king and black rook. I don't like almost missing interplay between black and white.

h#4,5 (2+11)

Theodor Steudel
10598 Die Schwalbe December 1999

a) back Kg2xRh1, 1.Kf3 ... 4.Kxc4 ... 8.Kc1 0-0#

a) back Kh2xBh1, 1.Kxh3 ... 4.Kxe5 ... 7.Kxc4 8.Kd3 Bd5=


retract 1 black move, then ser-h#8 (8+1)
b) retract 1 black move, then ser-h=8

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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