Selection from award of The Problemist 1993 - fairies

Judged by Torsten Linß. 6 Prizes, 6 HMs, 5 Comms.

As almost usually, The Problemist tourney was of high quality.

Comments by JL.
K. Balasubramanian
1st Prize The Problemist 1993

a) 1.Rxe7(Sg1)+ Kxd2(Bf8) 2.Kf4 Qxh4(ph7)#

b) 1.Rxc8(Bf1)+ Kxd3(Sg8) 2.Kxf5 Qxf3#

Unified variations with many Circe and Madrasi effects. Especially four times giving access to squares for kings by capture of piece that in turn paralyses piece originally holding flight in question is admirable.

h#2 (10+11)
Circe Madrasi
b) b1 -» d1

Raffi Ruppin
3rd Prize The Problemist 1993

1.Rh7+ Kh5 2.Re1+? Kxh4(Ke8)+! 3.Kc8

1.Rh7+ Kh5 2.Rb1+! Kg6 3.Rxb4(Ra1)+ Kh6 4.Rb1+ Kg6 5.Rxb5(Ra1)+ Kh5 6.Rb1+ Kg6 7.Bd3+! Bxd3(Bc8) 8.Re1+ Kxh4(Ke8)#

Scenario for this logical combination uses many times two effects typical for Anticirce: firstly, white rook on 1st rank leaves and enters Circe squares of white pieces near black king and thus gives check as well as new flight each time it moves, secondly, white rook, black bishop and black king, all capture and this way enter their own circe squares. Good for white, bad for black.

s#8 (6+7)
Anticirce type Cheylan

Alexandr Postnikov
4th Prize The Problemist 1993

1.Sa2? th. 2.Sc3#, 1...Gc5, Gxd6 2.Sf5#, Gc3#, 1...fxe2!

1.Sd3? th. 2.Sf5#, 1...Gc5, Gxd6 2.Gge3#, Gaa4#, 1...Gf6!

1.Gaa4! th. 2.Sf5#, 1...Gc5, Gxd6 2.Sa2#, Sd3#

Z-32-26 with two paradoxes, one threat (threat and mate Sf5#, defence Gc5), one key (1.Gaa4 Gc5 2.Sa2#, 1.Sa2 Gc5 Gaa4??).

#2 (14+8)
8+3 grasshopper

Ronald Turnbull
6th Prize The Problemist 1993

1...Kd4 2.e5! Kxe5(pe7) 3.Kg2 Kf4 4.Kf1 Kg5 5.Ke2 Kh6 6.Kd3 Kg7 7.Kc4 fxg4 8.Kb5 gxf5(pf7) 9.e5 fxe6 e.p.(pe7) 10.fxe6(pe2) e4 11.Ka6 exd5(pd7) 12.c5 dxc5 e.p.(pc7) 13.dxc6(pc2) c4 14.b5 cxb5#

2nd Black move is tempo move as in Monochrome family there is no chance to triangulate with king, not speaking about pawns.

I am not sure about the motivation of white king walk to g7, possibly it lies in definition of Monochrome Circe, on possibility is that it contains something like: "... capture is illegal if it would result in change of square colour of captured piece..."

Can anybody explain that to me?

Thanks to Ronald Turnbull, the author, we have the explanation here:
Circe Monochrome: as you would expect. Monochrome Circe: rebirths also must be monochromatic (else the capture is illegal). It should be obvious that there is no possible mate in Circe Monochrome and I hoped solvers would make the leap to Monochrome Circe. There had been an article about such double stipulations (eg Madrasi Patrol <> Patrol Madrasi) in the Problemist.

h#13,5 (2+7)
Monochrome Circe

Yves Cheylan
2nd HM Prize The Problemist 1993

1.Rcg1 2.Sc1 3.Bd1 4.Ra4 5.Ra1 6.Kd8 7.Qe4 8.Qe1 Ke8=

The problem with interesting final position - 4 black pieces are pinned by pawn c7 and queen by ke8.

ser-h=8 (4+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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