Three new Cyclone authors

Look at the three selected problems by new CYCLONE authors.
Vasil Markovcij
1st Prize SOKS-50 C 28.6.2002

Shedey cycle with one bK defence.

1.dxe6? th. 2.Bc6# A
1...Rxf3 a 2.Qd3# B
1...Kd5 b 2.Qc4# C

1.Bc5! th. 2.Qd3# B
1...Rxf3 a 2.Qc4# C
1...Kxd5 b 2.Bc6# A

#2 (11+10)

Harri Hurme
5th HM The Problemist 2000

Djurasevic cycle in variations of a threemover.

1.Bd2! th. 2.Sxe7+ Kxd4 3.Sbc6#
1...Sfxe5 2.dxe5 A th. 3.Qd3# B, 2...Sxe5 a 3.Sxe7# C
1...Sfxd2 2.Qd3 B th. 3.Sxe7# C, 2...Sxe5 a 3.dxe5# A

#3 (9+7)

Franz Pachl
Probleemblad 2001

Djurasevic 5/1 using Grasshoppers only.

1.Bd5? B th. 2.Ba7# C
1...Ge5 a 2.Se2# D
1...Sc4 b 2.Rxe4# E
1...Gc6 c 2.Gxd6# A
1...Sb5 2.Ga1#

1.Gxd6! A th. 2.Bd5# B
1...Ge5 a 2.Ba7# C
1...Sc4 b 2.Se2# D
1...Gxc6 c 2.Rxe4# E
1...Sb5 2.Ra4#

#2 (14+10)
7+6 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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