Solver's impressions - special - 3

Beeing depressed from 2nd round that left me with 19 points of 30 only, I didn't hope I'll do better in studies round. You know, I am man of fairy chess and orthodox studies are very often beyond my capabilities. But this time they were extremely simple and I did my life best result. 10 points - I didn't solve the first study although it was the simplest!
Edvard af Hällström
Suomen Shakki 1946

1.Rg3 Rxg3 2.d7 Rd3 3.a7 Bd5 4.d8Q+ and white wins.

I did try 1.Rg3, but after 1...Rxg3 I saw nothing and thus I tried for many-many minutes to win by way of 1.Re3 or 1.Rc3. In vain.

+ (4+3)

E. Pogosjanc
1st Prize Springaren 1965

1.d8S! Be8 2.a6 Bg6 3.e8R! Bxe8 4.a7 Bg6 5.a8B! and white wins.

First move was obvious. I played immediately 1...Bxc2 and after 2.e8R! I declared the study solved. But after having cracked 3rd study I returned to this one and started thinking more deeply: only 2 moves? It is too short for solution! And how role plays pa5? Then I got it! I found stronger black defence 1...Be8 and the rest was simple. By the way, three nice underpromotions.

+ (7+5)

L. Prokes
Narodni osvobozeni 1948

1.Bh5+ Rxh5+ 2.Kxg7! Kd8 3.Kg6 Rh8 4.Kg7 Re8 5.Kf7 Rh8 6.Kg7 Rh5 7.Kg6 - draw.

Quick analysis revealed that the only hope for white is in keeping black rook locked in NE corner. Thus 1.Bh5+ Rxh5+ were natural moves and then I tried 2.Kg6? with idea 2...Rh6+ 3.Kg5 and black cannot avoid stalemate. Cannot? I was wrong, hit by blindness of first class quality :-) But after that I found amusing zugzwang position after 2.Kxg7! and also the zugzwang after 5.Kf7.

= (5+6)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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