29th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 7.7.2011
The judge's report of the previous TT, namely ecto-battery tourney is expected to appear soon. As usually, it is the time to announce a new tourney. After looking to my file with candidate themes, knowing the name of the man who agreed to judge, I have decided to go with something less worked, even if the idea is easy to imagine and quite natural. Moreover, it is far enough from areas not favorited by judge.
What is that? Some of you might still remember the very first TT CCM that was dedicated to helpmates with twins by moving black king. Since then I was interested in this kind of twinning. It turned out, unsurprisingly it is rare in direct and self play. But to my surprise, it is also relatively rare in series play. That means there are seemingly just tens of acceptable problems in existence.
And that is it. Let the show begin!
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for series helpmates (ser-h#) with twins formed by moving black king.
Judge: Michal Dragoun (Czechia) [replacing Guy Sobrecases (France)]
Any fairy conditions and any fairy pieces are allowed. The tourney might be divided to multiple sections if enough problems are received and depending on the opinion of the judge.
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@bigfoot.com
before July 7th, 2011. The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
Strucny slovensky preklad temy: Turnaj je vypisany pre seriovotahove pomocne maty, v ktorych je dvojnik vytvoreny premiestnenim cierneho krala (priklady nizsie). Lubovolne exopodmienky a exokamene su dovolene.
Currently it seems to me there is only one thematical example published at CCM. Namely it is ser-h#3 with Chinese pieces by Juraj Lörinc with 4 positions. Of course, there will be more examples published in the coming months in the following list of special example files:
We had 57 problems competing in the tourney, submitted by twenty five authors:
- Alberto Armeni (Italy)
- György Bakcsi (Hungary)
- Bojan Basic (Serbia)
- Anton Bidlen (Slovakia)
- Cosme Brull Mayol (Spain)
- Geoffrey Caveney (USA)
- Pedro Luis de Oliveira Costa Neto (Brazil)
- Jan Golha (Slovakia)
- Carlos Alberto Grassano (Argentina)
- Harald Grubert (Germany)
- Michael Grushko (Israel)
- Vladimir Koci (Czechia)
- Ralf Krätschmer (Germany)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
- Dieter Müller (Germany)
- Franz Pachl (Germany)
- Pietro Pitton (Italy)
- Mechislovas Rimkus (Lithuania)
- Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)
- Raffi Ruppin (Israel)
- Ivan Skoba (Czechia)
- Jaroslav Stun (Slovakia)
- Pierre Tritten (France)
- Dmitry Turevsky (Russia)
It was an exceptional number of entries for TT CCM. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles in a way for the originally designated judge Guy Sobrecases to be able to make the award in a usual timely fashion. Therefore the new judge was appointed, who was able to make the judgement. And here are the winners: the award by Michal Dragoun.
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before July 30th, 2012, please.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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