Petko A. Petkov Mat 1987 Correction: feenschach 130 - 1998 |
1.EMe5+? Kf4+! |
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#2 (9+10) empress a5, princess c7, 5+1 grasshopper |
Petko A. Petkov 3rd Prize Schach-Echo 1978 New version: feenschach 130 - 1998 |
1.Rb4? zz, 1...Gc4, c5, c6 2.!, Nd4#, Bd4# |
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#2 (8+5) 1+1 grasshopper, 1+0 nightrider |
Petko A. Petkov Schach-Echo 1980 Correction: feenschach 130 - 1998 |
a) 1.Ba4 Ra5 2.Bd7 Ne5# |
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h#2 (5+8) grasshopper g7, b7, nightrider f7, b8 b) b8 -» d2 |
Petko A. Petkov 5th HM feenschach 1980 Correction: feenschach 130 - 1998 |
a) 1.Rc4 Bh3 2.Re4 Nf5# |
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h#2 (8+3) 4+0 grasshopper, 1+0 nightrider b) a8 -» c3 |
Petko A. Petkov feenschach 130 - 1998 |
1.Bd3 Nh1 2.d5 Rf5# |
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h#2 (5+9) Madrasi 2+0 grasshopper, 1+2 nightrider |
Petko A. Petkov feenschach 130 - 1998 |
1.Bf2 Nxf2(Bf8) 2.Rxb3(Gb8) Rd6# |
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h#2 (4+12) Circe 1+0 nightrider, 1+1 grasshopper |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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