Wroclaw 2003 C 31.5.2003 - announcement

Polish chess composers usually run quick composing tourneys as an additional competition to their International Solving Championships. This year the tourneys are again led and judged by Waldemar Tura. As the tourneys aren't bound to taking part at solving competition, they are opened to everyone and perhaps some Internet connected composers can come with interesting entries.

Group I
s#2-3 with the following theme: at least two sacrifices of white pieces (not pawns!) on the same square.

Group II
h#2 with the following theme: In the 1st or in the 2nd move white pawn enters the square left by black piece (not pawn!). At least two phases are required. More solutions, twins, set play are allowed, but not zeroposition.

The entries should be handed to judge and director Waldemar Tura at the Polish championship in solving before 20:00 31.5.2003 or sent by e-mail to wtura@adamow.szkoly.edu.pl before 29.5.2003. The results will be announced at the closing ceremony of Championships and they will be published in the magazine Rozmaitosci Szachowe.

Official examples by Waldemar Tura for the group I are selfmates from Magyar Sakkelet 1980, The Problemist 1970-71 and Szachista 1995-96 and for the group II helpmate from Problem 1965.

In the original version of this file I set the question:
On the CCM we have already published very interesting example, s#2 by János Csák, that shows sacrifices of different pieces on the same squares in different phases(!), it would be interesting to know, whether it is considered thematical or not...

Judge very quickly reacted ("Yes!") and supported two more selfmates of his own that contain sacrifices on the same square in different phases from PKWN 1969 and The Problemist 1996-98.
Waldemar Tura
3rd HM Magyar Sakkelet 1980

1.Sb5! th. 2.Sxf4+ Qxf4#
1...Se6 2.Be4+ fxe4#
1...Sd5 2.Qe4+, fxe4#
(1...Sf4~ 2.Qe3+ Qxe3#)

Sacrifices of wB and wQ on the same square e4 in the variations of the black correction.

s#2 (7+11)

Waldemar Tura
4th HM The Problemist 1970-71

1.Sh3! th. 2.Be3+ Ke5 (Kxe3) 3.Qxc3+ Sxc3#
1...Bb4 2.Rcxc4+ Kxc4 3.Qc5+ Kxc5#
1...Bc5 2.Raxc4+ Kxc4 3.Qb4+ Kxb4#

Sacrifices of two white rooks on the same square c4 with creation of black royal battery and indirect selfpinning of the defending bishop.

s#3 (9+13)

Waldemar Tura
1st-2nd Prize Szachista 1995-96

1.Rg8 ! gr. 2.Rf7+ Bxf7+ 3.Qe6+ Bxe6#
1...Qh4 2.Sg3+ Qxg3 3.Scxe3+ Sxe3#
1...Be7 2.Sd6+ Bxd6 3.Sfxe3+ Sxe3#
1...Bg6 2.Rh5+ Bxh5 3.Qf7+ Bxf7#
1...Rxc6 2.Qc8+ Rxc8 3.Rf7+ Bxf7#

Excellent unity of four thematical variations! In the 2nd move White makes sacrifice on the square just left by defending unit, this ways he withdraws one of guards on thematical squares e3 or f7, where he sacrifices the other guarding unit (S+S and Q+R respectively).

s#3 (9+12)

Waldemar Tura
Comm 44th TT Problem 1965

a) 1.Bf8 e7 2.Bxe7 Se4#

b) 1.Kg5 f6 2.Kxf6 Se4#

c) 1.Se8 g7 2.Sxg7 Se4#

Announced theme is shown in three phases, with switchback of thematical black pieces, but with the same mate in all three positions - and in fact the same final position!

h#2 (6+6)
b) e6 -» f5
c) e6 -» g6

Waldemar Tura
1st Prize XXV. PKWN 1969

1.Rb8? zz
1...Sb6, g5, c2 2.!, Qg6+, Rgxg6+

1.Rh1? zz
1...Sxb6, g5, c2 2.Qg6+, !, Rbxg6+

1.Qa1! zz
1...Sxb6, g5, c2 2.Rgxg6+, Rbxg6+, Qg7+

Carousel change. The idea of mechanism is very simple: three white horizontalmovers guard g6. After withdrawal of one in the key, the second guard is removed by Black and the remaining one sacrifices himself in the 2nd white move. Nice points are supplementary variation in the solution and very airy position.

s#2 (6+7)

Waldemar Tura
Prize The Problemist 1996-1998

1...f2 2.Rb6+ Kxb6#
1...Sc6 2.Qb6+ Kxb6#

1.Qg5? th. 2.Rb6+ Kxb6#
1...Sc4 2.Qxe5+ Sxe5#
1...Sc6 2.a4+ Kb6#

1.Rg5! th. 2.Qb6+ Kxb6#
1...Sc4 2.Rxe5+ Sxe5#
1...f2 2.a4+ Kb6#

Very good three-phase selfmate. From the Wroclaw perspective, there are two thematical squares, b6 and e5, and two thematical white pieces, Qg1 and Rg6. From the new-strategical point of view, we see change of move function (Qb6+ and Rb6+ as both variation move and threat) and combined change of type Z-32-34.

s#2 (9+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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