Ludovit Lacny dedicated to A. Pituk-50 1st HM Ceskoslovensky Sach 1954 |
1...Kf4 a 2.Sd3# A |
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#2 (14+4) |
Sergej Shedey 1st Prize Problem 1964 |
1.hxg7? th. 2.Bf6# A |
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#2 (12+7) |
Milan Velimirovic 1st Prize Schach-Echo 1974 |
1.Qd8? th. 2.Qxf6+, Rd2+ |
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#3 (12+13) |
Ivan Kiss 1st Prize Pravda Tirnavia 1983-84 |
1.Bf6? A th. 2.c4# |
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#2 (11+8) |
Torsten Linß Probleemblad 1994 |
a) 1.Rxb3(b7)! th. 2.Bd5# |
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#2 (8+11) a) Circe b) Clone Circe |
Jean-Marc Loustau Reto Aschwanden idee & form 2004 |
1...Rc5 a 2.Rc3+ A RLd4 3.Rxe4+ B dxe4 4.Bf6# |
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#4 (16+29) 1+2 nightrider (h8), 1+2 rook lion (g4) 2+6 bishop lion (b2), 3+4 nightrider lion (h1) |
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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