2004 and CYCLONE 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago

(Text on this page was written by Peter Gvozdják.)

50 years ago (1954)

Just 4th problem on Lacny cycle - Ludovit Lacny had found new mechanism.

40 years ago (1964)

Prototype of the Shedey cycle by Sergei Shedey.

30 years ago (1974)

Threemover that found its place in history. Complete Lacny cycle by Milan Velimirovic.

20 years ago (1984)

Prototype of the Kiss cycle by Ivan Kiss.

10 years ago (1994)

One of the hybrid problem series by Torsten Linss. Here the 4-fold Lacny cycle.

0 years ago (2004)

A fairy fourmover by Loustau and Aschwanden. Something unbelievable. Though 47 units aboard, both skilled constructors cooperated on reaching the final position well over a year. What it contents: after black cyclic Grimshaw, the complete 3x3 Lacny cycle. Plus complete cycle of 2nd and 3rd moves in all phases, once even the 4th moves included. Completely different phases, and for classic lovers: flight giving key. Take a look at it, I have never seen a better fairy problem!
Ludovit Lacny
dedicated to A. Pituk-50
1st HM Ceskoslovensky Sach 1954

1...Kf4 a 2.Sd3# A
1...e3 b 2.f4# B
1...S~ c 2.Bd6# C

1.Sd4! zz
1...Kf4 a 2.Bd6# C
1...e3 b 2.Sd3# B
1...S~ c 2.f4# A
(1...exf3 2.Sxf3#
1...Sd8, Sh8 2.f4#)

Just 4th problem on Lacny cycle - Ludovit Lacny had found new mechanism.

#2 (14+4)

Sergej Shedey
1st Prize Problem 1964

1.hxg7? th. 2.Bf6# A
1...Kc5 a 2.Bxe3# B
1...Ke5 b 2.Qxc3# C

1.Sd5! th. 2.Bxe3# B
1...Kc5 a 2.Qxc3# C
1...Ke5 b 2.Bf6# A
1...Bxd5 2.Qxd5#

Prototype of the Shedey cycle by Sergei Shedey.

#2 (12+7)

Milan Velimirovic
1st Prize Schach-Echo 1974

1.Qd8? th. 2.Qxf6+, Rd2+
1...Rxf5 a 2.Rb6+ A c3 3.Bxc3#
1...Rxe6 b 2.Rxf2+ B c3 3.Bxc3#
1...Bxd5 c 2.Rd2+ C

1.Qxg6? th. 2.Qxf6+, Rd2+
1...Rxf5 a 2.Rxf2+ B Kxd5 3.Qxf5#
1...Rxe6 b 2.Rd2+ C
1...Bxd5 c 2.Rb6+ A c3 3.Bxc3#

1.Qf7! th. 2.Qxf6+, Rd2+
1...Rxf5 a 2.Rd2+ C
1...Rxe6 b 2.Rb6+ A K~ 3.Qxe6#
1...Bxd5 c 2.Rxf2+ B c3 3.Bxc3#

Threemover that found its place in history. Complete Lacny cycle by Milan Velimirovic.

#3 (12+13)

Ivan Kiss
1st Prize Pravda Tirnavia 1983-84

1.Bf6? A th. 2.c4#
1...Bd3 a 2.Rxd3# B
1...Bxf6+ b 2.Sxf6# C

1.Rd3! B th. 2.c4#
1...Bxd3 a 2.Sf6# C
1...Bf6+ b 2.Bxf6# A
1...Sb2, Sxc3, Se3 2.S(x)e3#

Prototype of the Kiss cycle by Ivan Kiss.

#2 (11+8)

Torsten Linß
Probleemblad 1994

a) 1.Rxb3(b7)! th. 2.Bd5#
1...gxf5(Sb1) a 2.Sd2# A
1...Bxf7(f2) b 2.f3# B
1...Rxe6(Bf1) c 2.Bd3# C
1...Sxd7(Rh1) d 2.Rxh4# D
(1...Be3+ 2.Rxe3(Bf8)#)

b) 1.Rc3! th. 2.Bd5#
1...gxf5(f2) a 2.f3# B
1...Bxf7(Bf1) b 2.Bd3# C
1...Rxe6(Rh1) c 2.Rxh4(Rh8)# D
1...Sxd7(Sb1) d 2.Sd2# A
(1...Be3+ 2.Rxe3(Rh8)#)

One of the hybrid problem series by Torsten Linss. Here the 4-fold Lacny cycle.

#2 (8+11)
a) Circe
b) Clone Circe

Jean-Marc Loustau
Reto Aschwanden

idee & form 2004

1...Rc5 a 2.Rc3+ A RLd4 3.Rxe4+ B dxe4 4.Bf6#
1...Bc5 b 2.Rxe4+ B BLxe4 3.Sxc4+ C dxc4 4.Bf6#
1...Nc5 c 2.Sxc4+ C BLxc4 3.Rc3+ A d4 4.Bf6#

1.Sf6? th. 2.Sd7+ Rxd7 3.Rxe6#
1...Rc5 a 2.Sxc4+ C BLxc4 3.Rc3+ A d4 4.Rxe4# B
        2...Rxc4 3.Sd7+ Rxd7 4.Rxe6#
1...Bc5 b 2.Rc3+ A RLd4 3.Rxe4+ B dxe4 4.Sxc4# C
        2...Bd4 3.Sd7+ Rxd7 4.Rxe6#
1...Nc5 c 2.Rxe4+ B BLxe4 3.Sxc4+ C dxc4 4.Rc3# A
        2...Nxe4 3.Sd7+ Rxd7 4.Rxe6#
1...NLxf6 2.Bxf6+ Kxf6 3.NLd4+ c3 4.NLxh2#

1.NLd3! th. 2.Nf7+ Rxf7 3.Rxe6+ Kf5 4.Sh6#
        2...Kf5 3.Sh6#
1...Rc5 a 2.Rxe4+ B dxe4 3.Rc3+ A Kf5 4.Sh6#
1...Bc5 b 2.Sxc4+ C dxc4 3.Rxe4+ B Kf5 4.Sh6#
1...Nc5 c 2.Rc3+ A d4 3.Sxc4+ C Kf5 4.Sh6#
1...Kf5 2.Sh6+ Ke5 3.Nf7+ Rxf7 4.Rxe6#

A fairy fourmover by Loustau and Aschwanden. Something unbelievable. Though 47 units aboard, both skilled constructors cooperated on reaching the final position well over a year. What it contents: after black cyclic Grimshaw, the complete 3x3 Lacny cycle. Plus complete cycle of 2nd and 3rd moves in all phases, once even the 4th moves included. Completely different phases, and for classic lovers: flight giving key. Take a look at it, I have never seen a better fairy problem!

#4 (16+29)
1+2 nightrider (h8), 1+2 rook lion (g4)
2+6 bishop lion (b2), 3+4 nightrider lion (h1)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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