Award of 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

I´ve received 12 problems, one of which being non-thematic. Thus 11 problems left, all of them directmate twomovers.

Some ideas were not completely new, I have given the Commends to them. The others were original, but not much complicated, I have decided to give them Honourable Mentions. And also, there were three outstanding problems, concerting the merits of originality and difficulty of conctruction. Logically, these were the prize-winners.

Commendations (without order):
(11) (Kovacevic, Comay, Einat, Costeff) shows the Ukrainian cycle combined with Lion lines.
(10) (Klemanic, Lehen) is the Lacny cycle based on 6 squares next to the black King.
(9) (Quah) repeats the e.p. trick in some fairy manner.
(1) (Barth) adds the key-threat inversion to the well-known combination of Eqihopper plus siamese units.

Honourable Mentions (without order):
(12) (Comay, Einat) Again an Ukrainian cycle, this time with unified motivation.
(7) (Lörinc) Once more Ukraininan cycle, with pretty long defence.
(6) (Lörinc) Shedey cycle after two black Pawn defences.
(4) (Brabec) This is the beautiful 3x3 Djurasevic. If the idea would not be known (Gvozdják, Aschwanden, 1st-2nd Prize Martin-Zilina, 2000-2001), this would be certainly the prize.

3rd Prize (5) (Brabec, Lehen) Beautiful use of the supertransmuting King, which moves after checking defences and one mate wihout check. A pity, that the author(s) could not arrange the 4-th phase. Therefore we´ve got 4-fold Lacny cycle doubled plus double reciprocal change.

2nd Prize (3) (Papack) One of the dreams in the orthodox Kiss cycle has come true: all of the thematic moves (white or black) are non-capturing ones. This complicated motivation needed the dual avoidance in all 2x2 mates. I did not overlook the fligh-taking try and key, which are the part of mechanism.

1st Prize (8) (Aschwanden) Excellent 4-fold Kiss cycle with random and two correction defences. The mechanism is based on a lot of black and white lines and is perfectly analogous in both phase.

Peter Gvozdják, Portoroz, September 6th 2002
Marjan Kovacevic
Ofer Comay
Paz Einat
Gad Costeff

Comm 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.Kc5? [2.Rxf5# A]
1...d4 a 2.Se6# B

1.Bb3? [2.Se6# B]
1...d4 a 2.Qf3# C

1.Sc6! [2.Qf3# C]
1...d4 a 2.Rxf5# A

#2 (7+10)
lion c7, rook lion a5, bishop lion a2, a8

Emil Klemanic
Ludovit Lehen

Comm 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.PAb2? zz
1...BHe6 a 2.Re1# A
1...Rg6~ b 2.Bf4# B
1...NHh2 c 2.Sd5# C

1.PAb4! zz
1...BHe6 a 2.Bf4# B
1...Rg6~ b 2.Sd5# C
1...NHh2 c 2.Re1# A

#2 (14+10)
3+0 nightrider, 0+2 bishopper
1+1 pao (b1), 1+1 nightrider-hopper (f8)

James Quah
Comm 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.fxg6? A [2.c4# B]
1...LIxg6 a 2.Bd8# C
1...retro! (last move needn't be pawn double-step)

1.c4! B [2.Bd8# C]
1...LIg6 a 2.fxg6# A

#2 (10+10)
Patrol chess
4+1 lion, 0+2 nightrider lion

Michael Barth
after Narayan Shankar Ram
Comm 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.EQf2? X [2.EQg5# Y]
1...Sd3/Sh3 a, g3 b, Rd8/Rf3 c, e3 d
2.EQb4# A, EQh4# B, EQxf4# C, EQd4# D

1.EQg5! Y [2.EQf2# X]
1...Sd3/Sh3 a, g3 b, Rd8/Rf3 c, e3 d
2.EQh4# B, EQxf4# C, EQd4# D, EQb4# A

#2 (7+11)
2+0 equihoppers
siamese rooks a8-c3, siamese knights c1-g1

Ofer Comay
Paz Einat

HM 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.RLf4? [2.LIh4# A]
1...e2 a 2.LId8# B

1.LIe4? [2.LId8# B]
1...e2 a 2.RLa6# C

1.LId4! [2.RLa6# C]
1...e2 a 2.LIh4# A

#2 (8+15)
2+0 lion, 1+2 rook lion, 0+4 bishop lion

Juraj Lörinc
HM 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.Sc5? [2.Qe5# A]
1...pRLa1 a 2.Qd4# B

1.RLPc4? [2.Qd4# B]
1...pRLa1 a 2.Qf6# C

1.Bc6! [2.Qf6# C]
1...pRLa1 a 2.Qe5# A

#2 (6+9)
2+1 rook lion
paralysing units c1, f4, g8 - a8, c7

Juraj Lörinc
HM 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.Kg3+? A 1...pCAd4!
1.Kg2+? B 1...pLEd2!
1.Kg1+? C 1...pLEa1!

1.pLE8c7? [2.Kg3# A]
1...d5 a 2.Kg2# B
1...d6 b 2.Kg1# C

1.pLE4c5! [2.Kg2# B]
1...d5 a 2.Kg1# C
1...d6 b 2.Kg3# A

#2 (8+7)
2+1 leo, 1+2 camel
paralysing units c4, c8, e1 - a5, e5, e6, e7

Juraj Brabec
HM 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

Electron - line fairy piece that moves with alternating dabbabba and alfil moves through squares placed at vertices of the convex octagon.

Electron lion - lion on lines of electron.

In given problem two of three white pieces must evacuate line d8-b6-b4-d2-f2-h4-h6-f8 to check bK.

1.ROLg8? A [2.ROLf1# B]
1...c4 a 2.NLa8# C

1.ROLf1? B [2.NLa8# C]
1...c4 a 2.ROLg8# A

1.NLa8! C [2.ROLg8# A]
1...c4 a 2.ROLf1# B

#2 (10+5)
rook lion g3, e1, grasshopper b8, a7, rose lion b6, h6
nightrider lion d2, electron lion d8

Juraj Brabec
Ludovit Lehen

3rd Prize 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

See the definition of supertransmuting king.

1.Ke5! [2.Rxe6#]
1...Rd4+ a, Re4+ b, Rf4+ c, Rg4 d
2.Ka5# A, Kc5# B, Kh5# C, Rc5# D

1.Kf5! [2.Rxe6#]
1...Rd4 a, Re4+ b, Rf4+ c, Rg4+ d
2.Rc5# D, Ka5# A, Kc5# B, Kh5# C

1.Kg5! [2.Rxe6#]
1...Rd4+ a, Re4 b, Rf4+ c, Rg4+ d
2.Kh5# C, Rc5# D, Ka5# A, Kc5# B

In mate Ka5 white supertransmuting king remains a grasshopper, in Kc5 a rook and in Kh5 a leo.

#2 (8+22)
supertransmuting king f6, leo e6, vao a2
2+2 grasshopper, 2+11 immobile friend
3 solutions

Daniel Papack
2nd Prize 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.Bf3? A [2.Qxe3#]
1...e2 a 2.Rb1# B
1...Bb5 b 2.Bh4# C

1.Rb1! B [2.Qxe3#]
1...e2 a 2.Bh4# C
1...Bb5 b 2.Bf3# A

#2 (11+6)

Reto Aschwanden
1st Prize 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002

1.ROLc2? A [2.Qxb5#]
1...Rf3! a 2.ROLdh4# B
1...Rg3~ b 2.Sc5# C
1...Re3! c 2.RLb8# D

1.ROLh4! B [2.Qxb5#]
1...Rf3! a 2.Sc5# C
1...Rg3~ b 2.RLb8# D
1...Re3! c 2.ROLfc2# A

#2 (12+14)
4+3 rose lion, 1+2 bishop lion (f8), 1+2 rook lion (c1)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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