Long fairy helpmates 9

Our 2nd TT is finished, but this doesn't prevent us from looking at some more longer fairy helpmates *smile*.
Klaus Wenda
1st HM Schach-Echo 1974

1.d5 g4 2.d4 g5 3.d3 gxf6(pf7) 4.dxe2 fxe7(Qd8) 5.exd1S(Bf1) exd8S#

100$ theme - excelsior by both sides finished by two knight promotions. As far as I know not realized in orthodox h#5 yet.

h#5 (4+13)

Torsten Linß
12th Place Norbet Geissler's Special "37" TT 1995

1.RGd1 (1,6)e2 ... 2.-14. ... (1,6)f8 - g2 - a3 - g4 - a5 - g6 - a7 - g8 - f2 - e8 - d2 - c8 - b2 15.RGb1! (1,6)h3 ... 16.-28. ... (1,6)b4 - h5 - b6 - h7 - g1 - f7 - e1 - d7 - c1 - b7 - h6 - b5 - h4 29.RGb1 (1,6)b3 30.RGb4 (1,6)h2 31.NHa6 (1,6)g8 32.-37. ... (1,6)f2 - e8 - d2 - c8 - b2 - h3#

Thematical tourney was dedicated to problems expressing in any way number 37, here you can see doubled theme: helpmate in 37 and active white piece is (1,6)-leaper and its move is long exactly (square root of 37). Of course very long circuit of white hero.

h#37 (1+2)
(1,6)-leaper d8, royal grasshopper a4
nightrider hopper c2

Elmar Bartel
Erich Bartel

31st Place Norbet Geissler's Special "37" TT 1995

Set: 1...RFg2 2.(1,5)e8 RFh3 3.(1,5)f3 RFg4+ 4.(1,5)a4 FEb2#

Solution: 1.(1,5)c8 FEb3 2.(1,5)h7 FEc4 3.(1,5)c6 FEd5+ 4.(1,5)d1 RFe2#

Echo with white change of function. Theme "37" is hidden in the sum of coordinates of acting pieces: 11+11+15=37. Strange...

h#4(*) (2+1)
fers a2, royal fers f1
royal (1,5)-leaper d3

Alois Johandl
bernd ellinghoven

3rd HM feenschach 1990

1.b1R Rxc5(pc7) 2.bxc5(Ra1) Rxa2(pa7) 3.bxa2(Rh1) Rxb1(Ra8) 4.axb1B(Rh1)+ Rxb1(Bc8)#

7 capturing moves out of 8. All black reborn pieces appear immediately on squares they block in mate. Promotions to bishop and rook.

h#4 (2+11)

Erich Bartel
219 Caissa Fröhliche Tiefgarage 15.II.1971
dedicated to Albert H. Kniest

1.Bf5 g4 2.Sd8 gxf5(Bc8) 3.Re6 fxe6(Ra8) 4.Kc6 e7 5.Kb7 exd8S(Sb8)#

Only 3 capturing moves out of 10. Again all black reborn pieces appear immediately on squares they block in mate. White underpromotion (knight).

h#5 (2+6)

Christer Jonsson
2nd Prize New Year Tourney Springaren 1988

1.d6 Bb5 2.cxb5(Bf1) Bxb5(pb7) 3.d5 Bc4 4.dxc4(Bf1) Bxc4(pc7) 5.Rb8 Be6#

Note first black move - tempo!

h#5 (2+5)

Theodor Steudel
4109 Problemkiste 8/1996

1...h4 2.a5 h5 ... 5...h8R 6.a1R Rh2#

Not very ambitious theme - two promotions to rook.

h#5,5 (2+2)
Bicolore Chess

Hauke Reddmann
5336 Die Schwalbe 12/1985

1.Kh2 Gg1 2.Kg3 Gg4 3.Kh4 Gh3 4.Kg3 Gf3 5.Kh2 Ge2 6.Kh1 Gg2#

Classic! I can't imagine how author could find such simple and elegant position...

Hauke Reddmann wrote as an answer to my rhetoric question:

"..here is the utmost trivial answer:
I first intended to show a king crossing the whole board, pulling some grasshoppers in his wake. One cook, two cooks,...Then I built up, in desperate, the position which was the most simple I could think of, just to check how long a mate with this material would take "usually". And searched for the shortest mate.
To my amazement, I came up with the wacky solution. Revved up the computer to check one day long whether it was the only one, lo and behold, it was.
Just dumb luck."


h#6 (4+1)
3+0 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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