Solver's impressions 8

Here are promised helpmates from feenschach 132. I concentrated myself mainly on problems with two solutions as I solved them also as a part of preparation for Czech solving championship and I wanted to improve my ability to find the links between stipulated more solutions without getting any clue from twinning. Usually are helpmates with more phases at such events chosen to have more solutions rather than to have twin positions - this is to avoid confusion of solvers with more positions and also to avoid giving clues about mechanism of problem. You may also wonder why all are helpmate moremovers - this is because feenschach tourney for helpmates 1999 was dedicated to moremovers with at least two phases.
Chris J. Feather
7762 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Rc7 a6 2.Qd7 axb7+ 3.Kxb7 a4 4.Kc8 a8Q#

1.Kxa7 a6 2.Kb6 axb7 3.Qa6 b8Q+ 4.Ka5 Qb4#

Two model mates after two queen promotions, but I expected more from mr. Feather...

Chris Feather explains the roots of this composition: "No.7762 is another example (compare Scrapings 1/9) of the pawn Zilahi with the pawns on the same file -- not an easy task! but obviously not a very convincing setting either! As far as I know, nobody else has shown this idea, probably because it is not a very good one!"

h#4 (4+5)

Erwin Masanek
Klaus Funk

7765 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Kxb4 hxg4 2.Bb5 gxh5 3.Ka4 Rxg3 4.Rb4 Ra3#

1.gxh3+ Kf3 2.Rxb4 Rxg3 3.Kc4 Ke4 4.Bb5 Rc3#

Strange problem - I noticed mainly two ways of opening h4-b4 line, by normal line opening and clearance by white capture.

h#4 (5+6)

Chris J. Feather
7766 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Kd5 Ka2 2.Re6 Ba1 3.Be4 c3 4.Ke5 c4#

1.Ke6 cxd3 2.Rf7 Bc3 3.Be7 d4 4.Kf6 d5#

Super! White Inder combination preceded by unpinning and line opening by Black, finished by model mate. A this all is doubled giving beautiful echo!

h#4 (3+9)

Nikolaj Zujev
Nikolaj Mansarlinskij

7768 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Bd2 Ke2 2.Bh7 Re1 3.Kg8 Kf1 4.Sf7 Re8#

1.Rd2 Ke1 2.Kg6 Rf1 3.Kh7 Rf5 4.Sg6 Rh5#

White must let own rook leave the cage in the corner - for that Black must help with Grimshaw on d2. Then Black prepares mating net in other corner and finally White sets echo model mates. Good problem with a little bit lesser interplay, but still good.

h#4 (4+10)

Sergej Tkachenko
7770 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Sxg3 Rxf6 2.Sf1 Ba7 3.Sxe3 Rb6 4.Sf1 Rg6#

1.Sxe3 Bxf6 2.Sf1 Rg8 3.Sxg3 Bg7 4.Sf1 Bd4#

Echo diagonal-orthogonal with double line clearance by black knight that constantly returns to f1 after unpins by White. Double check model mates.

h#4 (7+9)

Chris J. Feather
7772 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Kc6 a4 2.Kd7 axb5 3.Sc5 Bb7 4.Bc6 bxc6#

1.e5 axb3 2.Ke6 bxc4 3.Sd2 Bc6 4.Bd5 cxd5#

Echo model mates with Bristol movements by bishops, but rather brutal play of white a-pawn.

h#4 (3+15)

Wilfried Neef
7776 feenschach 132 - 1999

1.Qa3+ Kxa3 2.Rb4 Kxb4 3.Bb5 Kxb5 4.Rc6 Kxc6 5.g1B Kc7#

1.g1B Bd5 2.Rf7 Bxf7 3.Qc4+ Bxc4 4.Bh2 Bxb5 5.Bb8 Bxc6#

Two different solutions - in first of them all dangerous black pieces are consumed by wK on its way to battery mate, in second wB takes all problematical black pieces on its way to standard 3-bishops-corner-mate. Without any doubts interesting.

h#5 (2+11)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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