15th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 30.9.2004
As I expected, the number of submitted helpmates in
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb was quite high,
but this time the theme will be a bit more difficult. 15 is already nice number, high,
have you ever seen helpmate with exactly 15 solutions? No? I don't remember any, however I guess
I have seen twins with 15 different positions. Well, as I wrote, 15 is quite high number, so let's divide it by 3,
we get another less usual number in chess composition: 5! Helpmates with 2 phases are nowadays the most usual,
3 are quite usual, 4 have more possible combinations (4 matching solutions, 2+2 similar phases,
formal themes with 4 elements like albino, AUW or star), but to have 5 solutions, well, well,
it is rare. And thus...
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for helpmates
with exactly 5 thematical phases. Twins and more solutions are allowed with
possibly uneven distribution of solutions among positions (3+2, 1+2+2, 1+4).
There are 2 announced sections:
- Orthodox helpmates - judge Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
- Fairy helpmates (any fairy elements allowed) - judge Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@bigfoot.com
before September 30th 2004. The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
Slovensky preklad temy: turnaj je vypisany pre pomocne maty s prave piatimi fazami, moze to byt 5 pozicii dvojnika,
5 rieseni alebo napr. niekolko dvojnikov s niekolkymi rieseniami, 3+2 alebo 1+2+2 alebo 1+4...). V 2. oddeleni
su dovolene i lubovolne exoprvky.
CCM has now published about 2700 chess problems, but it was difficult to find thematical
problems already present at CCM. I managed to find only 3 fairy problems with 5 solutions.
No orthodox helpmates yet - but there will be some in the special example files, that is sure!
Special example files
Many thanks to mr. Michal Dragoun for preparing his award of orthodox helpmates' section.
We had 15 orthodox helpmates and 10 fairy helpmates competing in respective sections.
The tourney was successful thanks to the following authors that submitted their compositions:
- Michael Barth (Germany)
- Evgeny Bourd (Israel)
- Cosme Brull Mayol (Spain)
- Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
- Krzysztof Drazkowski (Poland)
- Jan Golha (Slovakia)
- Zvonimir Hernitz (Croatia)
- Christer Jonsson (Sweden)
- Jan Kovalic (Slovakia)
- Stefan Milewski (Poland)
- Enzo Minerva (Italy)
- Michael McDowell (Great Britain)
- Frank Richter (Germany)
- Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)
- Wladyslaw Rosolak (Poland)
- Frantisek Sabol (Czechia)
- Andreas Schönholzer (Switzerland)
- Sven Trommler (Germany)
And here are the winners:
- award of orthodox section by Michal Dragoun
- award of fairy section by Juraj Lörinc
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before February 28th 2005, please.
As no claims were received, the award becomes final.
Again many thanks to everyone who helped tourney success in whichever way.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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