2007 and CYCLONE 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago

(Text on this page was written by Peter Gvozdják.)

Funny that the years xxx7 were not very attractive for composing this kind of problems. There are really few of them!

50 years ago (1957)

Simple idea by the inventor of the theme uses black thematic pawn - that has been admired and repeated many times.

40 years ago (1967)

Composers early recognized that grasshoppers are suitable for the Lacny cycle.

30 years ago (1977)

One of the greatest threemovers with the Rice cycle and quiet 2nd moves.

20 years ago (1987)

Funny typically fairy dicovery in the field of the Reeves cycle.

10 years ago (1997)

Great 3x3 complete Shedey cycle with combination of direct and indirect batteries.

0 years ago (2007)

A small but important step. Autorsīs improvement of orthodox twomover with the Shedey cycle: for the first time all thematic (White and Black) moves played by Rooks only.
Ludovit Lacny
3rd Prize Problem 1957-58

1.Qe8? th. 2.Qxd7#
1...Kc6 a 2.Be4# A
1...Kxe6 b 2.Sd4# B
1...d6 c 2.Ba2# C

1.Qc8! th. 2.Qxd7#
1...Kc6 a 2.Sd4# B
1...Kxe6 b 2.Ba2# C
1...d6 c 2.Be4# A
(1...c~ 2.Ba2#)

Lacny cycle

Simple idea by the inventor of the theme uses black thematic pawn - that has been admired and repeated many times.

#2 (11+9)

Waldemar Tura
5th HM Europe Echecs 1967

1...Gg4 a 2.d4# A
1...Gdd4 b 2.gxf4# B
1...Gd6 c 2.Qg5# C

1.Bc5! th. 2.Qg7#
1...Gg4 a 2.gxf4# B
1...Gdd4 b 2.Qg5# C
1...Gd6 c 2.d4# A

Composers early recognized that grasshoppers are suitable for the Lacny cycle.

#2 (8+7)
2+4 grasshopper

Milan Velimirovic
1st Place
Team championship of Yugoslavia 1977

1...Rxb2 a 2.Be6! A th. 3.Bxf5#, 2...Bd7 3.Bf7#
1...Qa1 b 2.c8S! B th. 3.Se7#

1.Bd6? th. 2.Qxf6+ gxf6 3.Rg8#
1...Rxb2 a 2.c8S! B th. 3.Se7#
1...Qa1 b 2.Sf3! C th. 3.Sh4#

1.Bf4! th. 2.Qxf6+ gxf6 3.Rg8#
1...Rxb2 a 2.Sf3! C th. 3.Sh4#
1...Qa1 b 2.Be6! A th. 3.Bxf5#, 2...Bd7 3.Bf7#
1...Sd7 2.Sf3 th. 3.Sh4#

One of the greatest threemovers with the Rice cycle and quiet 2nd moves.

#3 (11+14)

Janez Nastran
3rd HM The Problemist 1997

1.Rb2? th. 2.MAf6# A
1...Kf4 a 2.RHf5# B
1...Kh5 b 2.Zd7# C

1.Rd2? th. 2.RHf5# B
1...Kf4 a 2.Zd7# C
1...Kh5 b 2.MAf6# A

1.Rc2! th. 2.Zd7# C
1...Kf4 a 2.MAf6# A
1...Kh5 b 2.RHf5# B

Great 3x3 complete Shedey cycle with combination of direct and indirect batteries.

#2 (13+8)
1+1 rookhopper, 0+3 bishopper
nao b8, mao e8, zebra a5
vao c8, leo f8

Wieland Bruch
Pat a Mat 2007

1.Qf3? th. 2.Rxe4# A
1...Rxe3 a 2.Rd5# B
1...Rf5 b 2.Rxf5# C

1.Sc7! th. 2.Rd5# B
1...Rxe3 a 2.Rf5# C
1...Rf5 b 2.Rxe4# A
1...Qa2 2.Sf3#
1...Rxf4 2.Qxf4#

A small but important step. Autorsīs improvement of orthodox twomover with the Shedey cycle: for the first time all thematic (White and Black) moves played by Rooks only.

#2 (10+11)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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