Award of 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

I received 13 entries, three of them being non-thematic. (They are very good with fine chances in some other tourney.)

The average level was high, and I appreciated very much quite different ideas.

Here is my ranking (counted-down, as usually):

Commendations (without order):
(008) (Hirschenson) shows a single-phase trial-avoidance. Some motifs are lacking unity, however.
(012A) (Retter) has more and unified phases, still the originality is not very high.
(005) (Müller) uses different motifs, but it is uneasy to spot the cycle (some defences are "retiring", the other are not).

Special Honourable Mention: (004) (Klemanič)
Very original rendering using dualistic mates and a separating defence. Realized with cruel means, even for my tastes.

2nd Honourable Mention: (001) (Müller)
A fine cycle of doubled defending motifs against a double threat. Pity that one defence (out of three) is not a "retiring"one.

1st Honourable Mention: (011A) (Rotenberg)
A classical Lačný cycle with all three thematical moves by black pawns.

Special Prize: (013) (Riva)
An example of helpplay, where the key move is a kind of "defence" against the prepared set play mate. A cycle "at all costs" (as the author comments), but a very fresh idea.

3rd Prize: (003) (Giacobbe)
A special theme with an extra force. The Ceriani cycle, plus exchanged W1-2 moves in each phase, plus additional changed mate. A bit mechanical, but not simple at all.

2nd Prize: (007) (Tüngler)
A courageous concept: the "carousel" change with the new repeated W move that completes the changes. Despite different fairy elements and a heavy construction, I liked it very much.

1st Prize: (006) (Quah)
Complete opposite case to the previous one. The Kiss cycle in a very simple and most clearly setting. A good advertisement for the Cyclone themes and for fairy chess as well.

Peter Gvozdják, Jesi, September 26, 2011.

Aaron Hirschenson
Comm 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.Qc8! th. 2.Qxf5#
1...Bxf6 2.Se6# (2.Sg6? 2.Sd5?)
1...Sd4 2.Sg6# (2.Sd5? 2.Se6?)
1...Rxf6 2.Sd5# (2.Se6? 2.Sg6?)

#2 (9+10)

Yosi Retter
Comm 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.Qc8? or 1.Qc7? th. 2.Qxc4# A
1...Bc4~ 2.Qxc3# B

1.Qb2? th. 2.Qxc3# B
1...Sc3~ 2.Qxd4# C
1...Sdb5 2.Qc2#

(1.Qe5? th. 2.Qxd4# C
1...Sd4~ 2.Qxc3# B
1...Scb5 2.Qe4#

1.Qf4! th. 2.Qxd4# C
1...Sd4~ 2.Qxc4# A
1...Scb5 2.Qe4#
1...Se4 2.Qxe4#

#2 (7+6)

Dieter Müller
Comm 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.d3! th. 2.dxc4#
1...Qb4 2.Qxb4# [move to - b4]
1...Qd8 2.Qb4# [loss of control - b4]
1...Rxa7 2.Qxc6# [loss of control - c6]
1...Sb6 2.Qxc6# [intersection - bRa6]
1...Bd5 2.Qc5# [intersection - bRh5]
1...Rc5 2.Qxc5# [move to - c5]
(1...cxd3 2.Qxd3#
1...Qc7 2.Qb4#
1...Qb6 2.Qb4#)

#2 (7+10)

Emil Klemanic
Special HM 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.Qxh3? th. 2.Qg3# A
     2.Bg3# B
1...e2 a 2.Qg3# A
1...Sxf6 b 2.Qxf5# C
(1...Sf1 2.Qf3#)

1.Qd3! th. 2.Qxf5# C
1...e2 a 2.Qg3# A
     2.Bg3# B
1...Sxf6 b 2.Bg3# B
(1...e4 2.Rxf5#)

#2 (8+11)

Dieter Müller
2nd HM 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1...Ba7 2.Re5#
1...Bxc3 2.Sc5#

1.Qb4! th. 2.Re5#, Sc5#
(Motif against 2.Re5 / Motif against 2.Sc5)
1...Rh3 (pinning / flight)
1...Rxc3 (flight / guard)
1...Qxc7 (guard / pinning)

#2 (11+8)

Jacques Rotenberg
1st HM 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.Qd3? zz
1...d4 a 2.Rxe5# A
1...e4 b 2.Qxd5# B
1...f4 c 2.Qf5# C

1.Gh2! zz
1...d4 a 2.Qd5# B
1...e4 b 2.Qxf5# C
1...f4 c 2.Rxe5# A
(1...Bh7 2.Bf7#
1...Bf7 2.Bxf7#
1...fxg4 2.Qxg4#)

#2 (15+12)
6+1 grasshopper

Rodolfo Riva
Special Prize 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

a) 1...Qe7# A
1.d1Q 2.Qxe2 Sf5# B

b) 1...Sf5# B
1.e1B 2.Bf2 Re4# C

c) 1...Re4# C
1.f1S 2.Sd2 Qe7# A

ser-h#2 (11+4)
b) d2 -» e2
c) d2 -» f2, a5 -» h3

Daniele Giacobbe
3rd Prize 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

a) 1.Qg7? B th. 2.Qxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Bhxg7# A
1...Qf6 b 2.Qxf6#

1.Bhg7! A th. 2.Bxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Qxg7# B
1...Qf6 b 2.Bxf6#

b) 1.Bfg7? C th. 2.Bxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Qxg7# B
1...Qf6 b 2.Bxf6#

1.Qg7! B th. 2.Qxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Bfxg7# C
1...Qf6 b 2.Qxf6#

c) 1.Bhg7? A th. 2.Bxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Bxg7# C
1...Qf6 b 2.Bxf6#

1.Bfg7! C th. 2.Bxe5#
1...Qxg7 a 2.Bxg7# A
1...Qf6 b 2.Bxf6#

#2 (10+9)
a) b4 -» g3
b) f2 -» b3
c) c2 -» a2

Arno Tüngler
2nd Prize 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.Sc6! zz
1...S5c4 a 2.Bgxd5+ A Rxd5#
1...Sf7 b 2.Bbxd5+ B Rxd5#
1...Sxc6 c 2.gxf3+ D Ke5#
1...fxg2 d 2.Sxe5 Kxe5#

1.EL2c4! zz
1...S5xc4 a 2.gxf3+ D Ke5#
1...Sf7 b 2.Baxd5+ C Rxd5#
1...Sc6 c 2.Bgxd5+ A Rxd5#
1...fxg2 d 2.ELxe5 Kxe5#

1.Sf7! zz
1...S5c4 a 2.Baxd5+ C Rxd5#
1...Sxf7 b 2.gxf3+ D Ke5#
1...Sc6 c 2.Bbxd5+ B Rxd5#
1...fxg2 d 2.Sxe5 Kxe5#

s#2 (17+11)
4+0 moose, 0+2 rose
3 solutions

James Quah
1st Prize 23rd TT Spisska Borovicka C 25.8.2011

1.VAf8? A
1...d6 a 2.LEg8# B
1...d5 b 2.LEfa4# C

1.LEg8! B
1...d6 a 2.LEa4# C
1...d5 b 2.VAf8# A

#2 (6+3)
vao c5, pao h8, leo f4, b3

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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