32nd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2013
It looks like I am only announcing tourneys recently, one after another. Besides TTs of CCM it is especially my own JT 40 (just started, with two very specific themes set) and also Marianka fairy TT (with wide set of possibilities). But my other activities for CCM were limited due to other chess composition workload. Fortunately it should be over soon (by the end of the year) and then I will devote more time to CCM.
In the meantime let's start another theme tourney. As usually, its theme is waiting for a long time in my buffer of unused themes. And I was even able to find competent judge who has never judged the fairy tourney and yet he surely can do it with given theme.
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for fairy direct mates of any length (i.e. #2, #3, #n, n any) using fairy pieces, but no fairy conditions and showing at least two model mates in the solution..
Judge: Jiří Jelínek (Czechia)
Any fairy pieces are allowed, but no fairy conditions. This is a measure taken to avoid as many issues with model mate definition as possible. Still, with richness of fairy pieces available, I am sure there will be some borderline cases to be decided. In such case the judge's opinion counts as decisive. The tourney might be divided to multiple sections if enough problems are received and again, depending on the opinion of the judge.
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@gmail.com
before April 4th, 2013. The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
Strucny slovensky preklad temy: Turnaj je vypisany pre priame matove ulohy lubovolnej dlzky (#2, #3, #n) s lubovolnymi exofigurami, ale nie exopodmienkami, v ktorych v rieseni su najmenej dva modelove maty.
At CCM there is seemingly only one example conforming to the theme of 32th TT CCM, namely #2 with empress by Zdenek Mach. However in the big WinChloe database I have found more than two hundred existing direct mates with fairy pieces and model mates. So further special example files should follow in coming months.
Addition 17.11.2012: By chance I have stumbled upon two other examples already shown at CCM, #3 with royal grasshoppers by Neal Turner (with 3 model mates) and #2 with triton Miroslav Stosic (2+2 mates by pawns are models, included in the Lacny cycle, marvellous scheme).
Special examples file:
We had 19 problems competing in the tourney, submitted by eleven authors:
- Michael Burghardt (Germany)
- Geoffrey Caveney (USA)
- Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
- Newman Guttman (USA)
- Maryan Kerhuel (France)
- Ralf Krätschmer (Germany)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
- Dieter Müller (Germany)
- Jacques Rotenberg (Israel)
- Ladislav Salai jr. (Slovakia)
And here are the winners: the award by Jiri Jelinek.
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before September 8th, 2013, please.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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