6th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.4.2001
It is dedicated to another theme for which I wanted to organize the TT for a very long time. In 2000 there were some tourneys that touched it partially, especially Problem-Echo 2000 and Michal Dragoun's Becherovka in Pula, but looking at awards showed it was neglected by authors. Problem-Echo 2000 was for h#2 with nightiriders and grasshoppers, Michal announced tourney for fairy h#2 with battery and antibattery model mates. Becherovka winners were largely with battery mates. So I got the chance...
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for fairy problems in 2 or 3 moves, direct mates and helpmates, showing antibattery mates. Thematical antibatteries may be direct or indirect. Any fairy conditions and/or fairy pieces are allowed. There are two sections:
- fairy #2 and #3,
- fairy h#2 and h#3.
Judge: Thomas Maeder (Switzerland).
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@bigfoot.com
before April 1st 2001. (or possibly by snail mail to Juraj Lörinc, ul. CSA 333/27, 018 41 DUBNICA NAD VAHOM, Slovakia, but e-mail is preferred). The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb and it will be published in paper printed form too in definitive version.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
CCM having now almost 1500 chess problems contains also some thematical examples for our 6th TT. 19 examples follow, all contain either direct or indirect antibattery - although in some cases this may be disputable. I mean the problems in whose the mate is set by closing line of normal line mover, and the checking is got exactly as an indirect arrival effect of mating move. Here it is SAT #2 and two Madrasi problems. Another disputable case is the Circe rebirth of piece on hopper line - it isn't arrival square of mating move, yet the check is reached indirectly by secondary arrival. Following examples aren't all problems with antibattery currently at CCM, it is only selection for inspiration...
- #2 by Reto Aschwanden & Jean-Marc Loustau & Michel Caillaud with following fairy elements: leo, vao, pao,
- #2 by Reto Aschwanden with following fairy elements: Circe Parrain, grasshopper, bishopper, rookhopper, rose hopper,
- #2 by Reto Aschwanden with following fairy elements: Vogtlaender Chess, rookhopper, bishopper, pao, nao, contragrasshopper, diagonalspiralspringer locust, beamte unit, board 9x9,
- #2 by Juraj Brabec & Ludovit Lehen with following fairy elements: grasshopper, leo, vao, pao, Madrasi,
- #2 by Juraj Brabec & Ludovit Lehen with following fairy elements: leo, vao, pao,
- #2 by Michel Caillaud with following fairy elements: lion,
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: lion, rook lion, bishop lion, mao, camel, Circe,
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: Patrol chess, lion, bishop lion, rook lion,
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: transmuting king, vao, lion, rook lion, bishop lion,
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: Vogtlaender Chess, rook lion, bishop lion, lion
- #2 by Mircea Manolescu with following fairy elements: leo, vao, pao,
- #2 by Alexandr Postnikov with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- #2 by Ladislav Salai sr. with following fairy elements: SAT,
- #2 by Brian Stephenson & Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: pao, vao,
- #2 by Waldemar Tura with following fairy elements: grasshopper, lion,
- h#2 by Jean Pierre Boyer with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Michal Dragoun with following fairy elements: Circe, Madrasi,
- h#2 by Chris J. Feather with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Harry Fougiaxis with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Krasimir Gandev with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Newman Guttman with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
- h#2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: Madrasi, Vertical cylindric board,
- h#2 by Juraj Lörinc with following fairy elements: grasshopper, nightrider,
- h#2 by Hans Peter Rehm with following fairy elements: grasshopper,
We have also special file with problems thematical for this TT:
Many thanks to mr. Thomas Maeder for his quickly prepared and knowledgeable award. We had 8 direct mates and 10 helpmates competing in recpective sections. The tourney was successful thanks to the following authors that submitted their compositions:
- Reto Aschwanden (Switzerland)
- Juraj Brabec (Slovakia)
- Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
- Valerij Gurov (Russia)
- Peter Gvozdják (Slovakia)
- Georgij Jevsejev (Russia)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)
And here are the winners:
- award of #2, #3
- award of h#2, h#3
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before September 30th 2001, please.
As no claims were received, the award becomes final.
Again many thanks to everyone who helped tourney success in whichever way. We also invite you to take part in 7th TT Chess Composition Microweb.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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