Award of 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb - fairy section - C 28.2.2003

In the fairy section I received 15 problems, usual number for CCM TT. Among them only 2 weren't computer tested (and incidentally they both received Commendations). The level was average, I missed really top problem of, let's say, FIDE Album quality, but on the other hand, some fresh ideas were shown and generally I can say the tourney was successful.

When reviewing the problems I had in mind that queen promotions are in fact very well worked without fairy elements and it is slightly strange to use them for something well known from orthodox chess. That's why I expected authors to use fairy devices intensively.

I decided to award 7 problems what may seem relatively a high number (almost a half of competing problems), but I already became known as mostly generous judge. For me it is important to show a special effects offered by fairy chess, even if the problem is not complicated, if it shows some new idea, I try to award it at least a commendation.

Congratulations to all authors of awarded problems and thanks to all participants!

Juraj Lörinc, FIDE International Judge for fairies
Bratislava, March 15th 2003

Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
2nd Comm 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F14
version 14.1.2008

a) 1.Rhg8?
1.Kf8! SKd4 2.a1Q+ SKxa1Q 3.Rg8 Qf6#

b) 1.Kg8?
1.Ref8! SKe4 2.b1Q+ SKxb1Q 3.Kg8 Qg6#

Promoted queen is immediately captured and removed from the board, nevertheless it is important to promote to queen as she leaves her mark on board in the form of white queen. Original use of the given fairy element, supertransmuting king is crowned by echo ideal epaulette mates.

h#3 (1+5)
supertransmuting king d5
b) a2 -» b2

Raffi Ruppin (Israel)
1st Comm 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F13

1.axb8Q(Qd1)+! Qxd1(Qd8)
2.cxd8Q(Qd1)+ Sfxd1(Sg8)
3.hxg8Q(Qd1)+ Bxd1(Bc8)
4.dxc8Q(Qd1)+ Sxd1(Sg8)
5.fxg8Q(Qd1)+ Rxd1(Ra8)
6.bxa8Q(Qd1)+ Kxd1(Ke8)
7.Re3+ Rxe3(Rh8)#

Somewhat mechanical massacre problem of task nature with 6 white queen promotions. White pawns have no choice of squares for capture promotions: a7xb8, b7xa8, c7xd8, d7xc8, f7xg8, h7xg8 - and h pawn must capture before f.

s#7 (10+11)

Raffi Ruppin (Israel)
2nd HM 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F07

1.gxh1Q(Qd8) 2.f1Q 3.Qff6 4.Qb8 5.Qxa1(Qd8) 6.a1Q 7.Qaa7 Sb6#

As author writes, the unique move order is determined with the help of Anticirce motives, mostly by need to block d8 to avoid check to wK. Bg8 avoids cooks with a1R promotion.

ser-h#7 (4+9)

Mario Parrinello (Italy)
1st HM 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F11

1.Sc1 g8Q 2.Qxg8(Qd1)+ Qxc1(Sb8)#

1.Bc2 e8Q 2.Rxe8(Qd1)+ Qxc2(Bc8)#

A well forward-thought strategy. White is going to queen his pawn and Black will capture it and transport to d1. This will result in check to wK, that must be parried on mating move. It can be done by capture and Circe closing of eight row and this precises 1st Black move from halfpin. Author could have used a form of twin (wpe7 to g7), that's why it is no problem if thematical pawn is idle in the other phase.

h#2 (5+9)

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
3rd Prize 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F06

a) 1.Re6 dxd8Q 2.Nc8 Qd6#

b) 1.Se6 dxe8Q 2.Na7 Qb5#

As usually, Patrol chess offers strategically the most rich entry of the tourney. Promoted queens are used in their full strength: they patrol both wB and wR (see the award of 4th TT CCM with this theme) and also guard squares around bK. Black adds to this by antibattery patrolling on 1st move and critical 2nd moves.

h#2 (5+9)
Patrol chess
1+2 lion, 0+2 nightrider, 1+0 berolina
b) wpd7

Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)
2nd Prize 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F08

1.e1Q a8Q 2.g1Q hxg8Q 3.b1Q b8Q=

Again something top - all 6 halfmoves are queen promotions. The order of moves is motivated by Eiffel paralysis of pawns: a8Q must be before g1Q, that must be precede hxg8Q and finally, hxg8Q must be before b1Q. Note that in diagram position 9 black units can move and they are almost all very quickly immobilised, only Bg8 is captured.

h=3 (6+11)
Eiffel chess

Ion Murarasu (Roumania)
1st Prize 11th TT Chess Composition Microweb 28.2.2003
No. F15

a) 1.npc4 npbxc4(npc1nQ)+ 2.nQxc4(npe4) nQxe4(npe1nQ)#

b) 1.Kc3 npc8nQ+ 2.nQxe6(npc4)+ nQxc4(npc1nQ)#

And finally the most economical problem of the tourney and probably the most original. Thanks to the fairy condition, pawns promote on the flight. As a result we get two chameleon echo mates by two queens.

h#2 (1+1+2)
Super Circe
2 neutral pawns
b) turn 90 degrees (a1 -> a8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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