Spisska Borovicka - 13th theme tourney C 3.8.2001

In connection with Wageningen 2001 congress Peter Gvozdják announces his 13th thematical tourney Spisska Borovicka, competition for all kinds of original problems in 2 moves (#2, =2, h#2, s#2, r=2 etc...) and showing one of the CYCLONE themes, also White or Black promotion is required. Any fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed.

The prizes & the judge: bottle & books & Peter Gvozdják.

There are two ways of entering:
  1. You may send the entry by e-mail to Peter Gvozdják at peter.gvozdjak@gmail.com. In that case the entry should be received latest on July 20th.
  2. You may also give your problems at Wageningen congress personally to Mr. Formánek. In that case he should receive your entry before Friday August 3rd, 9.30 A.M.
Thematical example follows. This in No. 951 in the book CYCLONE. Some other interesting examples: 157 380 443 445 485 852 1602.
Karol Mlynka
3rd Prize Caissa Zvolen C 14.3.1989

1.b8R! zz
1...Sb7, Sxf7
2.f8S, d6

1.f8S! zz
1...Sb7, Sxf7
2.d6, b8R

Kiss theme involving two white promotions in cycle. But it isn't necessary to have promotions as "cycling moves", e.g. it can be key in Lacny cycle, etc.

s#2 (10+4)
2 solutions

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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