Helpmates with 5 thematical phases 2

Problems for 15th TT CCM for helpmates with 5 thematical phases started to come in slowly, however so far mostly orthodox ones. Let's look at some fairies...
Uri Avner
1st Prize Israel Ring Tourney 1974-88

a) 1.cxd2(Bc1) Rc6 2.Qxc6(Rh1)+ Bxd2(Pd7)#

b) 1.dxe3(Bc1) Re6 2.Qxe6(Rh1)+ Bxe3(Pe7)#

c) 1.exf4(Bc1) Rh5 2.Qxh5(Rh1)+ Bxf4(Pf7)#

d) 1.Bxg5(Bc1) Rxg8 2.Qxg8(Rh1)+ Bxg5(Bf8)#

e) 1.Sxh6(Bc1) Ra8 2.Qxa8(Rh1)+ Bxh6(Sb8)#

White bishop and white rooks are captured 5 times, creating always battery on the first row, that mates by capture of black unit neutralizing the check to wK from 5 different directions.

h#2 (12+9)
b) d2 -» e3
c) d2 -» f4
d) d2 -» g5
e) d2 -» h6

Petko A. Petkov
1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1985

a) 1.Gb4 e8CA 2.Gf4 f8CA#

b) 1.Gh6 f8G 2.Gf4 e8G#

c) 1.Kd5 e8Z 2.Gbe5 f8Z#

d) 1.Ghe5 f8N 2.Ga5 e8N#

e) 1.Kf4 f8GI 2.Ghe5 e8GI#

There are 5 different types of fairy pieces present in the diagram position. The theme is double white fairy AUW.

h#2 (5+12)
grasshopper h8, h8, nightrider e4, giraffe d6
zebra b5, camel e3
b) b5 -» d5
c) b5 -» c4
d) e5 -» a6
e) e4 -» f5

Vladislav Bunka
2nd HM H. Klüver MT 1990-93

White has just captured a unit on b3, but it wasn't reborn yet. So it reborns and Black continues:

bPb7: 1.Kc8 Re8#
bSg8: 1.Se7 Rd6#
bBc8: 1.Bd8 Be8#
bRa8: 1.Rd8 Sxb6(Bf8)#
bQd8: 1.Bc6 Re4#

Joke problems are quite scarce in fairy form, this one with 5 different rebirths is cute.

h#1 (7+10)
joke problem

Karol Mlynka
4th Place 5th WCCT 1993-97

1.Bxh4(w) Bxf6(b) 2.Sfxd6(w) Sf7#

1.Sfxd6(w) Sxb5(b) 2.Sxb6(w) Sc4#

1.Sxb6(w) Sxd7(b) 2.Rexd6(w) Re6#

1.Rexd6(w) Rxc6(b) 2.Rxd2(w) Rd5#

1.Rxd2(w) Rxe2(b) 2.Bxh4(w) Bg3#

Oho, cycle of 5 black moves. In fact, all 5 black moves are captures generating white material necessary for mating. Moreover, there 5 white mating switchbacks.

h#2 (10+16)
Andernach chess

Michal Dragoun
1st Prize V. Nebotov 60 JT 1995

a) 1.Qc6 Kxh1(Bc8) 2.Be6 Qd4#

b) 1.Qe4 Kxh1(Bf1) 2.Bc4 Qd6#

c) 1.Qd6 Kxh1(Bg1) 2.Bc5 Qe4#

d) 1.Qe6 Kxh1(Ba8) 2.Bc6 Qd4#

e) 1.Qd6 Kxh1(Bh8) 2.Be5 Qc4#

4 echo mates, one of them (Qd4) reappers after reciprocal blocks of bQ a bB. All mates use circe selfguarding of wQ and the whole difference is attained by different Circe squares under various Circe modifications. Fine hybrid.

h#2 (2+4)
a) Circe
b) Mirror Circe
c) PWC
d) Symmetry Circe
e) File Circe

Lev Grolman
Comm Probleemblad 1998

a) 1.dxc1S(w) fxg8S(b) 2.Sxf6(w) Sd3#

b) 1.dxc1R(w) fxg8R(b) 2.Rxg5(w) Rc4#

c) 1.dxc1Q(w) fxg8Q(b) 2.Qxg5(w) Qf1#

d) 1.dxc1B(w) fxg8B(b) 2.Bxd5(w) Be3#

e) 1.Bxf7(w) Bxd2(b) 2.Bxg5(w) Be6#

Babson in 4 solutions is supplemented by solution in which both thematical pawns are captured. It seems connecting thematical complexes requiring 4 parts with one by special link might especially fruitful approach to the TT.

h#2 (10+9)
Andernach chess
b) -wPe4
c) f4 -» h3
d) f4 -» c5
e) f4 -» g4

Viktor Zheglov
Prize Ideal Mate Review 1999

a) 1.Gc3 Kb3 2.Kd3 Ge6 3.Ge3 Gf1#

b) 1.Ke3 Gg2 2.Gh1 Kc3 3.Gf3 Gg1#

c) 1.Ke5 Kc5 2.Gd5 Gg2 3.Gf5 Gg7#

d) 1.Ke5 Kb5 2.Kd5 Ge6 3.Ge5 Gf7#

e) 1.Ke5 Gf1 2.Gf4 Gg5 3.Ke4 Gf5#

Ideal mates with given material are easier to obtain in the twin form than in the multisolution form. But to get 5 of them is not trivial too.

h#3 (5+2)
4+1 grasshopper
b) c7 -» b7
c) c7 -» a5
d) c7 -» e8
e) e2 -» d2

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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