New ideas in fairy chess 1 - MAFF, OWU

Young Slovak composer Miro Brada has in recent years developed a few vivacious fairy conditions. They allowed him, among other things, to produce very original mechanisms for currently modish cyclical changes in twomover. He kindly sent me some of his problems, I hope you will appreciate them.

I give definitions in Slovak and in English.

OWU: v mate ciernemu kralovi musi byt presne jeden biely kamen v posobnosti cierneho krala. Mat bez bieleho kamena alebo s viac ako jednym bielym kamenom v posobnosti cierneho krala je ilegalny. Akykolvek tah, ktory nevyhnutne vedie k ilegalnemu tahu, je zakazany.
OWU: in the mate to black, there must be exactly one white unit in the black king's field. The mate without any or with more than one white unit in the black king's field is illegal. Any move that inevitably leads to illegal move, is forbidden.

MAFF: v mate ciernemu musi mat cierny kral presne jedno volné pole. Cierny musi mat prave jednu moznost odvratit sach - ustup krala na toto volne pole. Mat bez volneho pola cierneho krala je ilegalny, akykolvek tah, ktory nevyhnutne vedie k ilegalnemu tahu je zakazany.
MAFF: in the mate to black, black king must have exactly one flight, not more, not less. Black must have only one way to parry check - move to flight. The mate without flight is illegal. Any move that inevitably leads to illegal move is itself illegal.

Miroslav Brada
Sachova skladba 1997

1.Bf4! thr. 2.Red7# A,
1...Sc6 a, Se6b 2.Rcd7# B, Bc4# C

1.Bb4! thr. 2.Rcd7# B,
1...Sc6 a, Se6b 2.Bc4# C, Red7# A

Threat Lacny.

#2 (6+7)
2 solutions

Miroslav Brada
The Problemist 1997

1.e3? thr. 2.Rb1# A,
1...Sc2 a, Se2b 2.Qd2# B, Rf1# C

1.c4! thr. 2.Rf1# B,
1...Sc2 a, Se2b 2.Rb1# C, Qd2# A

Threat Lacny.

#2v (7+3)

Miroslav Brada
Variant Chess 1998

1.b7! thr. 2.Qxc7# A,
1...Ke5 a, Kc5b 2.Qxe7# B, Rxd5# C

1.f7! thr. 2.Qxe7# B,
1...Ke5 a, Kc5b 2.Rxd5# C, Qxc7# A

1.Sc2! thr. 2.Rxd5# C,
1...Ke5 a, Kc5b 2.Qxc7# A, Qxe7# B

Threat Lacny 3x3.

#2 (10+7)
3 solutions

Miroslav Brada
Problem Paradise Autumn 1998

1.Re2? thr. 2.c3# A,
1...Sxd3 a 2.Rd7# B

1.b4? thr. 2.Rd7# B,
1...Sxd3 a 2.Sf5# C

1.Kd7? thr. 2.Sf5# C,
1...Sxd3 a 2.Bc5# D

1.Rxb7! thr. 2.Bc5# D,
1...Sxd3 a 2.c3# A

4-fold cyclic le Grand.

#2vvv (14+9)

Miroslav Brada
Problem Paradise Winter 1999

1.Bb4! thr. 2.Qb5# A,
1...Kb3 a, Kd3b 2.Qxd5# B, Sed2# C

1.Bd4! thr. 2.Qxd5# B,
1...Kb3 a, Kd3b 2.Sed2# C, Qb5# A

1.Sb4! thr. 2.Sed2# C,
1...Kb3 a, Kd3b 2.Qb5# A, Qxd5# B

Threat Lacny 3x3.

#2 (10+4)
2+0 grasshopper
3 solutions

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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