7th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.8.2001
As you probably know, our 6th TT CCM was dedicated to antibattery mates,
these are usually mates given by hopping piece over other own unit that arrives in the mating move on hopping piece line and serves as a hurdle. But this hopping piece can give mate not only over own unit, but also over enemy unit provided this enemy unit is properly immobilized (other possible case is doublecheck, but it is not important now). After exploring possibilities of antibatteries, the immobilization is logically next field for research.
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for fairy problems showing mates by hopping pieces (like grasshoppers, lions, mooses, equihoppers, etc.) over enemy units that are immobilized during solution. Immobilization of unit means that the unit in question can make at least 1 legal move during the line leading to thematical mate or as an answer to check, but the position changes in the way that it cannot leave mating line of hopping piece in mate. There are 2 sections:
- fairy direct mates, selfmates and reflex mates - judged by Juraj Brabec (Slovakia).
- fairy helpmates - judged by Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia).
Any fairy elements and tricks are allowed (as Peter Gvozdják named it in his book Cyclone, hocus & pocus :-)), but the final decision of thematicity of very strange theme embodiements will be done by judges. Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@bigfoot.com
before August 31st 2001. (or possibly by snail mail to Juraj Lörinc, ul. CSA 333/27, 018 41 DUBNICA NAD VAHOM, Slovakia, but e-mail is preferred). The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb and it will be published in paper printed form too in definitive version.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
CCM having now more than 1700 chess problems contains also some thematical examples for our 7th TT.
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc shows dual avoidance after blocking of the only available square for black grasshopper.
- #2 by Miroslav Brada & Michal Dragoun & Juraj Lörinc uses in different mechanisms of immobilization in threats of tries and in variations of the solution.
- s#2 by Juraj Lörinc has initially wpf2 blocked by bBf3, but the defence motive of Bf3~ is unblocking of pawn - mobilizing of hurdle, but this allows wQ to leave 3rd rank and thus opening a3-g3 line, immobilizing wpf2 by "antibattery".
- h#2 by Václav Kotesovec shows both blocking and "antibattery" forms of immobilizing in both solutions.
- h#2 by Markus Manhart & Franz Pachl shows again "antibattery" form of immobilizing with changes of functions of white grasshoppers.
- h#2 by Wilhelm Krämer uses immobilization of bGg2 only as a device to show 4 G-promotions, but it is interesting as it carries out other form of immobilizing - withdrawal - it works well for hopping pieces.
- h#2 by Josif Kricheli shows special forms of immobilizing in 1st solution. 2nd solution has already well known form, 1.Rg6 and 2.Rxe8 are simple blockings. 1.Ra3 in 1st solution, it is anticipatory blocking form as need for block is seen only after mating move. 1...Gf7 is even more interesting, it is in fact interference of e7-h7 line, taking in account fact that g7 is already well blocked and thus it doesn't give bGe7 new jump possibility.
- h#2 by Friedrich Chlubna shows new special form possible due to Circe condition. One can argue that 1.Sgf6 and 1...fxe4(pe7) in a) and 1.Rg6 in are only blockings, but it seems that capture and transport of black hurdles are something special - as it removes possibilities of (although irrelevant) moves Sd5~ and g3~.
- h#2 by Henryk Gruzdinski shows simple blocking.
- h#2 by Achim Schöneberg combines various forms - blocking (Gfb4), withdrawal (pe2~), interference (Bd4+ and e4) - into an interesting complex.
- h#2 by Henryk Gruzdinski has 3 blockings and 2 withdrawals.
- h#2 by Henryk Gruzdinski shows mates over 3 various immobilized units what is naturally more difficult than 2. But also new "motive" appears - in a) and c) the mate is given over pawn that just arrived at given square and yet he has no move back as it is pawn, oneway unit. Among orthodox units the only one, of course, but think about locusts, maos...
- h#2 by György Bakcsi and László Zoltán shows blocking+withdrawal immobilizing known from Schöneberg's h#2, but the rest is better unified.
- h#4 by Unto Heinonen shows excellent Circe immobilization (bB cannot capture white pao due to selfcheck) and also blocking immobilization by reborn pawn.
We have also special files with problems thematical for this TT:
The examples surely don't show all possible forms of hurdle immobilizing. Just think about others, if you want. Or use known forms for expressing various ideas... The field is mostly unexplored...
Many thanks to mr. Juraj Brabec for preparing his award of direct section. We had 5 direct mates and 16 helpmates competing in respective sections. The level of direct section was average, but helpmates were of very good quality. The tourney was successful thanks to the following authors that submitted their compositions (again higher number of them):
- Reto Aschwanden (Switzerland)
- Michel Caillaud (France)
- Alessandro Cuppini (Italy)
- Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
- Joost de Heer (Netherlands)
- Georgij Jevsejev (Russia)
- Pavel Kamenik (Czechia)
- Torsten Linß (Germany)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Miodrag Mladenovic (USA)
- Dieter Müller (Germany)
- Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia)
- Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)
And here are the winners:
- award of direct section by Juraj Brabec
- award of help section by Juraj Lörinc
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before January 31st 2002, please.
As no claims were received, the award becomes final.
Again many thanks to everyone who helped tourney success in whichever way. We also invite you to take part in 8th TT Chess Composition Microweb.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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