Eric Huber
dedicated to Vlaicu Crisan 28 Quartz 16 - 2001
a) 1.Rd8 Rc8 2.Rd2 Kd3 3.Kb7 Ke3 4.Ka6 Bb5 5.Rd4+ Rc1#
After Pelle move (1.Rd8) we see unpinning (1...Rc8), two
self-interferences specific for Mars Circe (1...Rc8, 2.Rd2)
allowing march of both kings and two blockings (4...Bb5, 5.Rd4+),
the mate is given by battery (5...Rc1#).
b) 1.e5 Ra4 2.Be1 Kd1 3.Rc2 Bf1 4.Bc3+ Ke1 5.Rc1+ Ra1#
The solution begins by anticipatory self-intereference exploited only
on 5th move, then we see unpinning (1...Ra4) of Rd8 and
self-interference of wK (2.Be1). Move 3.Rc2 is critical as rook will
interefered by 4.Bc3, but also anticritical as this way bishop doesn't
close rook with respect of c1. Black bishop is pinned (in anticipation,
3...Bf1). The mate is similar to a) in a special way - it is occupation
of Circe square of white piece giving check.