Cedric C.L. Sells 9196 Feenschach 768 - 1969 |
a) 1.Kh8 Ge3 2.Rg8 Gc3# |
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h#2 (3+5) grasshopper b3 - b7, h1 b) white locust b3 c) white kangaroo b3 |
Hemmo Axt dedicated to P. Kniest feenschach 1984 |
a) 1.Qc3 Rf2 2.Qxg3+ Kxg3(Qe1)# |
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h#2 (7+8) Diagram Circe b) wBf5, c) wSf5 |
Olivier Ronat F0209 StrateGems 12 - 2000 |
a) 1.Kf5(+e5) Ke3(+e2) 2.Kxe5(+f5) LOxe2-f3= |
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h=2 (2+1) Adverse Sentinelles locust d1 b) white triton d1 c) white nereide d1 |
Andreas Thoma 10785 Schach-Echo VIII 1983 |
a) 1.dxe8Q(Qd8)+! Kh6,Kh4 2.Bh3 Qxd3(Rh1)# |
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s#2 (5+10) Circe Maximummer b) bRe8 c) bBe8 d) bSe8 |
Rafael Candela Sanz 2294 feenschach 40 - XI 1977 |
a) 1.Se5 Bc3 2.Bc6 Bb4# |
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h#2 (5+9) b) black camel f3 c) black giraffe f3 |
Josif Kricheli F14 Canadian Chess Chat V 1983 |
a) 1.Qc4 Gb3 2.Rb6 Ga4# |
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h#2 (3+9) 2+0 grasshopper b) bRd5 c) bPd5 |
Vladislav Bunka Sachová skladba 2007 |
a) 1.Kf3 g6 2.Re4 Gh5# |
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h#2 (6+13) grasshopper e8 b) wQe8 c) wRe8 d) wBe8 e) wSe8 |
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Juraj Lörinc.
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