Twinning by replacement of pieces 2

This is the second special example file for the 24th TT CCM C 10.10.2008.

Although most existing thematical examples are orthodox, some are fairies however and this set is composed of them.
Cedric C.L. Sells
9196 Feenschach 768 - 1969

a) 1.Kh8 Ge3 2.Rg8 Gc3#

b) 1.Rc8 LOxb7-b8 2.Kf8 LOxc8-d8#

c) 1.Gh7 Bf5 2.Gh8 Be6#

Not much complicated and connected between phases. It is however interesting that white grasshopper and white kangaroo have the same power in terms of possible mates in this case. Kangaroo on b3 prevents black pieces from entering f7.

h#2 (3+5)
grasshopper b3 - b7, h1
b) white locust b3
c) white kangaroo b3

Hemmo Axt
dedicated to P. Kniest
feenschach 1984

a) 1.Qc3 Rf2 2.Qxg3+ Kxg3(Qe1)#

b) 1.Rf4 Be4 2.Rxg4+ Kxg4(Ra4)#

c) 1.Bf4 Se3 2.Bxg5+ Kxg5(Bc1)#

Similar stategy in all three positions. Black wants to activate white royal battery by capture on g-file. However capture by wK brings black piece back to diagram square, therefore White has to cut the line in his first move. The manoeuvre is simply anti-critical in b) and c) and anti-peri-critical in a).

h#2 (7+8)
Diagram Circe
b) wBf5, c) wSf5

Olivier Ronat
F0209 StrateGems 12 - 2000

a) 1.Kf5(+e5) Ke3(+e2) 2.Kxe5(+f5) LOxe2-f3=

b) 1.Kf4(+e5) TRe1 2.Kf5(+f4) Kf3(+e2)=

c) 1.Ke4(+e5) Kf2(+e2) 2.Kf4(+e4) NExe2-f3=

The stalemate picture is similar in all three positions, bK cannot move up diagonally due to birth of white pawn. However in b) white triton is used only for blocking the black pawn.

h=2 (2+1)
Adverse Sentinelles
locust d1
b) white triton d1
c) white nereide d1

Andreas Thoma
10785 Schach-Echo VIII 1983

a) 1.dxe8Q(Qd8)+! Kh6,Kh4 2.Bh3 Qxd3(Rh1)#

b) 1.dxe8R(Ra8)! Rd8 2.Rd4 Rxd4(Ra1)#

c) 1.dxe8B(Bc8)+! Rxe8(Bf1) 2.Rdd5 Bxf5#

d) 1.dxe8S(Sg8)! Bd4 2.Sf6+ Sxf6#

Usual but welcome correspondence between piece standing on e8 and white piece promoted in the key.

s#2 (5+10)
Circe Maximummer
b) bRe8
c) bBe8
d) bSe8

Rafael Candela Sanz
2294 feenschach 40 - XI 1977

a) 1.Se5 Bc3 2.Bc6 Bb4#

b) 1.CAe6+ Kxg6 2.Sc6 Sf5#

c) 1.GIe7 axb5 2.Bd5 c5#

Simple mating with three different leapers blocking 3 squares on e-file from f3.

h#2 (5+9)
b) black camel f3
c) black giraffe f3

Josif Kricheli
F14 Canadian Chess Chat V 1983

a) 1.Qc4 Gb3 2.Rb6 Ga4#

b) 1.Rd7 Gd8 2.Bb6 Gc8#

c) 1.d4 Gd5 2.b6 Gc4#

Good strategy: three blocks of b6 are at the same time also cyclical mutual obstructions of black pieces moving to b6, leading to mates over immobilized hurdles. Pieces from d5 allow jumps of immobilizing white grasshopers, note however that the problem also works with bB standing on d5 in diagram position instead of bQ.

h#2 (3+9)
2+0 grasshopper
b) bRd5
c) bPd5

Vladislav Bunka
Sachová skladba 2007

a) 1.Kf3 g6 2.Re4 Gh5#

b) 1.Kd5 Qxh8 2.Ke6 Qg8#

c) 1.Kd3 Rxe2 2.Re4 Rd2#

d) 1.Rdd3 Bxd7 2.Bd4 Bc6#

e) 1.Rf3 f7 2.Qd3 Sf6#

Black king is in check in the initial position of b) and c). There are model mates in all five positions here.

h#2 (6+13)
grasshopper e8
b) wQe8
c) wRe8
d) wBe8
e) wSe8

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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