37th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 9.9.2015
Some of readers have received my appeal for more problems with antagonistic stipulations. Here is one of results: the new theme tourney that is aimed at the popularization of active play of white king.
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for direct, self, reflex and semi-reflex problems of any length where black checks are answered by moves of checked white king (white king can be replaced by other types of royal pieces).
Judge: Kjell Widlert (Sweden)
The competing problems can be of any length, their aim can be any (usually it will be mate, but can be stalemate or other). Any form of twins, multiple solutions, duplex or set play are allowed, as well as fairy elements. The tourney might be divided to multiple sections if enough problems are received, depending on the opinion of the judge.
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@gmail.com
before September 9th, 2015. The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
Strucny slovensky preklad temy: Turnaj je vypisany pre priame ulohy, samoulohy, reflexne a semireflexne ulohy, v ktorych po sachoch cierneho biely taha kralom.
At CCM there are already published a few thematical examples, including the following:
- r#2 by Norman A. Macleod - checks to wK are answered by king's moves to f6 and e4
- r#2 by Peter Gvozdják - the royal variations are not the core of the problem, "only" an attractive addition to the main theme, there are 1 (try) + 2 (solution) checking black corrections
- s#9 by Juraj Lörinc - the theme is shown only by the way, as a result of set of pieces available on the board, Black has to check because of Maximummer condition, White has not many other ways to parry check than to move his royal knight
- #2 by Juraj Lörinc - the missing variation from the well known carousel change is added in each phase to have Zagorujko 3x3 - and the added variation is thematical for the 37th TT CCM
- s#5 by Juraj Lörinc - thematical play is forced by two facts: 1. the condition Ultraschachzwang requires checks by Black, 2. white Rex Solus means all white moves must be made by king
See more examples in the special example file.
We had 6 problems competing in the tourney, submitted by five authors:
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Linden Lyons (Australia)
- Raffi Ruppin (Israel)
- Ivo Tominic (Croatia)
- Neal Turner (Finland)
And here are the winners: the award by Kjell Widlert.
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before July 6th, 2008, please.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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