Patrol chess problems 2

There are a few Patrol chess problems on this page that came onto my eyes in last days. First was kindly sent in by Theodor Tauber, other I digged in my files. I am considering an idea about running thematical tourney from my page that would be dedicated to Patrol chess. Are there any people interested in it? Mail me your opinion about it - if enough people would be attracted, I'll arrange it soon.
Theodor Tauber
Shlomo Seider

Probleemblad 1980

1.Qc1! th. 2.Rxb2+ Qxb2#
1...Sd any 2.Bxd3 Rxd3#
1...Sxf5! 2.Bd4 Bxd4#
1...Sxb5! 2.Sa5 Rd5#
1...Se8! 2.Sc5 Bxf6#
1...Se4! 2.Be5 h1=B(Q)#

1...Sb any 2.Rb2! (Qb2?)

1.Qd1?? Se4! 2.Be5 h1=B(Q) 3.Qf3!
1.Qxb1?? Sd any 2.Bxd3 Rxd3 3.Kc2!

Well motivated reflex mate with 4 black corrections.

r#2 (13+14)
Patrol chess

Yves Cheylan
1489 Phénix 21/1993

1.Bxg4? th. 2.Rexh2#
1...Bf2(Bg1) 2.Rxd2#
1.Rexh2! th. 2.Rxd2#
1...Bf2(Be3) 2.Bxg4#

Cyclic change of key, threat and mate after the same defence - Djurasevic theme.

#2 (7+10)
Patrol chess

Michal Dragoun
2nd HM 6. CT Phénix C 30.9.1993

1.Sh7! th. 2.Sf6+ Kf4 3.Be3#
1...Kf4 2.Ke3+ Kg4 3.Kxf3+ Kh4 4.Kxg3#
1...Kd5 2.Kc4+ Kc6 2.Kb5+ Kb7+ 4.Kxa6#
(2...Ke4 3.Be3 ~ 4.Sf6#)

Diagonal-orthogonal echo of king's movements. Very expressive theme, that cannot be missed by anybody.

#4 (14+7)
Patrol chess

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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