Peter Gvozdják
original Chess Composition Microweb 23.4.2006
1.Se5~? (zz)
1...Ke6 a 2.f5+ A Bxf5#
1...Kg6 b 2.Be4+ B Bxe4#
1...Kg4 c 2.Qxd7+ C Bf5#
1.Sd3! (zz)
1...Ke6 a 2.Be4 B Bb1~#
1...Kg6 b 2.Qxd7 C Bb1~#
1...Kg4 c 2.f5 A Bb1~#
Lacny cycle in the form recently condemned by Petko Petkov in The Ural Problemist, where he strongly objected
against multiple mating moves in selfmates. Peter, on the other hand, is among those not considering this to be
any defect in selfmates not aimed at final mates.