Spisska Borovicka - 23rd theme tourney C 25.8.2011
Peter Gvozdják announced
his 23rd thematical tourney Spisska Borovicka, competition for all kinds of
original problems in 2 moves (#2, =2, h#2, s#2, r=2 etc...).
Twins, more solutions, promoted pieces and also all kinds of fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed.
The following theme is required:
At least one "retiring defence".
For purpose of this tourney, "retiring defence" was defined as follows:
A move which starts on a square adjacent to the black King but ends
on a non-adjacent square.
Additionally, there must be any cyclic idea
(not necessary to be a CYCLONE!).
Important: only computer-tested (C+) problems will be accepted.
The judge: Peter Gvozdják.
There were two ways of entering:
You could send the entry by e-mail to Peter Gvozdják at
In that case the entry should be received latest on August 18, 2011.
You could also give your problems at Jesi congress personally to Peter Gvozdják.
In that case he should have received your entry before Thursday August 25th, 2011, 9.30 P.M.
(Tourney is open for anyone, material prizes for congress participants only.)
Peter Gvozdják
1st Prize Martin 1992-93
1.Rf5? th. 2.Qxd4# A
1...Qxg1 a 2.Sd3# B
1...Rxf5 b 2.b4# C
1.Re4! th. 2.Sd3# B
1...Qxg1 a 2.b4# C
1...Rf5 b 2.Qxd4# A
In the example, both defences are thematic and the Shedey cycle
completes the cyclic part.