Theodor Tauber

Israeli chess composer - an expert in the fairy chess.
Theodor Tauber
5th HM Schach Echo 1980


1.Rg1+ Kb2! [not 1...Kd2 2.Rg3 Bxf6#]
2.Rg2+ Kc3! [not 2...Ka3 or Kc1 3.Rg3 Bxf6#]
3.Rg3+ Kd4!
4.Rd3+ Ke5!
5.Rd5+ Kxf6!
6.Rg5! Be5
7.Rf5+ Kg7
8.Rf3 Ba1
9.Rg3 Bf6#

Fata Morgana.

s#9 (*) (4+8)

Theodor Tauber
Die Schwalbe 1981

1.Qb4? [2.Qxg4(g7)#] Rxe5(e2)!
1.Be3? [2.Bxg5(g7)#] Rxd6(d2)!

1.fxe6(Ra8)! zz
1...Rxb8(Qd1) 2.Qxg4(g7)#
1...Rxa7(bc1)  2.Bxg5(g7)#

Light and funny.

#2 (9+4)

Theodor Tauber
2nd HM Springaren 1980

1.Kb4! [1...axb4(Ke1)] zz
1...h5 2.Bb3 h4 3.Bc4 h3 4.Qb3 Ke1#
1...h6 2.Kxa5(a7)! h5 [ Not 2...hxg5(Sg1)?] 3.Qb4 h4 4.Rh3 Se1#

Crazy strategy.

s#4 (13+9)
Circe Rex Inklusiv

Theodor Tauber
feenschach 1988

1.Re2! [2.Qc4#]

A perfect thematic key!

1...Sxe6(Bf1)+ 2.Rxe1(Bf8)#
1...Rxe6(Bf1)+ 2.Rxe5(e7)#
1...fxe6(Bf1)+ 2.Rxf2(f7)#
1...dxe6(Bf1)+ 2.Rxd2(d7)#
1...Kxe2(Rh1) 2.Qf3#
1...R(B)xd5(Qd1) 2.Sc1#


#2 (9+16)

Theodor Tauber
Comm Tourney for jokes Czechoslovakia 1988

1.Qe1! [2.Qe5#]
1...K any 2.MAT (Black King was removed from the board!)
1...Kd6! 2.Qe6#
1...e7 any 2.Sf4#
1...e5! 2.fxe6 (ep)

Black correction of King and pawn.

#2 (8+7)
Joke problem

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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