Award of 14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004

(Judgement by Ion Murarasu)

First I would like to thank Juraj for having courageously entrusted me with the task of judging this tourney. From my point of view it is a full success with regard to the number of participating problems as well as the very high level of some of them. I have received 40 anonymous problems, most of them in two or three moves and I have been studying their contents with pleasure. The theme proposed by this tourney can be dealt with in a multitude of forms and expressed by many different ideas, thanks to the inexhaustible possibilities offered by fairy chess. Therefore, it is self-evident that subjectivity had to intervene when judging these problems. I would have wished more moremovers but I think their rareness was largely compensated for by the presence of numerous h#2 with 4 solutions, genuine 'helpmates of the future' that treated the theme in a modern way. I congratulate all the authors for their efforts and I am convinced that this theme is far from being exhausted and that this tourney will incite composers to uncover more and more original beauties in this field.


Ion Murarasu

See also other judge's comments.

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
1st Prize
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM21

1.Bd2 Sxd4+ 2.Bf3 Sde6#

1.Rf3 Sxe4+ 2.Rd2 S4c5#

1.BLxe6 LIh5 2.Kf4 Sxe6#

1.RLxc5 LIa2 2.Kd3 Sxc5#

Impressive content, with diagonal-orthogonal echo in the background. In the first two solutions, two batteries-antibatteries Lion-Knight unpin and alternatively capture two black units and mate is given by Knight switchback. Remarkable double selfblocks by different units on d2 and f3. In the last two solutions, Black surprisingly destroys those batteries by capturing the white Knights, thus achieving the Zilahi theme, and the black King is mated on other fields, respectively f4 and d3. A high class problem!

h#2 (6+11)
2+0 lion, 0+2 rook lion, 0+1 bishop lion

Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
Eric Huber (Romania)

2nd Prize
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM01

1.Qxd6(Qc8) nBxb4(nBf4) 2.Rbxb5(Rg3) nRxe5(nRb3)#

1.Qxb5(Qc8) nRxe5(nRb3) 2.Bhxd6(Bb2) nBxb4(nBf4)#

A sparkling problem! The double captures of neutral Knights anticipatorily open b-file and h2-b8-diagonal for the mate and open fifth rank and e7-b4-diagonal for neutral figures. Then bRb1 and bBh2 reciprocally interfere. Furthermore, we observe the interchange of white moves, the absence of white unit excepted the lonely white King and model mates that are specific for AntiSuperCirce. The problem demonstrates the extraordinary possibilities of this new fairy condition, recently launched at Andernach meeting.

h#2 (1+13+4)
4 neutral units

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
3rd Prize
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM23

1.Qf3+ PAf2 2.Bxe5 Sxc5#

1.Qe3+ VAf2 2.Rxe5 Sxf6#

1.Bg7 PAxf7 2.Kf3 Sf6#

1.Rc7 VAxa7 2.Ke3 Sc5#

In the first two solutions the black Queen blocks fields e3 and f3 with check and White gives mate by two Vao-Pao and Pao-Vao antibatteries. In the last two solutions, the black King will be mated on those previously blocked fields and the mating white antibatteries are formed by Vao and Knight, respectively Pao and Knight. An original conception excellently illustrated!

h#2 (6+12)
pao f1 - g2, vao g1 - d8

Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
4th Prize
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM27

a) 1...BLxe4-d3(Sb4) 2.Kxd3(BLg4) RLxb4-c4(Sf3) 3.Kxc4(RLh4) BLxf3-e2(Sb3)#

b) 1...RLxe4-f4(Sg6) 2.Kxf4(RLc2) BLxg6-f5(Se2) 3.Kxf5(BLb1) RLxe2-f2(Sg5)#

A gem miniature with ideal mates! Every move is a SuperCirce-type capture on diagonal or orthogonal line. I consider the twinning good enough but I regret that white King is in check in the initial position.

h#2,5 (3+3)
Super Circe
rook locust a4, bishop locust h7
b) c3 -» g4

Chris J. Feather (Great Britain)
1st HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM38

1.KAxb6 KAc4 2.Qg4 KAh4 3.KAe3 Rxg4#

1.KAxf4 KAe3 2.Bb6 KAa7 3.KAc4 Bxb6#

Captivating diagonal and orthogonal Kangaroo play! The capture of white Kangaroo at first move is rather surprising and creates a good impression.

h#3 (6+10)
2+2 kangaroo

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
2nd HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM24

1.Kxc4 Gb1 2.BHc5 Rd3#

1.Kxd6 Ge8 2.RHc5 Be6#

1.RHf5 Be6 2.RHxb5 Gxe7#

1.BHe3 Rd3 2.BHxb6 Gxc2#

Formation of Grasshopper antibatteries, Zilahi theme, selfblocks, total diagonal-orthogonal echo play!

h#2 (7+9)
grasshopper e6, g6, rookhopper c2, f1
bishopper e7, h6

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
3rd HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM16

1.Sd7 Lxd7-c6 2.Kd4 Lxe4-f3#

1.Se6 Lxe6-e5+ 2.Kc4 Lxb5-a5#

1.LIb7 Nd7 2.Kc6 Ne7#

1.LIe5 Ne7+ 2.Ke6 Nd4#

In the first two solutions the white Locust forms batteries with white Nightriders. In the other two, the Nightriders interfere with the Locust. An original idea economically presented.

h#2 (5+9)
2+0 nightrider, 1+2 locust, 0+2 lion

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
4th HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM19

1.Qc6+ BLxc6-d5 2.RLxe6-d6 Rxg5#
1.Qf4 RLxf4-f3 2.Ke4 Re1#

1.Qf7 RLxf7-f6 2.BLxe6-d7 Bd4#
1.Qe4 BLxe4-f3 2.Kf4 Bh2#

Harmonious complex of Locust-Bishop and Locust-Rook. The black Queen sacrifices herself four times, so that white Locusts can move: twice diagonally, twice orthogonally. Mates are given by classical units: Bishop and Rook.

h#2 (6+9)
1+2 rook locust, 1+1 bishop locust
b) white Bg1

Georgij Jevsejev (Russia)
5th HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM10

1.LExb4 LExa3+ 2.LEb6 nMOb4#

1.LExd5 LExe5+ 2.LEc6 nMAd5#

The initial batteries are replaced by antibatteries; Zilahi and Umnov themes in the background. The use of Mao and Moa is odd but interesting.

h#2 (4+3+4)
2+1 leo, mao b4, moa d5
4 neutral units

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
6th HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM18

1.LIbxd6 LIc1 2.e5 DAc4#

1.LIhxe4 LIh2 2.Qc4 FEe5#

1.Qa3 LIa6 2.LIgxe4 LId8#

1.FEf6 LIxe7 2.LIdxd6 LIg2#

The pieces Fers and Dabbaba give this problem all its attraction. They are captured twice, at first and second move.

h#2 (5+15)
2+5 lion, 1+1 fers, 1+0 dabbaba

Zoltan Laborczi (Hungary)
7th HM
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM32

1.Kf6 PAe4 2.RLe6 VAxa1 3.Ke5 PAd4#

1.Ke6 VAd4 2.BLf6 PAxe1 3.Ke5 VAe3#

White reciprocal antibatteries, double black King switchback in the middle of the board and perfect correspondence of the fairy pieces on a1-h8 diagonal and e-file.

h#3 (3+7)
pao e8, vao h8
rook lion e1, bishop lion a1

Evgeny Bourd (Israel)
1st Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM20

a) 1.Sg3+ Kxe3 2.Bg1+ Kc1# (2.Bg5+? Kc5+ 3.Rd3!)

b) 1.Sg7+ Kxd6 2.Rd8+ Ka6# (2.Rb6+? Kd3+ 3.Bc5!)

Schiffman parade with active white batteries, crosschecks, dual avoidance, black interferences and pinmates! Very exciting content, but realized at great expense of fairy pieces.

h#2 (6+20)
1+1 transmuting king, 0+3 grasshopper
rookhopper a7, lion e8, amazone a8
b) a4 -» b2

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
2nd Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM26

1.Bc6 b8S 2.Kxe4 Sxc6#

1.Rf7 h8S 2.Kxf4 Sxf7#

1.Qxe4 Bc6 2.Qxf4 cxb5#

1.Qxf4 Rf7 2.Qxe4 hxg7#

In the first two solutions the reciprocal paralyses of Rooks and Bishops are followed by deparalysing captures. In the other two solutions the Rook-Pawn and Bishop-Pawn batteries are inactive and are destroyed through the captures of white pawns. Beautiful conception but the position is very heavy, with all eight white Pawns and too many black blocking units. Here is a more economical version.

h#2 (11+11)

Michal Dragoun (Czechia)
3rd Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM09

1.Qd1 Ge1 2.Qd5 Qe3#

1.Qh2 Gh1 2.Qe5 Qf3#

1.Gh6 Gh7 2.Re3 Qf5#

1.Sa3 Ga4 2.Bf3 Qd4#

Four echo mates by white Queen supported by a Grasshopper. The solutions fit by pairs. Grasshoppers reciprocally change roles in all four solutions. But there remains the same observation as in the preceding problem: construction is not optimal, one can eliminate black Pawns f6 and g7 and black Bishop g2 and move bGf8 to a6, keeping the same solutions.

h#2 (4+13)
2+3 grasshopper

Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
Eric Huber (Romania)

4th Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM02

a) 1.nRb5 nBxc4(nBa6) 2.Kc4 nRxf5(nRf4)#

b) 1.nBf7 nRxf5(nRf8) 2.Kf5 nBxc4(nBd3)#

Another AntiSuperCirce problem, with reciprocal batteries formed by neutral Bishop and Rook. Perfect harmony but the bad twinning reduces the value of the problem.

h#2 (1+7+2)
2 neutral units
b) d3 -» f4

Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
5th Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM28

1...Re3 2.Sf4 Bh5 3.Ke4 Bf3#

1...Bc6 2.Se6 Rg7 3.Kd6 Rd7#

Umnov theme, light and esthetical position. The Patrouille effect is discreet.

h#2,5 (4+6)
Patrol chess

Georgij Jevsejev (Russia)
6th Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM29

1...f8R(bR) 2.Rf1(wR) Bf4(bB) 3.Se2(wS) Sxf4#

1...f8B(bB) 2.Ba3(wB) Rc5(bR) 3.Sb3(wS) Sxc5#

Attractive miniature with minor promotions, change of functions and interesting mirror mates.

h#2,5 (4+2)
Antiandernach chess, 1+1 transmuting king

Vlaicu Crisan (Romania)
7th Comm
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 31.5.2004
No. IM34

1.LIa2 Sa6 2.LId5 Sxe2+ 3.Kc4 LEf1#

1.LIe1 Sh3 2.LIe4 Sxb3+ 3.Ke3 LEa3#

Beautiful diagonal and orthogonal "epaulette" mates. Pity of unused black Knight a7. The author suggested a possible version without this knight, without white King and with a black Pawn at c8 (!?).

h#3 (4+6)
leo f8, lion e6

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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