2003 and CYCLONE 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago

50 years ago (1953)

CYCLONE was sleeping. Though two Ceriani cycles and two Lacny cycles were already published, nobody mentioned it that year...

40 years ago (1963)

Very interesting twomover with the difficult Rice cycle from the International Team Match by Myllyniemi.

30 years ago (1973)

The first Lacny cycle helpmate in form by Velimirovic.

20 years ago (1983)

Almost unbelievable sixfold Lacny cycle with Grasshoppers only by French duo Rotenberg, Loustau.

10 years ago (1993)

One of the best orthodox twomovers ever, a fourfold Shedey cycle by Sovik.

0 years ago (2003)

Highly original threemover with the Djurasevic cycle in perfect construction by Nastran. Janez told me he was looking for the King´s position four years!
Matti Myllyniemi
8th Place International Team Match 1963

1.Qxg6? th. 2.Rxf5, Qxf5#
1...Sfe3 a 2.Qe4# A
1...Sde3 b 2.Bxf6# B

1.Qc6? th. 2.Qxd5, Rxd5#
1...Sfe3 a 2.Bxd6# C
1...Sde3 b 2.Qe4# A

1.axb5! th. 2.Sc4#
1...Sfe3 a 2.Bxf6# B
1...Sde3 b 2.Bxd6# C
1...Sxg7 2.Bxf6#

Very interesting twomover with the difficult Rice cycle from the International Team Match by Myllyniemi.

#2 (9+13)

Milan Velimirovic
1st Prize Mat 1973

1.Ka6 Qxb3 2.Sd8 a Qxa4# A
1.Ka6 Qxb3 2.Sc5 b Qxc4# B
1.Ka6 Qxb3 2.Sa5 c b5# C

1.Kc6 Qxb3 2.Sd8 a Qxc4# B
1.Kc6 Qxb3 2.Sc5 b b5# C
1.Kc6 Qxb3 2.Sa5 c Qxa4# A

The first Lacny cycle helpmate in form by Velimirovic.

h#2 (4+13)

Jacques Rotenberg
Jean-Marc Loustau

2nd Prize Rex Multiplex 1983

1...Re5 a 2.Sg3# A
1...Rf5 b 2.Rb4# B
1...Qxf3 c 2.Qc4# C
1...Be5 d 2.bxc8Q# D
1...f5 e 2.Sc5# E
1...Gxf3 f 2.Sf2# F

1.Se5! th. 2.Qf4#
1...Rxe5 a 2.Rb4# B
1...Rf5 b 2.Qc4# C
1...Qf3 c 2.bxc8Q# D
1...Bxe5 d 2.Sc5# E
1...f5 e 2.Sf2# F
1...Gf3 f 2.Sg3# A
(1...Gd6 2.Gxe7#
1...Rf3 2.bxc8Q#)

Almost unbelievable sixfold Lacny cycle with Grasshoppers only by French duo Rotenberg, Loustau.

#2 (14+21)
3+7 grasshopper

Stefan Sovik
1st Prize Narodna Obroda 1993

1.Qc8? th. 2.Sb6# A
1...Ke6 a 2.Sc7# B
1...Sc~ b 2.Rxe5# C
1...Kc4 c 2.Rxd4# D

1.Qa6! th. 2.Sc7# B
1...Ke6 a 2.Rxe5# C
1...Sc~ b 2.Rxd4# D
1...Kc4 c 2.Sb6# A

One of the best orthodox twomovers ever, a fourfold Shedey cycle by Sovik.

#2 (8+12)

Janez Nastran
C9898 The Problemist March 2003

1.f4? A th. 2.Rh3 B th. 3.Rh2# 2...Se3, Sxb2 3.R(x)e3#
1...e3 a 2.axb5 C th. 3.Sc3#, 2...Sxb2 3.Rxe3#
(1...exf3 e.p. 2.Rbxf3 th. 3.R3f2# Sxb2 3.Re3#
1...Sd4 2.Re3+ Sxe3 3.Sc3#)

1.Rh3! B th. 2.axb5 C th. 3.Sc3#
1...e3 a 2.f4 A th. 3.Rh2# 2...Sxb2 3.Rxe3#

Highly original threemover with the Djurasevic cycle in perfect construction by Nastran. Janez told me he was looking for the King´s position four years!

#3 (7+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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