Award of 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb
C 1.3.2000

When I announced this TT, I wasn't entirely sure that it will be successful. At last it turned out that it was. 11 competing entries - it isn't high number, but they were of considerable quality. In award there is included majority (7) of them, remarks to remaining follow:
As only limited number of composers was catched by announcement, I still believe that Patrol chess and particularly element set as a theme for TT has very wide potential.

Now let's go to the awarded entries - in the reverse order with increasing (I hope) quality. I confess that most of time was consumed by deciding the order of the best three problems, at last I decided to rank them by originality, thematical intensity and construction beeing secondary criterions. Of course, in construction would win 2nd Prize and in intensity 3rd Prize. But all three are excellent pieces of work.

Congratulations to all authors of awarded problems and thanks to all participants!

                                       Juraj Lörinc, Bratislava, March 23rd 2000
Gerard Bouma
2nd Comm 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 11

1.Kg4! zz
1...Rb5, Rc5 2.Qe6#, Se5#
1...Bc5, Bb4 2.Qe4#, Se3#
1...f2, g2 2.Qe2#, Sf2#

This problem was submitted in two versions. In original version orgue pipes that are well known, in improved version mutual interferences and withdrawals of Q, R, B. Play is schematical, but I appreciate strict geometry of board - queen's flank owing to playing black pieces, king's flank to white ones. Together 6 thematical mates.

#2 (7+10)
Patrol chess

Michal Dragoun
1st Comm 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 3

1.Rh5 Qg5 2.Ke5 Rd5#

1.Ba2 Qb3 2.Kc4 Bd5#

Nice helpmate with good diagonal-orthogonal analogy and mates with arguable thematicity (see below), this time by two different pieces. But motivation isn't so surprising as in following helpmates.

h#2 (5+6)
Patrol chess
2 solutions

Michal Dragoun
2nd HM 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 5

a) 1.Qa4 Bb4+ 2.axb4 Kd5#
(1.Q~? Kd5+ 2.Kb4!), (1.Q~? Bb4+ 2.?)

b) 1.Qe4 Rd5+ 2.exd5 Kb4#
(1.Q~? Kb4+ 2.Kd5!), (1.Q~? Rd5+ 2.?)

Very good motivation in helpmate: 1st black move unpins white king (!) and prepares capture in 2nd black move by patrolling, 1st white move blocks b4/d5 but checks and thus black must parry it by capture. Finally thematical mate is from unintended set: in the announcement I meant the mates given by moving other piece than that directly checking - but I decided that present mates fulfill theme too.

h#2 (5+12)
Patrol chess
b) a5 -» d4

Michel Caillaud
1st HM 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 2

1...Ka7,b5 2.Sdxb6# A, Scb6# B

1.Bf7! zz
1...Ka7,b5 2.Scxb6# B, Sdb6# A

Simple but clear motivation for reciprocal change: 1...Ka7 allows mate by patrolled knight, 1...b6 by unpatrolled. Key exchanges functions of knights and thus also mates. Very economical mutate, partly counterexmaple to my opinion that Patrol chess doesn't allow simple artistical positions.

#2 (6+5)
Patrol chess

Reto Aschwanden
3rd Prize 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 9

Set Play:
1...Rd6 b 2.Rxg4# A
1...Bd6 c 2.R4xf5# B

1.Sb6! threatens 2.Rd5#
1...Be1 a 2.R4xf5# B
1...Bd6 c 2.CAxd6# C

1.Sc7! threatens 2.Rd5#
1...Se1 a 2.Rxg4# A
1...Rd6 b 2.CAxd6# C

In set play there is Grimshaw, keys have similar motivation - they free d5, unpatrol Rf4 and close black lines. Defence Be1 defends by patrolling b4, but neutralizes unpatrolling of f4, other two defences defend apparently by closing d5-d7, what is very fine patrol motivation (after 2.Rd5+? Kc4!), but allow mate on d6. But in fact, in 1.Sb6! phase knight patrols d7 again and thus there is other defence motive of Bd6 - patrolling of b4, what destroys unity. Also the basic mechanism with Grimshaw for pseudo-carousel change is well known from Brabec's orthodox works, it is only extended to Patrol chess. Thus scoring well for complexity of Patrol chess play, but less for originality.

(My originally a bit unprecise comment was corrected after Reto's claim. Sorry!)

#2 (12+16)
Patrol chess
5+3 camels
2 solutions

Michal Dragoun
2nd Prize 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 4

1.Rb8 Qf3 2.Kf2 LIf8# (3.Rxf8?, Q~?)

1.Qa7 Qd3 2.Ke2 LIa6# (3.Qxa6?, R~?)

1st black move leaves threat from f8-f3/a6-d3 lines and prepares hurdle fow white lion. 1st white move removes guard from f2/e2 (what is not seen at the first sight) and sets the first mating piece. Then black moves into mating net. At last thematical mate with additional elements of white quality follows: white patrols queen by lion over piece that cannot leave f8-f3/a6-d3 due to pin that twice uses these lines in question. Original idea and excellent construction.

h#2 (3+5)
Patrol chess
lion a8

Hans Peter Rehm
1st Prize 4th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 1.3.2000
No. 7

1.Qh1! th. 2.Qh7#
1...Sd6 2.Ra3# (Rc2, Qe1?)
1...Sxf4 2.Rc2# (Qe1, Ra3?)
1...Gg7 2.Qe1# (Ra3, Rc2?)
(1...Gd1, Se3 2.dxe4#, fxe3#)

Trial avoidance: any move of Sd5, Se4 and Ge4 remove threat from pc3: withdrawal of one piece, other two are sudennly pinned. White only needs to patrol pc3, but here it is - he mustn't unpin these pinned pieces. Very natural cycle. Many pieces only blocking of unsuitable moves, but without any doubts the most original problem in competition.

#2 (14+16)
Patrol chess
1+4 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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