Bedrich Formánek

Born on 6th June 1933, Honorary President of the Permanent Commission of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (since 2002), former President of the Permanent Commission of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (1994-2002), Vice-president of PCCC (1971-1982), Honorary President of Slovak Chess Composition Organisation (from 2004), President of Czecho-Slovak or Slovak Chess Composition Organisation (1952-2004, 2012-), author of about 385 compositions in various genres, FIDE Master for Chess Compositions (1990), author or co-author of 8 books, about 20 booklets, 190 articles and exactly 6073 columns (until November 10th, 2012), editor of chess composition magazines (Šachový Bulletin, PAT A MAT), judge of approximately 100 tourneys, FIDE International Judge of Chess Composition (1966), organizer of competitions, meetings, seminars, circles etc.

We asked him to choose some of his compositions that are herein provided to Microweb readers.

taken from book Kompozicny sach na Slovensku
taken from brochure with 107 BF's problems, comment by Bedrich Formanek
taken from brochure with 107 BF's problems, comment by Juraj Brabec
comment of judge, Ladislav Packa.
It is perhaps the time to call for help by any of Internet active chess programmers: Is there anybody who would write a program for 4-dimensional chess? Mr. Formánek would like to correct his helpmate with the help of computer...
Bedrich Formánek
Special HM Pravda 1979-80

1.Qxa4? th. 2.Rd8#, 1...c4, Kd6 2.Qxc4#, Qc6#, 1...Sb4!
1.Qe2? th. 2.Qxd3#, 1...c4, Sb4, Sf4, Kc4, Kd6 2.Rd8#, Rd8#, Rd8#, Qxd3#, Qxd3#, 1...e4!
1.Qg4? th. 2.Rd8#, 1...e4, Kd6 2.Qe6#, Qe6#, 1...Sf4!
1.Ke3? th. 2.Qxd3#, 1...c4, Kc4, Kd6 2.Rd8, Qxd3#, Qxd3#, 1...e4!
1.Kc3? th. 2.Qxd3#, 1...e4, Ke4, Kd6 2.Rd8#, Qf3#, Qxd3#, 1...c4!

1.Qc2! th. 2.Qxd3#, 1...c4, e4, Sb4, Sf4, Ke4, Kd6 2.Qxc4#, Rd8#, Rd8#, Rd8#, Qc4#, Qxd3#
1.Rd8+! 1...Kc4, Ke4 2.Qc2#, Qf3#
1.Kxd3 th. 2.Rd8#, 1...c4+, e4+ 2.Ke3#, Kc3#

The complex of threat paradoxes, antiparadoxes (by Slovak terminology) and key themes including key paradox (again by Slovak terminology) is worked out thanks to help of unusual elements (3 solutions, promoted bishop, check in key and mainly capture of knigh in key). (KSNS)

Probably the ugliest twomover ever made by anyone. And imagine, it everything can be mirrored after d-file! (BFAS - BF)

Rich comglomerate of new-strategy elements, but blasphemously provocating approach to construction, breaking almost all conventions of composition. The composer needs extraordinary courage to produce something like this (judge needs even more to award). (BFAS - JB)

#2 (8+5)
3 solutions

Bedrich Formánek
1st Prize Pravda-Tirnavia 1987
(1915 Pravda 6.2.1987)

1.Be5! th. 2.Bd5#, 1...Sd6 2.RHe6# (1...Ba2,VAf3 2.Bd3,VAh7#)

1.RHe6! th. 2.Be5#, 1...Sd6 2.Bd5# (1...VAg4 2.VAh7#)

Djurasevic theme with original fairy motivation - an attempt to compose first cycle of key, threat and variation mate after the same defence without twin. Author had no information about earlier Djurasevic works on this theme.

#2 (9+8)
2+0 rook-hopper, 1+2 vao
2 solutions

Bedrich Formánek
5990v Feenschach 10-11 1962

1.Rb1! zz.
1...c6 2.Re1 c5 3.Sge7#
1...c5 2.Rb6 c4 3.Rxa5#
1...e5 2.Rc1 e4 3.BVAg8#

Successive blocks in 3 variations, but with bad egg on h7. (BFAS - BF)

Harmonious alternation of black errors (blocks) and defences motives (unblocks) in all three thematical variations wipes impression of miserable fairy piece. (BFAS - JB)

#3 (7+7)
1+1 grasshopper
bishop+vao h7

Bedrich Formánek
58 Cs. Sach 6 1958

1.Sc5! fxe5 2.Sd7 e4 3.Sc5 e3 4.Sd7 b3 5.Rxd4+ Kxd4 6.Se5 exf2 7.e3#
2...b3 3.Sxe5+ Kb4 4.Rxd4+ Ka3 5.Ra4+ Kxa4 6.Bxc6+ Kb4 7.Bc5#

The only "orthodox" moremover (not considering its version with little difference). (BFAS - BF)

Duel S-p ends with model mate. While knight mainly oscillates on d7 and c5, pawn imperturbably marches ahead. (BFAS - JB)

#7 (9+12)

Bedrich Formánek
1st Place Slovakia - Hungaria C 1.7.1971

a) 1.Sd3 Be4+ 2.Kc5 Bd4#

a) 1.Sd4 Bf4+ 2.Se2 Be4#

Black halfpin, black interferences, mutual unpins by white bishops and echo model pin-mates. (KSNS)

To beat the whole Hungary in helpmates - this achievement I value the most of all. (BFAS - BF)

The win over Hungary with score 40:32 was a big success of Slovak chess composition. The author contributed not only this problem, but he was also the captain and the soul of team. (BFAS - JB)

h#2 (6+13)
b) e7 -» f7

Bedrich Formánek
1st Prize Priroda a spolocnost C 17.8.1964

1...Bg2-f1+ 2.b7xBa8B, forward 1.b8Q#
1...Bh3-f1+ 2.b7xBc8B, forward 1.b8Q#
1...f2-f1B+ 2.Kf1-e2, forward 1.Qb8#

3 retrograde variations with analogical mates. (KSNS)

I simply love this composition. (BFAS - BF)

Proca retromate with three beautiful variations. It's not hard to fall in love with it. (BFAS - JB)

retro#2 Proca type (9+12)

Bedrich Formánek
1st Prize UV CSTV C 15.6.1968
Cooked !

Unicorn is a line piece changing 3 coordinates together.

Coordinates of pieces:
W: Kc2c1, Bb2c1, Sa2c1, Ub2b2, Ub2c2, Uc2b2
B: Ka2b2, Ra3b2, Ub2a2, Ub2b3

Set: 1...Bb2c1-a3c1 2.Ka2b2-a3a3 Ub2c2-a1c1#

1.Ka2b2-a1a3 Bb2c1-a1c1+ 2.Ra3b2-a1b2 Ub2c2-a3c1#

This is the problem I value the most of all my own. Search for pin echo was a real adventure and the whole processing took surely hundreds of hours. Cooks found by judge's friends much later will be elimited by me only after somebody would program 4-dimensional chess into computer. (BFAS - BF)

I add the comment of an expert, the judge of competition C. E. Kemp: "The first prize goes without any hesitation to this composition that is much better than all the rest. It is the most complicated 4-dimensional problem I know, it is also brilliantly worked out. Echo model mates with pin of rook are precise and economical." (BFAS - JB)

h#2* (6+4)
4-dimensional board - 3x3 squares 3x3
3+2 unicorn

Bedrich Formánek
4th-7th Prize Blue Danube Travel C 1.9.1993

1.White goes to the left side of the board! (his pawns go from left to right) th. 2.b4-d4#
1...Black goes to the right side of board (now not 2.b4-d4+ d3xc4! e.p.) 2.White goes to the upper side of the board# (2...e7xf6? is not possible anymore)
1...Black goes to the left side of board (now not 2.b4-d4+ c3xd4!) 2.b6-d6#
1...d7-d5 (now not 2.b4-d4 d5c4 e.p.) 2.Qf4#

Changing places, beeing surely the novelty, has undoubtedly some humour in itself. This humour is powered by changes of pawn movement direction. (LP)

#2 (6+6)
Joke problem

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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