Frederick H. von Meyenfeldt
Probleemblad 1989
1...S~ 2.Kc4#
1.Se5! blocus
1...Sxc2 2.Kc5# (2.Sc3+ Sxe3#)
1...Sb3 2.Sc3# (2.Kc5??)
1...fxe5 2.Kc4#
1...Kxe5 2.Bd4#
1...h5 2.Sf3#
In the set play, any move of Sa1 observes bK and thus wK can mate by direct contact.
The key provides a flight and observes c4 and d3, therefore 1...Sxc2 and 1...Sb3 introduce mates
from c5 and e3 with dual avoidance. 1...fxe5 transfers the set mate, 1...Kxe5 allows Umnov mate and 1...h3
unguards f3.
Antipatrol chess seems to allow even more complicated strategy...