My works 175 - 180

Juraj Lörinc
HM Chinese pieces TT C 30.9.1997
Notes: 868 Sent: 175

1.VAdf3? th. 2.Sfh3+ Kd3 3.Sxf2#
1...Se6 2.Sfxe6+ Kd3 3.Sxc5#
1...LExh1 2.Sg6+ Kd3 3.Sxe5#
1...LExa7 2.Se2+ Kd3 3.Sc1#
1...VAb6 2.Sg2+ Kd3 3.Se1#

1.VAge2? th. 2.Sgh3+ Ke4 3.Sxf2#
1...Se6 2.Sgxe6+ Ke4 3.Sxc5#
1...LExh1 2.Sh7+ Ke4 3.Sf6#
1...LExa7 2.Sf7+ Ke4 3.Sd6#
1...VAb6 2.Sf3+ Ke4 3.Sd2#

Well known Siers battery is doubled by Chinese trick. In time of composing I particularly liked defence motives of LExa7 and VAb6 - creation of black royal battery. Now I slightly regret use of maos that in fact don't play. I am almost sure he construction may be improved...

Personal rating: B.

#3 (12+14)
0+2 leo, 1+1 pao, 3+2 vao, 2+3 mao

Juraj Lörinc
Comm Chinese pieces TT C 30.9.1997
Notes: 870 Sent: 176

Set play show strong position of white queen - it holds 3 crucial points f3 (1...LEh5~ 2.Qxf3 (threats 3.Qe3, Qe4#) Qxf3 3.Sxf3#), d3 (1...d5 2.c5! (threats 3.Qxd3, LEd7,VAd7 what is undefendable)) and b3 (1...VAc8-b7 2.LEc2-b2+ Kxc4 3.Qb3#).

In two tries there is much activity of LEg4:
1.PAxe3? threats 2.PAe4#, 1...Sxg1 2.LEg7+ e4 3.Bc5#, 1...VAxg4!
1.Qd2? threats 2.Qxe3#, 1...Sxg1(Sd2) 2.LEg4-d1! e4 3.LEd1-a1#, 1...Bxg1!.

And in the solution white queen leaves her strong position, unpins VAO and provokes checks:
1.Qa1!! (threats 2.LEc3-b3+ Kxc4 3.LEc2-a2#)
1...VAd3~+ 2.LEc3xc8+! Kxc4 3.Bc6#
1...VAf5+! 2.LEc3xf3+!! Kxc4 3.LEc2-e4#

Although this #3 finished lower in tourney than previous one, I like it much better. Everything is prepared for adventure in Chinese ZOO. Something is set, but white queen doesn't rely on it and leaves for corner. Then (in threat and after checks by black) we have antibattery mates with additional motivation of taking d5, especially LEc2-e4# is unbelievable find. Note motivation of black correction 1...VAf5+!: it checks, but unpins LEc3, it takes c8 on line f5-c8, but closes c8-g4 in opposite direction!

Personal rating: A.

#3 (11+12)
3+1 leo, 1+2 pao, 1+3 vao

Juraj Lörinc
17th place Springaren Summer TT C 31.8.1997
Notes: 882 Sent: 177

a) 1.d5xe6 e.p.+! e7-e5 2.Se5-a1+

b) 1.O-O+!

c) 1.e7-e8B+!

New variation of old idea - Vallado task in past...

Personal rating: C.

Last move? (12+3)
Patrol chess
b) f6 -» e5
c) f6 -» f7

Juraj Lörinc
16 Sachove Umeni 2/1998
2nd HM Sachove Umeni 1998
Notes: 899 Sent: 178

I don't write imitator positions, only in mates, don't forget to make its moves during studying this #3!

White to play: 1...Rb8 2.Qd6(Id3)#, 1...Rb7 2.Qd7! Rb8 3.Qd6(Id3)#

Key takes white rook away, gives two flights and allows two checks:
1.Rh3!! th. 2.Sxe4(Ih5)#
1...b4+ 2.Sxe4+ Kb5 Qd5(Ig1)#
1...Kd4+ 2.Rh2! Kc5 3.Sxe4(Ih4)#
1...Kd6 2.Rh7! Kc5 3.Qe7(Ih6)#
(1...Bb7 2.Sb3(If5)#)

Whole value is concentrated in key and continuations following moves by king to flights...

Personal rating: C.

#3 (5+6+1)
imitator d3

Juraj Lörinc
Springaren 71 - 1997
Notes: 893 Sent: 179

All moves are captures, white subsequently takes all black erlkings and ends on f1:

1.exd7 2.dxc8EK 3.EKxb8 ... 11.EKxa1 ... 15.EKxe3 ... 23.EKxh8 ... 31.EKxe1 32.EKxf1=

1.exf7 2.fxg8EK 3.EKxh8 ... 11.EKxf2 ... 19.EKxa8 ... 27.EKxa1 ... 31.EKxe1 32.EKxf1=

One of my tries to show theme of visiting the same squares in different order, this time inspired by similar problem with only one phase, but longer and using vizirs, it was by Juha Saukkola and published in Springaren too.

Personal rating: C.

ser-=32 (1+34)
0+32 erlking
2 solutions

Juraj Lörinc
2nd HM Herbert Hultberg MT C 30.10.1998
(originally was C 30.10.1997, but was prolonged)
Notes: 851 Sent: 180

Thematical try: 1.Qh2+? Bf2! 2.Qg1??
Solution: 1.Bb6! Bb8 2.Qc7! Ba7 3.Qh2 Bb8 4.Ba7 Bc7 5.Bb8 (pinning black bishop) Bd6 6.Bc7 Be5 7.Bd6 Bg3! (7...Bf4? 8.Qg1/h1+ Bc1#) 8.Qg1+! Be1 9.Qf2 Bd2 10.Qe1+ Bc1#

White wants to force patrol-typical mate by black bishop, but for this he must move his own bishop away. This composition shows in logical way many patrol chess effects, beginning with construction of square a1-a3-c3-c1 and ending by move Bc1 patrolling pinned (!) black king that gives mate this way. Lucky find...

Well, it seems not so lucky... Tosten Linß reported a shorter dual continuation June 6th 2000: 1.Bb6! Bb8 2.Bc7!! Ba7 3.Qh2+ Bf2 4.Qg1+ Be1 5.Qf2 Bd2 6.Qe1+ Bc1#. Somehow the logic structure isn't ruined even in this solution, but the Patrol motivation of Bg1-b6-c7 is trivial and nice Umnov moves, main idea, are lost.

Personal rating: D (downgraded from B).

s#10 (6+2)
Patrol chess

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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