2006 and CYCLONE 50-40-30-20-10 years ago

(Text on this page was written by Peter Gvozdják.)

50 years ago (1956)

Refreshing touch to the Lacny cycle - one of the series by Vaclav Pribyl.

40 years ago (1966)

Two black pawns in the difficult Rice cycle.

30 years ago (1976)

Three cyclic plus three non-cyclic changes between two phases. The only Cyclone problem by the author.

20 years ago (1986)

Lacny cycle plus cycle of white 2nd and 3rd moves. Surely one of the very best threemovers ever composed.

10 years ago (1996)

4-fold Kiss cycle was much ahead at the time. Fairy twomover with perfect analogy of lines.

0 years ago (2006)

I do not like to have my name among these famous authors. Fortunately, mine is only one third of the problem, which shows, for the first time, the 5-fold Shedey cycle in a threemover. It took years from the idea to this correct position...
Vaclav Pribyl
1st-2nd Prize CSTV 1956

1...Rc3 a 2.Se5# A
1...Rxd3 b 2.Ra4# B
1...Bxd5 c 2.Qa4# C

1.Sc3! th. 2.Qd4#
1...Rxc3 a 2.Ra4# B
1...Rxd3 b 2.Qa4# C
1...Bd5 c 2.Se5# A
1...Bxc3 2.Bb3#

Refreshing touch to the Lacny cycle - one of the series by Vaclav Pribyl.

#2 (8+11)

Mukkur Partasarathy
1st Prize 110th TT British Chess Federation 1966

1.Rgg4? zz
1...e4 a 2.Se3# A
1...b5 b 2.Rc5# B

1.Ba2? zz
1...e4 a 2.Rc5# B
1...b5 b 2.Rd4# C

1.Sxa5! zz
1...e4 a 2.Rd4# C
1...b5 b 2.Se3# A
1...Sb~ 2.Rd3#
1...Sxc4! 2.Qxc4#
1...R~ 2.Be4#
(1...Sa~ 2.Qb5#
1...bxa5 2.Se3#)

Two black pawns in the difficult Rice cycle.

#2 (15+7)

Miroslav Svitek
1st Prize L. Lacny 50 JT, UV CSZTV 1976

1.Rxf4? zz
1...Kf6 a 2.Rxe6# A
1...exd6 b 2.Qd4# B
1...Be4 c 2.Sc4# C
1...Bxd3+ 2.Sxd3#
1...Bxg6 2.Sc4#
1...exd5 2.Rxf5#

1.Sxf4! zz
1...Kf6 a 2.Qd4# B
1...exd6 b 2.Sc4# C
1...Be4 c 2.Rxe6# A
1...Bxd3+ 2.Sfxd3#
1...Bxg6 2.Sxg6#
1...exd5 2.Rxd5#

Three cyclic plus three non-cyclic changes between two phases. The only Cyclone problem by the author.

#2 (12+7)

Milan Velimirovic
1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1986

1.Kg3? th. 2.Qe3+ dxe3 3.d4#
1...g4 a 2.Re6+ A Rxe6 3.Sxg4#
1...f4+ b 2.Qxf4+ B Rxf4 3.Re6#
1...Rxd6 c 2.Sg4+ C fxg4 3.Qf4#

1.Kf3! th. 2.Qe3+ dxe3 3.d4#
1...g4+ a 2.Sxg4+ C Rxg4 3.Re6#
1...f4 b 2.Re6+ A Rxe6 3.Qxf4#
1...Rxd6 c 2.Qf4+ B gxf4/Kf6 3.Sg4/Qxd6#

Lacny cycle plus cycle of white 2nd and 3rd moves. Surely one of the very best threemovers ever composed.

#3 (13+12)

Ludovit Lacny
Peter Gvozdják
Jean-Marc Loustau

Pat a Mat 2006

1.Qf4? th. 2.S4f5! A th. 3.Qd4#, 2...Sf3 (Sc4) 3.Qc4#
      2...Se4 (Se2) 3.Rxb5#
1...Kb4 a 2.Sc2+ B Kxa5 3.Qb4#
      2...Kc5 3.Qb4 (Qd4)#
1...Se4 b 2.Rxb5+ C Kxd6 3.d8Q#
1...Sf7 c 2.Sb3+ D axb3 3.Qd4 (Rxc6)#
1...Kxd6 d 2.Rxc6+ E Kxe7 3.Qf6#
(1...Sf3 2.Sxf3!, 1...Se2 (Sd5) 2.Rxb5+, 1...Sd3 2.Sb3+ (Sc2))

1.Qd2! th. 2.Sc2! B th. 3.Qd4# 2...Sf3 (Sd3) 3.Rxc6#
      2...Sd5 3.Qxd5#
      2...Se2 3.Qd5 (Qb4, Rxb5)#
1...Kb4 a 2.Rxb5+ C cxb5 3.Qxc3#
      2...Ka3 3.Qb2#
1...Se4 b 2.Sb3+ D axb3 3.Qd4 (Rxb5)#
1...Sf7 c 2.Rxc6+ E Kb4 3.Qxc3#
1...Kxd6 d 2.Sf5+ A Kc5 3.Qd4#
      2...Kxe6 3.e8Q (d8S)#
(1...Sd5 2.S4xb5!, 1...Sc4 2.Rxb5+, 1...Sd3 2.Rxc6+ (Rxb5+), 1...Sb1 2.Sb3+ (S4f5))

I do not like to have my name among these famous authors. Fortunately, mine is only one third of the problem, which shows, for the first time, the 5-fold Shedey cycle in a threemover. It took years from the idea to this correct position...

#3 (14+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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