Orthodox reflex mates 4

Jiri Jelinek
2418 Sachova Skladba 28/1990
in 1st Czech Album of chess compositions 1998-1990

1.Bh4! th. 2.Bxf2 Sxf2#
1...Rb7 2.Rb3 Rxb3#
1...Rc6 2.Rc3 Rxc3#
1...Rd5 2.Rd3 Rxd3#
1...Re4 2.Re3 Rxe3#

It was the theme of 4rd WCCT I think, in r#2 black defends by unpinning of white unit, that subsequently makes 2nd white move. In competition there were some much better works.

r#2 (9+12)

Mircea Manolescu
3rd Prize Diagrammes 1995

1.Rd4? th. 2.Qe1 fxe1Q#, 1...dxe5! 2.Rc6#

1.Re4? th. 2.Qg1 fxg1Q#, 1...d5! 2.Rc6#

1.Ra4! zz
1...dxe5 2.Qe1 fxe1Q#
1...d5 2.Qg1 fxg1Q#

Dombrovskis theme. Or should I better say "pseudo-Dombrovskis"? Both thematical variations are prepared before key and the only its motivation is robbing 1...a4 defence from Black.

r#2 (10+7)

Peter Gvozdják
S1180R The Problemist November 1987
version May 1992
2nd Prize The Problemist 1992 - Reflexmates

1.d4? A th. 2.Bd3 B Ra1#, 1...f5!
1.Bd3? B th. 2.e4 C Ra1#, 1...Be3!
1.e4? C th. 2.Be3 D Ra1#, 1...c5!
1.Be3! D th. 2.d4 A Ra1#

4-fold Reeves cycle.

r#2 (9+10)

Hans Peter Rehm
Raffi Ruppin

2nd Comm Rehm-50 1994, section B

a) 1.Rb1 Ka5 2.Qc1 Kb5 3.Qg1 Ka5 4.Rf1 Kb5 5.Sxb7 Bxb7#

b) 1.Bd4 Ka5 2.Qe3 Kb5 3.Qg1 Ka5 4.Bf2 Kb5 5.Sxb7 Bxb7#

Loyd line clearance with switchback and 2 blockings is doubled, but black play is boring. Twinning motivates change of play in reflexmate-typical manner.

r#5 (14+5)
b) c2 -» e5

Krzysztof Drazkowski
3rd Comm Probleemblad 1991

1.d3! dxc6 2.d7 c5 3.d8B! c4 4.d4 c3 5.Bg5 c2 6.Bd2 cxb1Q#

If White tried wrong 1.d4?, then he should play 3.d5 and 6.Bf6#. Simple, but fresh miniature moremover with promotions.

r#6 (5+2)

Zdenek Libis
6771v Sachove Umenie December 1984

1.Sg4! zz,
1...Kf7 2.Sh6+ Ke6 3.c8B+ Ke5 4.Sf7+ Ke4 5.Bb7+ Kf5 6.g6 hxg6#
1...h6 2.Sf6+ Kf7 3.Rd7+ Ke6 4.Sf4+ K~ 5.Rd5+ Kxf4 6.Kh4 hxg5#

Wow! Two echoed model mates after two bK walks. Well done, only Rf1 looks suspiciously.

r#6 (10+3)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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