Examples for 1st TT Becherovka 1999

Theme of the thematical tourney set by Czech participants of Netanya congress was the following: Helpmate with chameleon echo, A orthodox, B (C, D ...) any kind of fairy chess, fairy pieces are not allowed. An award of the mentioned tourney you can find here.

Examples follow (solo for Frantisek Sabol), strictly speaking, last problem is not thematical, but it was included probably to give more inspiration to participants or to show wider possibilities. Comments by Michal Dragoun.
Frantisek Sabol
4216 Problemkiste 1996

a) 1.Kh8 Kf8 2.Rf7+ Sxf7#

b) 1.Rd2 Sxg6(pg7) 2.Re7+ Sxe7(Rh8)#

Blocking of two squares instead of edge of the board and twice captured black rook.

h#2 (2+8)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Frantisek Sabol
4311 Problemkiste 1997

a) 1.Qc8 Bxf2 2.Bc7 Bh4#

b) 1.Kc8 Bxd5(pd7) 2.exd5(Bf1) Bxa6(Qd8)#

Again block by captured pieces with clever use of bpf2 (interference of mating line is more subtle than usual check).

h#2 (3+6)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Frantisek Sabol
4121 Problemkiste 1996

a) 1.Ka8 Ka6 2.Rf8 Rxf8#

b) 1.Rf7 Rxf7(Ra8)+ 2.Sc7 Rxc7(Sb8)#

Two Bristols with sacrifice of black rook.

h#2 (2+4)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Frantisek Sabol
4007 Problemkiste 1996

a) 1.Qh8 Rxh8 2.Kh5 Rxh7#

b) 1.Qxf5(pf2) Rf8 2.Qxf8(Ra1)+ Rxh1(Bc8)#

Similar (not identical) mating positions with typical circe cross-check.

h#2 (4+7)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Frantisek Sabol
8760 Sachove umeni 1996

a) 1.Bb5 Qxb8 2.Bd7 Qa7#

b) 1.Sf2 Qc8 2.Kxa4(pa2) Qxa6(Bc8)#

Line closing in a) and square clearing of d1 for the white queen in b). Use of more white pieces in mating positions is more difficult for construction.

h#2 (4+10)
a) Orthodox
b) Circe

Frantisek Sabol
2395 Phénix 1996

a) 1.Kh6 Qg6 2.Re8 Kc2#

b) 1.Kh5 Qxd6(pd2) 2.Qxd6(Qd8) Qg5#

c) 1.Kh4 Kxc1(Bf8) 2.Rxe6(Qd1) Qg4#

Triple echo, but without orthodox part. Three times it is impossible to capture white queen for the same reason.

h#2 (2+6)
a) Anticirce
b) Mirror Circe
b) Circe

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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