CYCLONE Top 12 leaders

At each cycle, only the leader is shown.
If there is no leader, more problems reached the same points.
(This can be changed of course by another votes.)

Theme Name Current Leader
1 Lacny cycle 1
2 Shedey cycle 678
3 Kiss cycle no leader
4 Djurasevic cycle 1024
5 Rice cycle 1216
6 Ukrainian cycle 1495
7 Ceriani cycle 1510
8 Reeves cycle no leader
9 complete Lacny cycle 1603
10 complete Shedey cycle 1627
11 complete Kiss cycle 1659
12 complete Djurasevic cycle no leader

I want to vote.
Peter Gvozdják
1st Prize Hlas Ludu 1992

1.Ra5? th. 2.Bc5# A
1...S~ a 2.Sxf3# B
1...Sxd3! b 2.Sf5# C

1.Be4! th. 2.Sf5# C
1...S~ a 2.Bc5# A
1...Sd3! b 2.Sxf3# B

Shedey cycle with black correction included.

#2 (11+8)

Daniel Papack
Special Prize Rochade Europa 1995

1.MAc4? B th. 2.PAg3# C
1...Sc7 a 2.PAh3# D
1...Sb4 b 2.Sxb2# E
1...MOd5 c 2.LEd6# F
1...d5 d 2.LExb5# A

1.LExb5! A th. 2.MAc4# B
1...Sc7 a 2.PAg3# C
1...Sb4 b 2.PAh3# D
1...MOd5 c 2.Sxb2# E
1...d5 d 2.LEd6# F

6-fold Djurasevic cycle.

#2 (16+16)
3+0 leo, 3+4 pao, 3+1 vao, 2+1 mao, 0+1 moa

Vyacheslav Pilchenko
1st HM BJM 60 JT 1997

1...S5xc3 a 2.Rc7# A
1...Sxd4 b 2.b5# B

1.Qc2? th. 2.Qe2#
1...S5xc3 a 2.b5# B
1...Sxd4 b 2.Se3# C

1.Qe4! th. 2.Qe2#
1...S5xc3 b 2.Se3# C
1...Sxd4 c 2.Rc7# A

Rice cycle with complicated motivation including Nietvelt defences and dual avoidance.

#2 (11+8)

Valerij Popov
Sachove umenie 1988

1.Rxf4? th. 2.Sf3# A
1...Ke5 a 2.Sb5# B

1.Rxa6? th. 2.Sb5# B
1...Ke5 a 2.Qg7# C

1.Ra5? th. 2.Qg7# C
1...Ke5 a 2.Bc3# D

1.Re1! th. 2.Bc3# D
1...Ke5 a 2.Sf3# A

4-fold Ukrainian cycle.

#2 (9+11)

Ludovit Lacny
1st Prize Pravda 1981

1.Rd6? A th. 2.Bd2#
1...Bd3 a 2.Rxd3# B

1.Rd3+? B
1...Bxd3 a 2.Qb6# C

1.Qb6! C th. 2.Bd2#
1...Bd3 a 2.Rd6# A
1...Kf3 2.Bd2#

Ceriani cycle in orthodox twomover.

#2 (11+10)

Jacques Rotenberg
Christian Poisson
Michel Caillaud

1st Prize Gvozdják 30 JT 1995

1.Bd8? th. 2.Sb8# A
1...Sxd8(Sb8) a 2.Rd8# B
1...Qb8 b 2.Kxd3(Ke1)# C

1.Bb8? th. 2.Rd8# B
1...Sd8 a 2.Kxd3(Ke1)# C
1...Qxb8(Qd8) b 2.Sb8# A

1.Qxf2(Qd1)! th. 2.Kxd3(Ke1)# C
1...Sd8 a 2.Sb8# A
1...Qb8 b 2.Rd8# B

Complete Shedey cycle with excellent fairy motivation.

#2 (8+13)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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