Miodrag Mladenovic
3rd HM The Problemist 2005-II
1.Bf8? th. 2.Sd8# A
1...Bd8 a 2.Kxh2(Ke1)# B
1...Qxf8(Qd8) b 2.Sf8# C
1.Qd8! th. 2.Sf8# C
1...Bxd8(Bf8) a 2.Sd8# A
1...Qf8 b 2.Kxh2(Ke1)# B
In the example all given defences in both try and solutions are thematical (threats and placements
of pieces on the threat squares are underlined). Moreover, the example shows the Shedey cycle,
but it is important to emphasize that this year cyclic requirement is not given as a part
of Spisska Borovicka theme.