Fairy reflex mates 1

Peter Kniest
Caissas fröhliche Tiefgarage 1970

1...h2 2.Rb5! h1G#
1.Nc8! zz h2 2.Rb8! h1G#

It is clear Black will be forced to mate by grasshopper promotion. White must only to take care of disabling Gb1 jump away.

r#2* (4+2)
grasshopper b1, nightrider b6

Brian Stephenson
3rd HM Phénix 1995

1.VAa4! th. 2.PAa3 PAb3#
1...PAb3 2.VAb8 LEc7#
1...VAb3 2.LEg8 LEg7#
1...Bb7 2.PAb3 PAxb3#

Nice analogy of threat and two variations, three times white clears mating line in opposite direction.

r#2 (10+11)
leo g6 - d7, pao d3 - b8, vao b3, d6 - g8

Nils Adrian Bakke
99. Problemsjakk i Nord 1976

In Norsk Sjakk after their move Q changes to S and back, R turns to B and back. Also, only pieces of the same kind may capture each other.

1.Rh5B! zz
1...g1Q 2.Qg2S Qf2S#
1...g1R 2.Bg4R Rg2B#
1...g1B 2.Sg4Q Bh2R#
1...g1S+ 2.Kg4 Sf3Q#

AUW in reflexmate miniature.

r#2 (4+3)
Norsk Sjakk

Zdenek Libis
471 Sachova Skladba 8 - 5/1986

1.Qa7! zz,

1...Ba2 2.Rf4+ Kg5 3.Gh7 Sxg6#
1...Bxc2 2.Qe7+ Kxe7 3.Gg8 Sxf7#

Simple symmetrical position with two model mates, economy could have been better e.g. if the solution was longer and grasshoppers play only technical role.

r#3 (11+3)
3+0 grasshopper

Michel Caillaud
HM Messigny 1994

1.Bf1! zz,
1...h1R 2.d8B R~ 3.Bxc7 R~(pb7)#
1...h1B 2.d8S Bxg2 3.Sxc6 Bf3(pb7)#
1...h1S 2.d8R S~ 3.Rxd6 S~(pb7)#
1...h1Q 2.Rxd5+ cxd5(pe4) 3.Bh8 Qxf1#, 2...Kxd5 3.Bb4 Qxf1#

Cyclical promotions in three variations, queen promotion must be solved by totally different means.

r#3 (10+7)
Circe Parrain

Hans Peter Rehm
feenschach 111 - 1994

1.Qc6+ Ka7 2.Qc5+ Ka8 3.Qxf8(VAf1)+ Ka7 4.Qa8+ Kxa8(Qd1) 5.Qa4 Nc4#

Circuit of white queen. 4 moves are checking, but in miniature with free strong black pieces it is almost rule.

semi-r#5 (3+3)
vao f8, nightrider a3

Paul Raican
Supplement Sentinelles Phénix 1994

1.c8R! (1.c8Q? Ka1(pa2) 2.Qc1#) Kb1(pa2) 2.Rb8+ Kc1 3.Ra8 Kb1 4.Ra7 a1B/S 5.Rxa1(pa7) Kxa1 6.a8Q! Kb1 7.Qa3 Kc2 8. Qd3(pa3)+! (8.Qd6(pa3)+? Kc3(pc2) 9.Qb4(pd6)#, 8.Qa1(pa3)? Kd2(pc2) 9.Qe1#) Kc1(pc2) 9.Qd1(pd3) cxd1Q#

White forces Black to leave the pawn on second rank and then to promote it with mate. First pawn isn't enough, that's why White kills one pawn and forces appearance of second one.

Unfortunately, Bojan Basic 3.8.2010 reported a cook:
1.c7-c8=R ! Ka2-b1[+bPa2] 2.Rc8-d8 Kb1-c1 3.Kf1-e1 a2-a1=~ 4.Rd8-d1 + Kc1-c2 5.Rd1*a1 Kc2-~[+bPc2] 6.Ra1-a8 c2-c1=Q(R) #
2...a2-a1=S 3.Rd8-d1 + Kb1-a2 (3...Kb1-b2(c2) 4.Rd1*a1 !) 4.Rd1-d3 Sa1-~ 5.Rd3-b3[+wPd3] Ka2-a1[+bPa2] 6.Rb3-b1[+wPb3] + 6...a2*b1=Q(R) #
2...a2-a1=B 3.Rd8-d1 + Kb1-a2 4.Rd1-d2 + Ba1-b2 (4...Ka2-~[+bPa2] 5.Rd2-d1 and 6.Rd1-b1) 5.Rd2-d1[+wPd2] ... (whatever Black plays, White gives his rook for a reflexmate)

r#9 (5+8)

Theodor Steudel
HM 33rd TT feenschach 1975

1.b4! Gc4 2.b5 Ga6 ... 5.b8B! Gc8 6.Bc7 Gc6 7.Bd6 Ge6 8.Be5 Ge4 9.Bh2 Ge2 10.Bg1 fxg1Q#
(5.b8S? 6.Sd7 7.Se5 8.Sf3 9.Sh2#!)

Simple sequence of moves with try failing to reflex mate condition.

Unfortunately, Bojan Basic 3.8.2010 reported a shorter dual:
6.Re4!! Ga8 7.Bh2 Gf3 8.Bg1 fxg1Q#

r#10 (3+3)
grasshopper a4

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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