CYCLONE: Anything New?

(minilecture given on September 4th, 2002, at the Portoroz Congress).

Just at the beginnig I can answer the question:

Yes, there is!

We are now about 2 years after publishing the CYCLONE book. Which seems to be a bit short time to say anything serious. However, I would like to point out several facts and to show some interesting problems.

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who helped in so many ways. Without you it would be impossible to create as complete cyclic collection as I did.

I have written I suppose 97 to 99 per cent of all relevant problems have been included in the book. This seems still to be correct today. There are some about ten missing problems, which is less than 1 per cent.

The other thing I have promised to prepare in the future were the blank diagrams in the CYCLONE (originally sent to the 6th WCCT).

16 out of 17 these diagrams have been already published (either awarded in the WCCT or published elswhere). All the 16 diagrams have been put on Juraj Lörinc´s web site last year. Still I am waiting on the last problem to be published. I have been in contact with the author of it, he said he will polish the construction and then publish it.

When it happens, I will prepare the promised sheet with all the 17 diagrams.

What is new today?

Well, we have got several "new" cyclone authors (Markovcij, ellinghoven, Hurme, Pachl, Stojnic, ...). Also, there are about 10 per cent more problems (which means about 170 new positions!). Of them, mostly fairy problems have been composed. Of them, mainly the name Reto Aschwanden appeared. But, there are also some high- quality orthodox problems.

The quality and originality are the main features of the majority of new problems. Which is very good, I think.

What about the theory?

Till now non of the three theoretical questions I have posed in the CYCLONE have been generalized and answered.

On the other side, some very interesting theoretical principles have been shown. Two of them by Reto Aschwanden:

1. the so called "Key-Reappearence Theme" (KRT)

2. natural 5-fold cycles within a threemover (which do not exactly fit to the CYCLONE system, but are of completely correspondent principles).

Also, some authors did compose very interestint similar-to-cyclone themes (D. Papack) or have done research in similar themes based on similar-to-cyclone system (recently A. Zhuravlev or V. Shanshin).

I will show you not the most complicated fairy twomovers.

Instead I would like to show something orthodox and something „popular“ fairy (which means not many fairy elements.)

The first problem by the great Lev Loshinsky did not come into the book. It was my mistake: I have simply overlooked it when looking for the problems.

It shows the Ceriani cycle within variations of a theemover.

Moreover, all white and black thematic moves play on same square. The system of 3 black King flights works perfectly: Black plays on one of them in defence, then white fires one of the 2 potential batteries. Why the only one works, it is shown in the by-variation (black King moving). All the three variations are completely analogous!

The second position shows one of the best new orthodox positions.

Marjan tried to arrange the key paradox in the Kiss cycle other way than black and white capture. See how simple and perfect the position is!

With the third position we move to the fairy land. All the fairy units are of the Lion family.

In three unified phases White jumps in a key over his own unit, threatens to jump over the other one, then Black plays to the middle, defending but also enabling mate by making the new hurdle. So it works in all the phases, the result of this light-weight position is a complete 3x3 Djurasevic cycle. (The mating unit is always the wRLc7).

At the end, we have almost "orthodox" position. Only some of the units are magic ones.

We succeeded to arrange the line shut-ons in the way that shows the 4x4 Shedey cycle using only 1 white Pawn as mating unit (thus 4x AUW).

Of the 3 tries, we´ve got one ugly refutation, one normal, and one beautiful.

Reto spent more than 20 hours at the computer just fixing up the position and trying to make it sound (using his own program for magic units). He said three times he almost gave it up.

I am glad now he did not!

What to say to the future?

There is the "far" future, where I promised to publish the Volume 2 in the next 50 years. So we have to wait.

There is also the "middle" future (between 2 and 50 years). I expect many high-quality problems will arise.

And there is the "near" future, too. Certainly I will prepare the traditional CYCLONE NEWS, which will be, as usually, put on the web on November 1 (or later, it can always happen as this time - remark by JL). And it would be no surprise if I tell now what there will be...

Peter Gvozdják

Marjan Kovacevic
Pat a Mat 2001

1...Kxg5 2.Rb5#

1.g6? A th. 2.Rb5#
1...Sxg6 a 2.Rf5# B
1...Bxf3 b 2.Rh7# C

1.Rf5! B th. 2.Sf4#
1...Sg6 a 2.Rh7# C
1...Bf3 b 2.g6# A

#2 (10+5)

Peter Gvozdják
Reto Aschwanden

1st-2nd Prize Martin-Zilina 2000-2001

Big boy: moves like a1-c3-a5-c7... and a1-c3-e1... and, like maorider, needs free squares in between, e.g. for BBa1-c3, b2 must be free.

Big boy lion: neds a hurdle on its line for move (as any other lion), the hurdle can be either or "main" squares or "intermediate" squares.

1.BLh8! A th. 2.BBLe1# B
1...e5 a 2.BBLa5# C
(1...f2 2.BBLe1#)

1.BBLe1! B th. 2.BBLa5# C
1...e5 a 2.BLh8# A

1.BBLa5! C th. 2.BLh8# A
1...e5 a 2.BBLe1# B

#2 (8+3)
rook lion a7, f1, rose lion c7,
bishop lion b6, c3, big boy lion g3, g7
3 solutions

Peter Gvozdják
Reto Aschwanden

idee & form 2002

1...cxb5(PNa4) 2.f8Qm(SBf6, PBd6), f8Rm(SBf6)#

1.Bme1(wBg2)? th. 2.f8Qm(wSf6, wPd6)# A
1...dxe3(wPd6, wSf6) a 2.f8Sm(bPd7)# B
1...Smf5(bPe3, wPd6) b 2.f8Rm(wSf6)# C
1...Bmf4~(wSf6) c 2.f8Bm(wPd6)# D
1...d5(wRc7, wPd5) 2.Rxc6#
1...Sd5(wSd5) 2.Sb6#
1...d3(SBf6) 2.f8Bm(PBd6)#

1.Bmb4(wBg2, wPd6)? th. 2.f8Rm(wBf6)# C
1...dxe3(bPd6, wSf6) a 2.f8Bm(wPd6)# D
1...Smf5(bPe3, bPd6) b 2.f8Qm(wSf6, wPd6)# A
1...Bmf4~(wSf6) c 2.f8Sm(bPd7)# B
1...Sxg8 2.fxg8Qm, Bm#
1...Sd5(wSd5) 2.Sb6#
1...d3(wSf6) 2.f8Sm(bPd7)#

1.Sme4(wSf6, wPd6, wBg2)? th. 2.f8Sm(bPd7)# B
1...dxe3(bSf6) a 2.f8Rm(wSf6)# C
1...Smf5(bPe3, bPd6) b 2.f8Bm(wPd6)# D
1...Bmf4~(bSf6, bPd6) c 2.f8Qm(wSf6, wPd6)# A
1...d3(bSf6) 2.f8Rm(wSf6)#

1.Smh5(wSf6, wBg2)! th. 2.f8Bm(wPd6)# D
1...dxe3(bSf6) a 2.f8Qm(wSf6, wPd6)# A
1...Smf5(bPe3, wPd6) b 2.f8Sm(bPd7)# B
1...Bmf4~(bSf6, wPd6) c 2.f8Rm(wSf6)# C
1...d5(wRc7, wPd5) 2.Rxc6#
1...d3(bSf6) 2.f8Qm(wSf6, wPd6)#

#2 (14+11)
magic unit a2, c1, d1, d2, d8, f1, f7, g3, g8
a1, c6, d4, f4, h2, h4

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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