Queen promotions 7

This is already 7th special example file for 11th TT CCM! Deadline is already near...

Frantisek Sabol sent me a few his problems using various Mars Circe forms with multiple queen promotions. Further, judging fairy section of Sachove Umeni 2002 I discovered stalemate problem by very inventive Hungarian duo.
Frantisek Sabol
Problemkiste 2001

1.K~ ? Rh7!

1.Kh7! th. 2.g2xh8Q#
1...Rg8, Rf8, Re8, Rd8, Rc8, Rb8, Ra8
2.f3xg8Q#, g2xf8Q#, f3xe8Q#, c3xd8Q#, b2xc8Q#, c3xb8Q#, b2xa8Q#

In threat and all variations, wQ mates from d8. White chooses right pawn to capture bR and to promote. White king must prevent bR from entering h7.

#2 (5+10)
Mars Mirror Circe

Frantisek Sabol
Problemkiste 2001

1...a1Q+, b1Q+, c1Q+, d1Q+, e1Q+, f1Q+, g1Q+
2.Rc8xa1#, Rc8xb1#, Rc8xc1#, Rc8xd1#, Rc8xe1#, Rc8xf1#, Rc8xg1#

1.Kg4! th. 2.Rc8xh5#
1...a1B, b1R, c1B, d1R, e1B, f1R, g1B
2.Rc8xa1#, Rc8xb1#, Rc8xc1#, Rc8xd1#, Rc8xe1#, Rc8xf1#, Rc8xg1#

In all variations mates white battery Ga3-a8-Rc8-Kh8. In set play, queen promotions are checks, allowing opening of the battery by capture.

#2 (11+10)
Mars Circe
grasshopper a3

Frantisek Sabol
5582 Sachova Skladba 73 - November 2001

1.Sf7! th. 2.Kd8#
1...axb1Q, bxc1Q, cxb1Q, exf1Q, gxf1Q, hxg1Q
2.axb8Q#, bxc8Q#, cxb8Q#, exf8Q#, gxf8Q#, hxg8Q#

Author's comment published with solution: "After key white battery K-P mates in threat by pd6. The error of Black is always analogical unblocking of wp's Circe square on 7th rank, resulting in Queen promotion, promoted wQ mates from d8. Together 12 queen promotions, 6x black excelsior."

I'd only add that the defence motive of all black defences is "direct" guarding of pd6 from Queen's Circe square d1.

#2 (14+11)
Mars Mirror Circe

György Bakcsi
László Zoltán

101 Sachove Umeni 11/2002

1.d1Q Rxe2 2.f1Q Rxg2 3.h1Q Rg4 4.Qf7 Kd7=

White queen f3 paralyses 3 black promoted queens as well as the one present in the diagram position. Very light position makes me wonder whether is it possible to double the content with different promotion, e.g. on g1, e1, c1...

h=4 (3+7)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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