Spisska Borovicka - 19th theme tourney C 19.10.2007
Peter Gvozdják announces
already his 19th thematical tourney Spisska Borovicka, competition for all kinds of
original problems in 2 moves (#2, =2, h#2, s#2, r=2 etc...) and showing one of the
CYCLONE themes. In addition, at least one checking defence is required.
Twins, more solutions, promoted pieces and any fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed,
but only computer-tested (C+) problems will be accepted.
The prizes & the judge: bottle & CYCLONE & other books & Peter Gvozdják.
There are two ways of entering:
You may send the entry by e-mail to Peter Gvozdják at
In that case the entry should be received latest on October 7th.
You may also give your problems at Rhodes congress personally to Peter Gvozdják.
In that case he should receive your entry before Friday October 19th, 2007, 9.30 A.M.
Jan Valuska
Special HM Slovensky dennik 1992
1.c4? th. 2.Bc2# A
1...Qf4+ a 2.Re3# B
1...Sxd5 b 2.Rf4# C
1.Qf1! th. 2.Re3# B
1...Qf4+ a 2.Rxf4# C
1...Sxd5 b 2.Bc2# A
Shedey cycle with interesting motivation. One defence is checking in both phases, the other is not.