Mates by neutral units 2

This is the first special example file for our 17th TT CCM. As this hints, in all problems below there are at least 3 different mates given by a move of a neutral unit.
Erich Bartel
feenschach 1991

1.c8nZ 2.dxc8nN(nZc1)#
1.d8nCA 2.cxd8nGI(nCAd1)#

1.c8nCA 2.dxc8nN(nCAd7)#
1.d8nZ 2.cxd8nGI(nZc7)#

All solutions contain the same idea - double check by promoting pawn and reborn captured piece. Thanks to the change of condition we have here reciprocal change of promotions. Quite skinny form, however, in my opinion.

ser-#2 (1+1+6)
2 solutions
a) Circe
b) PWC
6 neutral units
nightrider b1, giraffe a4
camel e7, zebra h8

Petko A. Petkov
PAP Miniaturen 1991

1.nCa2(R)! th. 2.nCc5(R)#
1...Ka6 2.nCd6(R)#
1...Ka4 2.nCnb4(R)#
1...nCb2(Q) 2.Ra8#

Three similar chameleon mates by double check. Chameleons are especially suitable for the creation of non-reversible moves, just like promoting pawns. Simply, the unit after making the move is no longer the same and thus it often cannot take the move back.

#2 (2+2+2)
2 neutral chameleons (bishop)

Torsten Linß
1st Prize Andernach 1992

a) 1.nSPf1nB Sc3+ 2.Kd4 nSPh8nB#

b) 1.Ke5 Sd4 2.nSPh1nB nSPb8nB#

c) 1.Kh6 Sg3 2.nSPb1nB nSPf8nB#

Excellent example of the possible flexibility of well chosen fairy elements. Superpawns can easily reach both sides of the board. They have to promote to bishops on the 1st rank to avoid check to wK and on the 8th rank to avoid possibility of running away.

Needless to say, the theme of the Andernach tourney in 1992 were bishop promotions.

Good unity in the play of wS too.

h#2 (2+5+3)
3 neutral superpawns
b) e3 -» f6
c) d5 -» g6

Petko A. Petkov
2nd Prize Schach-Echo 1979

a) 1.Gd1 e8nGI 2.Gc1 dxe8nCA(nGIe1)#

b) 1.nNd4 d8nG 2.nGe5 exd8nR(nGd1)#

c) 1.Kxc6(nNc8) d8nS+ 2.Kd7 exd8nQ(nSb8)#

d) 1.c1nN e8nB 2.nNf7 nBxf7(nNf1)#

4 orthodox and 4 different fairy promotions require 4 different types of fairy pieces on the board. The mating mechanism is already easily recognizable for you - double check by promoting and reborn neutral units.

h#2 (1+7+4)
Circe, 4 neutral units
nightrider c6, camel c4
giraffe c5, 0+2+1 grasshopper
b) h1 -» b2
c) c7 -» a8
d) d7 -» c2

Petko A. Petkov
Comm Probleemblad 1997

a) 1.a1nLE+ nLEb1 2.e1nN nLEf5#

b) 1.e1nPA nPAf1 2.a1nG nPnf5#

c) 1.d1nVA nVAc2 2.e1nZ nVAf5#

Here we see, however, something completely different and relatively new. White mates by antibattery on f5, mating neutral piece is prevented from going away by paralysis from promoted piece of the same type, thanks to Madrasi rule.

h#2 (3+7+5)
Madrasi, 5 neutral units
leo d5, vao c8, pao h5
grasshopper f7, nightrider g3, zebra e4
b) f2 -» c2
c) a2 -» d2

Manfred Rittirsch
feenschach 1997

1.nBc4 nBe6 2.nBxc8 nBb7 3.Sd7 nBxc6#

1.nRxc6 nRc1 2.nRa1 nBd3+ 3.nBb1 nRxb1#

1.b4 nBa6 2.nBb7 cxb7 3.nRa8 bxa8nB#

I have had already preselected this helpmate as an excellent example when Manfred has pointed to me too. Thanks! There are 3 neutral units on the board and to reach mate, two of them are captured by the third. Very neutral Zilahi, isn't it?

h#3 (1+11+3)
3 neutral units

Daniel Itzhaky
3rd Prize D. Nixon MT 1997

1.c7! zz
1...nSPh1nQ 2.cxd8nS nQxh6 3.nQg6 nQd6#
1...nSPh1nS 2.cxd8nQ nQxg5 3.nQf5 Gg4#
1...nSPh1nR 2.cxd8nB nRxh6 3.nBxb6 nRxb6#
1...nSPh1nB 2.cxd8nR nBc6 3.nRxc8 Rb1#
1...nSPh1nG 2.cxd8nG nGa8 3.nGxf8 nGxa3#

There is already handful of mixed Babsons mostly by Daniel Itzhaky available on CCM, this is an interesting addition to the collection. Only out of 5 mates are given by neutrals, just fulfilling the requirement for this selection. Irreversibility is ensured by Madrasi condition again. A bit too many pieces for my taste.

s#3 (8+14+2)
Maximummer, Madrasi Rex Inclusiv
2 neutral units
1+2+0 grasshopper, superpawn h5

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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