Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002 - SAT, 1st group

The preliminary award was published in the issues No. 28, 29 of the bulletin Umenie 64. The tourney was announced for any problems using SAT, Sharp SAT (definitions see in updated older file) and some other SAT forms. It was judged by SAT inventor Ladislav Salai sr. There was 76 submitted problems by 10 authors from 5 countries. He decided to split the award to 2 groups, in the first group (whose award is shown below, the award of the second group is here) there were 43 problems in basic SAT with possible use of fairy units. The comments below marked LS are by judge, these with JL are by Juraj Lörinc.
Juraj Lörinc
dedicated to Juraj Brabec
1st-4th Prize e.a. Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.pBc8? zz
1...Re3 2.Nd2# A
1...Re2 2.Nbc4# B
1...axb6 2.pRc4# C

1.pNb3? zz
1...Re4 2.N6d2# A
1...Re2 2.Nd5# D
1...axb6 2.pRc6# E

1.pRc7? zz
1...Re4 2.Nbc4# B
1...Re3 2.Nd5# D
1...axb6 2.pNc6# F

1.Nxd7! zz
1...Re4 2.pRc4# C
1...Re3 2.pRc6# E
1...Re2 2.pNc6# F

LS: "4-fold carousel change Z-43-46. Black king is triple paralysed and moreover has no 'orthodox' flight, that is created at h3. The key removes the first, the defence the second and the mate two remaining obstacles."

#2 (9+7)
SAT, 2+0 nightrider
paralysing units a1, a5, a6, b7, c2 - d1, g2

Ladislav Salai jr.
Lubos Kekely

1st-4th Prize e.a. Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Rxa6? h5 2.Rc6 dxc6 3.d7 c5 4.d8B=

1.Rf8! Sd3 2.Rg8+ Sf2 3.Rg2 Sd3 4.Rg4+ Sf2 5.Rf4 Sd3 6.Rxc4+ Sf2 7.Rf4 Sd3 8.Rg4+ Sf2 9.Rg2 Sd3 10.Rg8+ Sf2 11.Rf8 Sd3 12.Ra8+ Sf2 13.Rxa6 h5 14.Rc6 dxc6 15.d7 c5 16.d8B c4 17.Bb6 Sd3 18.Bc7+ Sf2 19.Bg3 Sd3 20.Bd6+ Sf2 21.Bc5 Sd3 22.Ba3+ Sf2 23.Bb2#
(1...h6? 14.Ra8 h5 15.Rf8 Sd3 16.Rg8+ Sf2 17.Rg1 Sh2 18.Rg2+ Sf1 19.Rxf2#)

LS: "Logical moremover. Immediate capture of bR fails thanks to stalmate. It is necessary to remove pc4 first."

#23 (6+10) (6+10)

Juraj Lörinc
dedicated to Ladislav Salai sr.
1st-4th Prize e.a. Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Rxe6? th. 2.Rxd6#

1.f5? th. 2.Nxd4#
1...Rd3 A 2.Nxd5#
1...CAf3 B 2.Rxd6#
1...CAe5 C 2.Rxc6#

1.Rg~? th. 2.Nxb4#

1.Rg3! th. 2.Nxb4#
1...Rd3 B 2.Nxd5#
1...CAf3 C 2.Rxd6#
1...CAe5 A 2.Rxc6#
1...d3 2.Rf3#

LS: "Nightriders and camels for Mlynka theme, cycle of defence motives OM-23-33. Original illustration of motives offered only by SAT. ... The value of the problem is powered by unified positive motivation of keys (unpinning of nightrider by line opening) and unified error of defences (gate opening)."

#2 (9+14)
3+0 nightrider, 0+2 camel

Lubos Kekely
1st-4th Prize e.a. Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002


1.Rd8! Re2 2.Re8+ Rd2 3.Re2 Rd3 4.Re7+ Rd2 5.Rd7 Re2 6.Rxc7+ Rd2 7.Rd7 Re2 8.Re7+ Rd2 9.Re2 Rd3 10.Re6+ Rd2 11.Rd6 Re2 12.Rxc6+ Rd2 13.Rd6 Re2 14.Re6+ Rd2 15.Re2 Rd3 16.Re5+ Rd2 17.Rd5 Re2 18.Rxc5+ Rd2 19.Rd5 Re2 20.Re5+ Rd2 21.Re2 Rd3 22.Re4+ Rd2 23.Rd4 Re2 24.Rxc4+ Rd2 25.Rd4 Re2 26.Re4+ Rd2 27.Re2 Rd3 28.Re3+ Rd2 29.Rd3 Re2 30.Rxg3+ Rd2 31.Rd3 Re2 32.Rxh3+ Rd2 33.Rxh2 Sh4 34.Rxd2#

LS: "Duel of rooks in SAT. 6 move cycles are necessary to remove guard from d3, white rook threats many times the mate on d2. Paradoxical mating finale makes this mate possible at last."

Bojan Basic reported shorter dual:
26.Rxa4+ Rd2 27.Rd4 Re2 28.a4! h1=Q 29.Rxd1+ Kb1 30.Rxh1 and 31.Rc1# (or 29... cxd1=~ 30.Ra3#)

#34 (5+13)

Karol Mlynka
5th Prize Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.a8B! th. 2.Bc6#
1...Rff6+, Sef6+
2.SKxb5R#, SKb6S#

1.a8B! th. 2.Bc6#
1...Rfg3+, Seg3+
2.SKxb5R#, SKb6S#

1.a8B! th. 2.Bc6#
1...Rfc3+, Sec3+
2.SKxb5R#, SKb6S#

LS: "... Z-32-62 with excelling supertransmuting king. The king after abdication mates as rook and knight the same way after different defences. Unique symbiosis of this special king and SAT..."

JL: "It seems the author and the judge have the same opinion about treating the checking piece in SAT - it is the unit who made the checking move..."

Unfortunately, Bojan Basic 3.8.2010 reported a defect in all phases:
1...Se4~! is always refutation as it provides anticipatory flight to wK at c5, thereby making the threat mate self-check.

#2 (4+7)
supertransmuting king d5
b) h8 -» h2
c) h8 -» a1

Lubos Kekely
1st HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Bh6! Ba3 2.Rg5+ Bc1 3.Rg4 Ba3 4.f4+ Bc1 5.f5 Ba3 6.Rf4+ Bc1 7.Rf3 Ba3 8.Re3+ Bc1 9.Re2 b3 10.Rxc2+! (10.Bxc1+? Ka2!) bxc2 11.Bxc1#

LS: "The moremover with rich content. ..."

JL: "I didn't reproduce wrong lines of white play."

#11 (11+8)

Juraj Lörinc
dedicated to Peter Gvozdják
2nd HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Rxc3? th. 2.Qxf8+ A cBxf8#
1...Ra4 2.Bxe7+ B cNxe7#

1.Qxb3? th. 2.Bxe7+ B cNxe7#
1...Ra4 2.Rxd7+ C cNxd7#

1.Bxg3! th. 2.Rxd7+ C cNxd7#
1...Ra4 2.Qxf8+ A cBxf8#

LS: "Selfmate with three phases in super exotic cloth. Author uses (besides more usual pieces) dummys and capturing units. This arsenal supplies life to classical Ukrainian cycle. The author dedicates the problem to Peter Gvozdjak due to well known reasons (Cyclone). ..."

s#2 (5+14)
0+2 nightrider, 0+3 camel (b3), 0+3 dummy (d7)
capturing unit b3, b8, c3, c8, g3, h6

Lubos Kekely
3rd HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002


1.Se3! Ba4 2.Sd5+ Bc2 3.Sb4 Bd1 4.Sxc6+! Bc2 5.Sb4 Ba4 6.Sd5+ Bc2 7.Se3 Ba4 8.Sf5+ Bc2 9.Sxg7! c6 (10.Sh5? gxh5 11.g6 h4 12.g7=) 10.Sf5 gxf5 11.g6 f4 12.g7 f3 13.g8Q f2 14.Qc4 Bh7 15.Qxc1#

LS: "Logical moremover with fight against stalemate."

#15 (5+9)

Juraj Lörinc
dedicated to Ladislav Salai jr.
4th HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Bh1? th. 2.Rg5! th. 3.LIg2+ Be4#

1.Bg2! th. 2.LIg1! th. 3.LIg5+ Bf5#
1...Wf7 2.LId7! th. 3.LId2+ Bd3#
1...Wa8 2.LIxb7! th. 3.LIf3+ Be4#

LS: "Selfmate with unusual assistence of fairy units. The closing of white linemover by lion allows bK two orthodox moves - doble check. Defences of bB activate new lion lines. There is also an excellent thematical try with analogical threat. I appreciate quiet threat and attacks. The composition full of exotic spirit - maybe too much for my taste."

s#3 (8+10)
1+0 lion, 0+2 wazir, 1+2 bishop lion

Lubos Kekely
5th HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Ka1? Rd3+!

1.Sd5! th. 2.Sxb4#
1...Rxd5 2.Bd8 th. 3.Bxa5#,
2...Sc4 3.Bf6+ Sa5 4.Bc3 th. 5.Bxb4#,
4...Rd4 5.Bxb4+ Rxb4 6.Ka1 th. 7.c4#

LS: "SAT metamorphosis in logical moremover."

#7 (4+12)

Lubos Kekely
6th HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.a3 Rxa3 2.Bf2 Re3#

1.c3 Rxb4 2.Bf3 Re4#

1.e6 Rg7 2.Bg2+ Rxg2#

1.Sg7 Rh8 2.Qh2+ Rxh2#

LS: "Two pairs of crystal-clear analogical solutions. ... The first sight hints that everything is simply mechanical, but detailed studying proves that SAT has its original possibilities in helpmates."

JL: "I agree - but one white rook is unused in all 4 solutions! Perhaps the form of 2+2 solution would be more appropriate."

h#2 (3+10)

Milan Ondrus
7th HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.g4 Bxf6 2.Rc7 Bxe5#

1.b4 Rxc5 2.Bd7 Rxd5#

LS: "Assisted by all black units the author realised difficult joining of analogous moves. ..."

JL: "I didn't get the idea of the comment... in any case, white playing pieces sleep sweetly in the other phase."

h#2 (7+16)

Lubos Kekely
Special HM Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.d6 a2 2.Be6 a5 3.Bxd7 a4 4.Be6 c4 5.Bxc4 a3 6.Bxa2 Kxa2 7.d7 Ka1 8.d8=Q a2 9.Qa5 Kb2 10.Ka1 wins

LS: "The first study in SAT. ... "

+ (7+6)

Karol Mlynka
1st Comm Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.h8S! th. 2.Sg6#
1...Sa4~+ 2.SKd6S#
1...Be2+ 2.SKc6B#
1...d5+ 2.SKb6P#

1.c5! th. 2.c6#
1...Sa4~+ 2.SKc6S#
1...Be2+ 2.SKb6B#

LS: "Once again supertransmuting king. More humble than in 5th Prize. Change of mates Z-22-24."

#2 (7+7)
1+0 supertransmuting king
b) a5 «-» b5

Oleg Paradzinskij
2nd Comm Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Re8+ Bg2 2.Rb8 Be5 3.d6 h4 4.dxe5 h5 5.e4 h6 6.e3 h7 7.e2 h8R 8.e1S Rg8 9.Sxg2+ R8xg2==

LS: "Known motive of disappearance of the last mobile unit, here with promotions on both sides. ... Will it be difficult to find the schemes for more solutions?" This intention is however cooked as uncovered by Bojan Basic: 1.Re1+ Bg2 2.Re8 Bc7 3.b6 Bxb6+ 4.Rb8 Bc7 5.Rb3 Be5 6.Rxh3 Bf4 7.Rxh2+ Bxh2==. Note the way black pawn d7 is immobilized - it is even more interesting than in the intended solution!

h==9 (6+5)

Milan Ondrus
3rd Comm Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002

1.Rh2! zz
1...g1~ 2.Bb4+ Rd4#
1...b4 2.Rg4+ Bf3#

LS: "... To be mated, white must unpin black linemover and guard thematical square, double check would be mistake. The variations are analogous, but I miss a third variation for higher distinction."

s#2 (6+6)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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