Warszawa 2002 C 27.4.2002 - announcement

It is nice and already usual habit to run quick composing tourneys as an additional competition to the weekend competitions in solving chess problems. The Polish solving championship is this year accompanied by two tourneys led and judged by Waldemar Tura. As the tourneys aren't bound to taking part at solving competition, they are opened to everyone and perhaps some Internet connected composers can come with interesting entries.

Group 1
s#3-4 with the following theme: Black defends in at least two variations by interfering the line of own piece.

Group 2
h#2-3 with the following theme: Two phases with pawn sacrifices. Thematical units may be of any colour and number. Two solutions, twins, set play are allowed, no zeroposition.

The entries should be handed to judge and director Waldemar Tura at the Polish championship in solving before 20:00 27.4.2002 or sent by e-mail to wtura@adamow.szkoly.edu.pl before 24:00 25.4.2002. The results will be announced at the closing ceremony of championship and they will be published in the magazine Rozmaitosci Szachowe.

Official examples are the first s#3 by Waldemar Tura and the h#3 by Stefan Parzuch. Other examples of thematical s#3 that I searched in Album FIDE 1992-1994 see below, there are at least two other examples already published on CCM:
s#4 by Andrej Selivanov & Valerij A. Kirillov,
h#2 by Juraj Lörinc.

Waldemar Tura
Warszawa 2002

1.Sa3! th. 2.Qd3+ Qxd3 3.Sb1+ Qxb1#
1...Rg6 2.Qc6+ Rxc6 3.Sb1+ Qxb1#
(2.Qd3??#! - closing of bQh7 line)
1...Rf5 2.Sb5+ Rxb5 3.Qc2+ Qxc2#
(2.Qd3??#! - closing of bQh7 line)

s#3 (7+8)

Hartmut Laue
1st Prize feenschach 1992

1.Sg1! th. 2.Qg4+ Kxg4, hxg4 3.Rxe4+, Bxf6+ Bxe4#, Rxf6#
1...Bc6 2.Qxf6+ Kg4 3.Rxe4+ Bxe4#
(2...hxg4! 3.Bxf6#?? - closing of bRb6 line)
1...Rc6 2.Qxe4+ Sxe4 3.Bxf6+ Rxf6#
(2...Kxg4! 3.Rxe4#?? - closing of bBb7 line)

F16 in Album FIDE 1992-1994 with 9 points.

s#3 (10+12)

Zivko Janevski
3rd Prize Probleemblad 1992

1.Sc7? th. 2.Qg6+ Qxg6#, 1...Se4! 2.e8R R4b6!

1.e8R? th. 2.Qg6+ Qxg6#, 1...Re4! 2.Sc7 R3b6!

1.c6! th. 2.g8B+ Ke8 3.Qg6+ Qxg6#
1...Se4 2.e8R! (th. 3.Qxf6+ Sxf6#) S~ 3.Qg6+ Qxg6#
(3.Qg6#?? - closing of bQc2 line)
1...Re4 2.Sc7! (th. 3.Qe6+ Rxe6#) R~ 3.Qg6+ Qxg6#
(3.Qg6#?? - closing of bQc2 line)

F17 in Album FIDE 1992-1994 with 8 points.

s#3 (10+13)

Waldemar Tura
1st Prize Sakkelet 1994

1.g8B! th. 2.Bxe6+ Sxe6 3.Qd5+ Bxd5#
1...Rf3 2.Sb2+ (Qd3+?) Qxb2 3.Qd3+ Rxd3#
(3.Qd5#?? - closing of bBh1 line)
1...Rg2 2.Qd3+ (Sb2+?) Qxd3 3.Sb2+ Rxb2#
(3.Qd5#?? - closing of bBh1 line)
1... Sf3 2.Rb4+ (Qxd4+?) cxb4 3.Qxd4+ Sxd4#
(3.Qd5#?? - closing of bBh1 line)
1...Sd5 2.Qxd4+ (Rb4+?) cxd4 3.Rb4+ Sxb4#
(here the defence motive is different)
F29 in Album FIDE 1992-1994 with 8,5 points.

s#3 (10+15)

Stefan Parzuch
HM Sokolow Podlaski 2001

Set: 1...e3! 2.dxe3 Kc2 3.Kd4 Se6#

1.Sd6 e4! 2.dxe4 Sd7+ 3.Kd5 Sf4#

h#3* (4+6)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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