35th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 10.10.2014
Already in the announcement of the 34th TT CCM I have written about some good luck when I had been looking for people willing to judge TTs of CCM. In the meantime I started a kind of initiative for re-popularization of genres with antagonistic aims of sides. In my seasonal greetings for Christmas 2013 and New Year 2014 I have also said:
I'd like to encourage all of you to dedicate
more composing energy to problems with antagonistic stipulations
(direct #, s#, r# etc.) as oposed to helpplay. I am in no way against
helpplay (being editor of h# section should be good enough
evidence...), but I have a feeling that antagonistic genres are
currently somewhat malnourished because of the general shift of
composers away from them. Do not let them suffer, please.
In this respect I am happy to have selfmate theme for the previous 34th TT CCM and now a directmate theme for the 35th TT CCM. Actually the theme was suggested by the judge.
Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for fairy threemovers (#3) with Siers battery.
Judge: Ladislav Salai jr. (Slovakia)
Any fairy pieces and/or any fairy conditions are allowed. The tourney might be divided to multiple sections if enough problems are received and again, depending on the opinion of the judge.
Entries should be sent by email to juraj.lorinc@gmail.com
before October 10th, 2014. The award will be published at Chess Composition Microweb.
Please, let know your friends about our competition!
Strucny slovensky preklad temy: Turnaj je vypisany pre exo trojtazky, v ktorych sa vyskytuje Siersova bateria.
Siers battery definition
To avoid any confusion, let's define Siers battery. We can use the definition from the Encyclopedia of chess problems by M. Velimirovic and K. Valtonen:
The front piece, in moving off the battery-line, gives a flight square and, after the enemy King moves there, moves again, but not back to its starting square, to give a mate.
In the orthodox threemovers the most popular thematic pieces is Knight, but Rook and Bishop are sometimes used too. In the fairy threemovers there are many unexplored possibilities, both front pieces and motivations.
At CCM there are already at least three thematical examples:
- by Juraj Lörinc - uses Chinese pieces and shows change of 4 variations
- by Sven Trommler - uses Circe and shows specific motivation of defence and errors
- by Juraj Lörinc - uses Chinese pieces and shows line switching theme (theme of Juraj Lörinc 40 Jubilee Tourney)
We had 21 problems competing in the tourney, submitted by 12 authors:
- Michael Barth (Germany)
- Bas de Haas (Netherlands)
- Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
- Harald Grubert (Germany)
- Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia)
- Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
- Dieter Müller (Germany)
- Franz Pachl (Germany)
- Hans Peter Rehm (Germany)
- Raffi Ruppin (Israel)
- Sven Trommler (Germany)
- Kjell Widlert (Sweden)
And here are the winners: the award by Ladislav Salai jr..
Send any claims against this award to Juraj Lörinc before February 20th, 2015, please.
Comments to
Juraj Lörinc.
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