Award of 25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of regular TT of WCCC, this time already the 25th edition. This year, the theme was the following: At least one defence or refutation is played on the same square as the threat.

(Note that no additional cyclic requirement was set. For more information see the announcement.)

After many years I did not stick to any cyclic theme, rather did I propose a paradoxical idea that I had in my mind for years.

Now it seems to me as a right decision. I received 23 entries by 17 authors from 11 countries. And not only quantity was higher, so was the quality, too!

Of course I expected something more than just fulfilling the theme.

And defences just stopping the pawn are quite simple. Such (record?) renderings got the Commendations.

On the other hand, HMs and Prizes show much more.

It is worth looking at them!

Peter Gvozdják, Batumi, September 27, 2013.

Alain Bienabe
2nd Commendation
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.g8Q! th. 2.e6#
1...Se6 2.Re4#
1...Be6 2.Qf2#
1...Re6 2.Sb5#
1...Qe6 2.Sc2#
1...e6 2.Qxc5#

5 thematic variations with 5 different pieces as defences.

#2 (12+8)

Sebastien Luce
1st Commendation
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

Fairy pieces:
   grasshopper f3, h6 - d4
   lion c2
   zebra c8
   camel g3
   alfil h4
   giraffe + pawn a2, a4
   camel + pawn b2, b4
   dabbaba + pawn c3
   4:5 leaper + dabbaba f8
   0:3 leaper + pawn c6
   0:5 leaper + 3:3 leaper f1
   1:5 leaper + 2:6 leaper g1
   2:4 leaper d2

1.f6? th. 2.Bh7#

1.Bh7! th. 2.f6#
1...ALf6 2.Sf2#
1...(1,5)+(2,6)f6 2.GI+Pa3#
1...CAf6 2.Sxd2#
1...(0,5)+(3,3)f6 2.DA+Pc4#
1...f6 2.Ge6#
1...(4,5)+DAf6 2.CA+Pb3#
1...(2,4)f6 2.LIg2#
1...Gf6 2.Rd3#
1...(0,3)+Pf6 2.CA+Pb5#
1...Zf6 2.GI+Pa5#

10 thematic variations after wP threat, but the zoo is really exotic.

#2 (14+14)

Rodolfo Riva
5th HM
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1...Kc6 2.LOxe6-f7+ Sf6#

1.Sb5! th. 2.c6+ Se5#
1...LOxb5-c6 2.LOxe7-d8+ Ke5#
1...Bc6 2.LOxc3-d3+ Kc4#
1...Kc6 2.LOxe6-f5+ Sf6#

Selfmate with three varations, plus changed set play.

s#2 (10+13)
4+4 locust

James Quah
4th HM
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.Se2 ! th. 2.e4#
1...Be4 2.Nxd6#
1...Re4 2.Rxg5#
(necessary additional motif: unguard g5. 2.axb8QN?/Nxd6? Re7!/Kg4! triple avoidance)
1...Ne4 2.axb8QN#
1...QNe4 2.Sd4#
(necessary additional motif: unguard d4. 2.axb8QN? QNxb8! dual avoidance)
1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3#

Four thematic defences, some of them with interesting dual- and triple-avoidance.

#2 (11+11)
quintessence g5
3+2 nightrider

Václav Kotesovec
3rd HM
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.c3? th. 2.Ge5# A
1...e5! a

1.c4? th. 2.b4# B
1...Gb4! b

1.NHf8! th. 2.Bb6#
1...e5 a 2.b4# B
1...Gb4 b 2.Ge5# A
1...Gd6 2.Gc5#
1...BHc4+ 2.Sxc4#

Hannelius theme.

#2 (12+9)
1+2 nightrider-hopper (b6)
1+2 grasshopper (e7), 1+3 bishopper

Jean-Marc Loustau
2nd HM
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.Qb7! th. 2.Sc6#
1...Rec6 2.Se6#
1...Sc6 2.Be7#
1...Qc6 2.Qd7#
1...Rcc6 2.Qc8#
(1...Ba7 2.Qc7#)

Four unified anticirce variations in an attractive position.

Author's comment: 4 thematic variations, showing the 2 forms of Umnov theme (the black move being Umnov 1 and Umnov 2, and the mate being Umnov 1, so in fact we get 4 chains of Umnov 1 theme), in a quite light setting.

#2 (5+11)
Anticirce type Cheylan

Juraj Lörinc
1st HM
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.LEf4? th. 2.LEf3#
1...LExf1 x 2.LExf1#

1.Ra6? th. 2.LEd3# A
1...LEf3 a 2.LExf3# B
1...LEd3 b 2.Qxa1# C
1...LExf1 x 2.Qxa1#

1.Bb3! th. 2.LEf3# B
1...LEf3 a 2.Qxa1# C
1...LEd3 b 2.LExd3# A
1...LExf1 x 2.LExf1#

Shedey cycle with 1+1 thematic defences.
Furthermore, a third phase with thematic refutation.
And a non-thematic three-phase changed mate.

#2 (15+7)
3+2 leo, 4+0 dabbaba

Michael Barth
4th Prize
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.Rxb4(Ra1)? A th. 2.Qb4# B
1...Rb4 a 2.axb4(Pb2)# C

1.axb4(Pb2)! C th. 2.Rb4# A
1...Rb4 a 2.Qxb4(Qd1)# B
(1...EAc4 2.b3#)

Djurasevic cycle with all W and B thematic moves on the same square.
Pity, that the EAgles and paralyzing pieces were needed.

#2 (8+10)
1+1 lion, 0+3 eagle
paralysing units a5, g3, h8 - e6, f1, f5, h4, h5

Emil Klemanic
3rd Prize
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.LExb2? th. 2.Rb4# A
1...PAb4 a 2.Rc3# B
1...Sd5 b 2.Rxc5# C
1...PAc3 c 2.Rxd4# D

1.LEa3! th. 2.Rc3# B
1...PAb4 a 2.Rxc5# C
1...Sd5 b 2.Rxd4# D
1...PAc3 c 2.Rb4# A
1...VAd4~ 2.LExa6#

Completely original 4-fold Shedey cycle.
However, only 1+1 defences are thematic.

#2 (9+14)
4+0 leo, 1+3 pao, 0+4 vao

Michael Barth
Sven Trommler

2nd Prize
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.Bxg3(Pd3)? th. 2.GNb3# A
1...Bxg3(Bb3) 2.GNd7# B

1.Bxg3(Pd5)? th. 2.GNd7# B
1...Bxg3(Bd7) 2.GNh5# C
1...d4 2.GNf2#

1.Bxg3(Pf5)? th. 2.GNh5# C
1...Bxg3(Bh5) 2.GNf1# D

1.Bxg3(Pf3)! th. 2.GNf1# D
1...Bxg3(Bf1) 2.GNb3# A
1...f2 2.GNxf2(d4)#

A good contribution to the question what is the same move and what is not.
In my opinion, the problem cannot be seen as 4-fold Ukraininan cycle.
Once we consider the 4 keys on c7-g3 different (and they are!), then we must do the same with the defence(s) b8-g3.
Anyhow, simple and beautiful.

#2 (6+10)
Super Circe
4+0 gnu

Jean-Marc Loustau
1st Prize
25th TT Spisska Borovicka C 26.9.2013

1.Sc7! th. 2.Se8#
   not 2.Sd5+? Kxf5!(Ke8)
   not 2.Bxd1(Bf1)+ Kxf7!(Ke8)
   not 2.Kg5?? self-check (e8 is free)
1... Re8 2.Sd5#
   not 2.Bxd1(Bf1)+ Qxf7(Qd8) : d8 is UNBLOCKED!
   not 2.Kg5+ Re1+! : e1 is BLOCKED!
1... Se8 2.Bxd1(Bf1)#
   not 2.Kg5?? Self-check by Ph6 : g7 is UNBLOCKED!
   not 2.Sd5+ Qg1! : g1 is BLOCKED!
1... Be8 2.Kg5#
   not 2.Sd5+ cxd5(d7) : d7 is UNBLOCKED!
   not 2.Bxd1(Bf1)+ Rd1! : d1 is BLOCKED!
1... Kxf5(Ke8) 2 Rxb1(Rh1)#

By far the best problem in the tournament.
Just in single phase, it shows highly original cyclic trial-avoidance idea:
In each of 3 main variations, one of the mates in disabled because of unblocking Black rebirth square, and the other one because of unblocking White rebirth square.
Plus an extra thematic K defence (with rebirth on the threat square) is added.
May not so difficult to build, but highy original and impressive.

#2 (10+13)
Anticirce type Cheylan

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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